
Sunday 7 October 2012

The Ballad of Team Vampifan

I had today's post all planned out when right out of the blue I received an e-mail from Bob/Irqan, who clearly has far too much time on his hands, as he sent me this wonderful piece of poetry/song writing. As soon as I read it I knew that this had to be shared with a wider audience. So, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you -

The Ballad of Team Vampifan 

(To the tune of: ‘My Old Man’s a Dustman’)

Oh, Vampifan's a fighter, he carries a great big gun.
With Big Sil, Gap and Cat, killing zeds is fun.
He fights his way through Mayhem and saving all he finds.
Slaughtering zeds and gangers no matter what the kind.

They burst their way from Mayhem in his trusty truck,
By passing all the soldiers they didn’t give a fuh (hoot).
Dodging guns and riots it was all the rage,
If he had a shotgun it’d have to be 12 gauge.


Her hair was red and shiny, she was quite a catch.
For fighting Sil and Angie, it was quite a match,
But fate had cast his dice rolls, and oh dear me, oh my,
Whilst skirmishing clowns and zombies poor Angie had to die.


Big Sil he took to drinking until he got a buzz,
But later on that evening he was picked up by the fuzz.
Now Vampi took to saving him and it was quiet a blast,
For at the coppers station he nailed his colours to the mast.


Now Vampi fought right bravely to lead them all away,
His rifle, guns and pistols kept the zeds at bay.
Although they were in danger as Killer Clowns gave chase,
Vampi and his valiant gang brought them home to base.


It was in the early morning that sounded a death knell,
Because the place that was their base was about to turn to hell.
Vampi and his brave, stout gang, they had swallowed their last breath,
When Sunny and his Killer Klowns saw them to their death.


Now you may ask of whom I am to sing you of this man,
For I am a survivor with Vampi I have ran.
I thank the stars each evening and on the strike of dawn,
‘Cause me and my companions, we are the family Vaughn.


How cool is that? When Bob commented on my "Sunny's Revenge" batrep, he did say, "I'm sure Jamie has a musical bent and will write the 'Ballad of Team Vampifan' that they'll sing in their new base when the wine and beer flows freely again!" To my complete and utter surprise "Jamie" did just that. I have never had a poem written for me before and I was so thrilled by Bob's effort here. It just made my day. Many, many thanks, Bob!


  1. But Looooool
    !!! :D

    Spectacular!! :D

  2. That is absolutely amazing!

    And well deserved on the late Team Vampifan!!

  3. I grovel in unworthiness at the altar of VtG and ItM!!!

    (That's Vampifan the Great and his new sidekick "Irqan the Musical!")

    Well done Bob! And well done Bryan for providing such inspirational material!

  4. Bahahaha ! put another shrimp on the BBQ...

  5. Doggerel at its very best (erm... worst ?)

  6. Now we just need someone with guitar playing skills and a singing voice ;)

  7. Marvelous work here, I just read it with the music on the background.... Simply fantastic!! :)

    1. All the praise must go to Bob for writing this.
