
Wednesday 5 September 2012

Studio Miniatures' Zombies 15 - Cops

Confession time. I have had this batch of figures painted and ready to review for a couple of months but it is only now that I have gotten round to reviewing them. They are the Studio Miniatures "To Kill and Serve" set of four 28mm scale scale zombie cops. I feel guilty about waiting so long to post this review as I love Studio Minis. Incidentally, I finished painting these just after I'd finished playing my Assault on Precinct 13 scenario, which is why they didn't make an appearance there.
The set consists of a sergeant and three patrolmen. At the far left of my two photos is the sergeant and you can see his sergeant's arm stripes better on the reverse view of him. He is slightly overweight, which is a nice touch as he probably spends most of his time behind a desk than out on the streets. Note his senior status is reinforced by the fact that he is the only one out of this group to wear a long-sleeved shirt and a tie. I painted his hair and moustache grey to further show that he is a veteran member of the force. I have painted him with a blood covered right hand. Whether it is his own blood or that of a victim is uncertain.
Next up is undoubtedly the "star" figure of this set. He has a pair of handcuffs, one half of which is tied to his right wrist, whilst the other half is still attached to the hand and lower arm of whoever he had arrested. There is a slight possibility that the arm dangling from the handcuffs may be his own, seeing as his left arm has been severed at the elbow. I find that possibility stretches credibility a bit too far. He is definitely one zombie you won't forget in a hurry.
Third in line is an African/Anerican patrolman shuffling forward with his head bowed. This figure just screams "shambler". It is a simple and rather boring-looking pose, but actually, is very effective. Although he bears no obvious wounds he is still, unmistakably, a zombie. I smeared his mouth, chin and neck with blood to show he had been feeding recently. Some of the blood has dripped down and covered his belt buckle.
Finally, is a zombie staggering along with a serious leg wound, which is particularly noticable when you look at him from behind. His pose perfectly captures the way he is limping unsteadily as if his right leg can barely support his weight. He also has a very long gash in his lower left arm, which is probably a knife wound.
This set is up to Studio Miniatures' usual high standards and they are a must for any zombie horde. Even if your zombie apocalypse isn't centred in America, you could still use these as zombie cops in most countries of the world. I imagine these guys will now be hanging out in the Mayhem City Precinct 13 Police Station.
This set of four figures retails at £12.99 from Studio's webstore. Next time, I'll be reviewing yet more Studio zombie goodness. See you on Sunday.


  1. Another bunch of zombie loveliness!

  2. Even if these guys missed your Assault on Precinct 13, I am sure they will see some action after your campaign re-start. They would fit perfectly into the first days or weeks of Z-Apoc. Lovely miniatures.

    Whiteface / Oliver

    1. Oh, I can guarantee that these guys will see some action soon, Oliver. They're just far too nice not to use in a game.

  3. I like your take on those. Black seems really well done.

    1. Cheers, Mathyoo. I use black on all of my street cops.

  4. Nicely done Bryan. They all look great

  5. They are bloody nice, I do miss 28mm zombie madness every now and again, damn nice work Bryan.

    1. I know just how you feel to give up something you once loved, Fran.

  6. I love these, wonderfully sculpts and nicely done Sir.

    1. There surely is something special about Studio's sculpts, Mike.

  7. Great paintjobs. This is a great set of zombies, and I'll be posting my own versions soon as well. A shame they came out right after your assault on Precinct 13.

    1. Agreed, Adam. The timing of their release was unfortunate but I will still use them.

  8. Actually...Quite fitting that they are ready just after what happened at Precint 13....

    Good review again mate. I really like to hear your point of view concerning zeds.

    1. Given the amount of cops who died in that scenario, I take your point, Johnny.

  9. Vampifan I know you have the horrorclix zombies and the wargame factory zombies. How do they compare in scale? Looking at ordering the wargame factory and having a hard time figuring out where the fall in terms of scale.

    Thanks for any help

    1. I'm sorry to have to tell you, Mindfad, that the two ranges do not match up scalewise. The Wargames Factory figures are 28mm in size, whilst the Horrorclix figures are closer to 35mm in height. Obviously, with the Horrorclix range there is more variety in sizes depending upon the figures but they are what most gamers would class as being "heroically scaled." Personally, I don't mind mixing scales but I do know that not everyone feels the same way.
