
Wednesday 10 October 2012

Victory Force Armed Office Workers

In my July 2012 Monthly Musings I told you about a parcel of goodies that I received from Ernie Huff in America. Amongst the stuff he sent me were five Victory Force 28mm scale Armed Office Workers with Gear from their SuburbaKnights range. He also sent me a Wizkids 28mm scale figure of Glimmer from The Hunger Games. I recently finished painting them and so, here they are.
At the far left of my photos is the leader of this group of office worker survivors. He is fat, balding and has rosy cheeks and to me, is an obvious managerial type. All five figures are armed with the 5.56mm M16 Assault Rifle, meaning they are well equipped to take on the zombie scourge. He is also armed with a knife or bayonet in a scabard. Wrapped around the back strap of his shoulder bag is a piece of cloth that could be almost anything - a small tent, a raincoat, a towel or something else entirely.
Next up is the sole female of the group and she is depicted firing her Assault Rifle from the hip. She has a knife tucked into her right boot. Around her waist on a khaki belt are a few pouches and a water bottle. Her handbag is slung over her left shoulder.
One of the things that I love about this set is the fact that the figures are all different heights, as you would expect to find in real life. The female is obviously the smallest (28mm tall) and this guy is the tallest (35mm tall). I painted him as a dark African/American. He is carrying a fair bit of gear - two shoulder bags, a sleeping bag and a knife.
The blond guy has ditched his jacket. It must be a warm day as he is also wearing sunglasses. He is the best armed out of the group, as he also carries a pistol and a machete. He is equipped with a knapsack, a shoulder bag and a torch, which is clipped onto his shoulder bag.
The second African/American in the group is not as dark-skinned as his colleague. He is more coffee-coloured. (I love my Foundry flesh paints!) He carries a large shoulder bag, upon which is attached a water bottle and a small spade.
At the far right of my two photos is Glimmer, one of the contestants from The Hunger Games, but also a very useful survivor. She was a pre-painted collectible figure but I have repainted her with a much more detailed paint scheme, although I have stuck to the original colours for the most part. You don't see many survivor types armed with bow and arrows, so I was very happy to receive her. Silent weapons like her Short Bow are perfect zombie killers. I have included her in this review, simply because she was part of the parcel that Ernie sent me and it made sense to group them all together.
If Ernie hadn't sent me the armed office workers I would have bought them anyway. I think they are a terrific group of survivors to use in a zombie apocalypse game. Team Vampifan would welcome them with open arms. This set of five figures costs $17.95 from the Victory Force webstore. You can buy each figure individually at a cost of $4.00 per figure. Also, do note that these figures are available without the gear on and just carrying the firearms, both as a set and as individuals. I actually prefer them with the gear on. I have no idea of the price or availability of the Glimmer figure. I have seen her advertised on eBay for about $10.00.


  1. Ohhh, more brain food! They look so good. Thanks for letting me know where to get them (I shall see how poor I am after SELWG) Cheers Mate.

    1. Brain food? Well, that's one way of looking at them! Chuckle!
      Best of luck at SELWG, Clint. I wish I could make it to one of the big shows.

  2. Cool office workers. I might need to pick those up - I like VF minis.

    1. I'm rather fond of the stuff that VF make as well.

  3. Nice set of survivors there Bryan. I like the fact they are carrying typical survival gear, bags bedrolls etc makes them seem more realistic. Really like the Glimmer miniature I have a thing for modern survivors for Bows and Crossbows. I'm Off to see what else they have in that range of figures

    1. They really do look like survivors, don't they? The Glimmer figure is one of 36, I believe. Most of this range are unarmed civilian types. If you want the Katriss figure (heroine of the film and shown firing a bow) be prepared to pay silly money for her! You have been warned.

  4. Well done, as usual! I'm always amazed at the volume of work you manage to turn out and the consistently high quality. Keep it up.

    1. Thanks, Ironmonk. I guess I can produce so much by having a lot of spare time on my hands. Don't worry, I do plan on keeping it up.

  5. All I can say is "Awesome"! Great paint job and character descriptions. I, like you, like the range in heights. People do come in all shapes and sizes. Take the fight back to the killer clowns now. LOL


    1. Hi, Ernie. It was a labour of love painting these figures as they are such great sculpts. I am looking forward to them making an appearance in my new FFO campaign. Yes, those darned Killer Klowns need putting down for good. Things will be very different the next time the two sides meet!

      Once again, I am very grateful to you for posting these to me.

  6. Hmm. I wonder how long a bunch of mostly REP3s like this would last in ATZ? Also I'd like to know who is handing out M-16s to desk jockeys :-) ?!

    1. It depends if they're classed as Civilians or Survivors. As Civilians, they would have far less chance of surviving than as Survivors. Civilians do tend to run away a lot.

      I reckon Walmart must be having a sale on the rifles - buy one, get one free!

    2. I thought of a couple of different backgrounds for them. One is that they were on a business trip got stranded in an airport and started walking back home to family and friends. The other is that they were what was left of an office staff, that had no one to go home to, and barricaded their office building and waited until the food (vending machines) ran out. Hungry they had to go out and see what they could forage.

      They could have picked up the M-16’s up from a military barricade that did not hold in their last stand against the zombie horde.

    3. Good thinking, Ernie. Both are very plausible scenarios. I may have to "borrow" one of your ideas when I do introduce this group in my campaign.

  7. This is an excellent group of figures and when I first saw them I wondered whether the equipped ones would be better than the the merely armed ones - I have the answer now.

    1. Joe, I like these far better than the office workers without the gear. These look like they mean business!

  8. I have the middle figure of your group, but haven't finished with his paint job yet. I actually ordered the version withou the extra gear, but received the geared up one by accident. In the end, I think I like the geared version better for the apocalypse, and if I use him in my scenario, it will be a survivor my group comes across a few weeks into the scenario, so he has to be carrying his supplies with him.

    Yours are very nicely painted, and I do like your multiple African skin tones. I've loved my Foundry paints so far, but do need to expand on my line.

    1. That's a good idea for how to use your armed office worker. I'm going to do the same with my group.

      I bought myself a load of Foundry paints last Christmas when they had a 20% discount sale. I made sure that I bought their Flesh paints big boxed set after being thoroughly pissed off with Games Workshop for withdrawing so many of their flesh paints. I can now paint characters from any etnicity, so I'm a very happy bunny.

  9. Bloody lovely set of figures and I've just read the last batrep....colour me shocked!

    1. Thanks and you weren't the only one to be shocked, Fran!

  10. This was a great review of some really helpful models for the genre, thank you!

    I can see these minis in any sort of post-apocalyptic setting, so, this was a great find.

    1. They are ideal for any post apoc setting, Varangian. But I think they are most at home dealing with zombie hordes.

  11. Good painting and useful information, as always!
