
Sunday 18 November 2012

ATZ-FFO Vampifan Background

The big news at Chez Vampifan is that I have started playing my ATZ-FFO campaign. As it is still ongoing, I thought I'd answer the questions found in the section, Who You Are in the Day One scenario. Note that this scenario can be downloaded for free from the THW website. I'll start off with a couple of photos of the new Team Vampifan just to show you how they have changed from the old ATZ-BDTZ campaign.
For Vampifan, I removed the water bottle from the front left of his belt and replaced it with a katana. I also added a small leather pouch in front of his holster. The katana came from my spare parts box and the pouch was sculpted on with Green Stuff modelling putty.
Angie has had a dagger in a sheath added to her lower right leg. It, and the two straps holding it place, were made out of Green Stuff.
Big Sill used to be a knife fighter in the BDTZ campaign. Not anymore. Instead he has acquired the Rage Attribute and I gave him a machete for his melee weapon. The machete, that can be seen on the front left of his belt was also made out of Green Stuff.
Gap has had his M16 Assault Rifle glued in place. It was previously stuck on with a blob of Blu-Tac. I also added a rifle strap made out of Green Stuff to hold it in place.
They were all simple conversions that help to redefine my characters.
So, let's take a closer look at Vampifan. He is single and does not have any children. He is 35 years old.
Vampifan works as the manager and graphic designer of a computer games company called Vampisoft. (I have my brother to thank for coming up with that name). Whilst his job is primarily office-based and sedentary, he does get out and about when he can and he does regular exercise. Unfortunately, much of the good he does by exercising is negated by his unhealthy diet.
Whilst Vampifan has never served in the military, he does have experience with guns. He is a member of the Springvale Gun Club, which he attends once per week. He is also a student of kendo, although his sword skills are not as well honed as his gun skills.
Home for Vampifan is a semi-detached house in Springvale, a suburb of Mayhem City, U.S.A. His next door neighbours are Niall "Big Sil" Sillito and his wife Angelina "Angie" Johannson. It is through them that he became acquainted with Robert "Gap" Thirlby, who is also a resident of Springvale. The four of them regularly meet and socialise.
Regarding resources, Vampifan keeps a well stacked larder, with enough food to count as 3 Food Items. He also owns a first aid kit and medicine, equivalent to 1 Item of Medical Supplies. If need be, Vampifan could barricade the ground floor of his home with materials from his back garden. He does not own a generator, so will be stuck if/when the power goes off.
The weapons he owns are a katana (kept in his office at Vampisoft), and a .45 Heckler and Koch USP Big Ass Pistol, which he keeps at home. He has a good supply of ammo for his pistol.
Vampifan drives a black pick-up truck. On Day One it is not fully gassed, with its tank holding 2 of its 5 fuel units. He'll need to fill her up if he plans on making any long journeys. He does have a jerry can, holding 5 Fuel Units, back home, but that is for emergency use only. I guess a zombie apocalypse would class as an emergency!
Vampifan's Luxury Items would be his laptop computer, cash, a crate of beer, a box of wine and of course, an assortment of toiletries. His collection of books, CDs, DVDs, games, miniature figures and models would also be classed as Luxury Items, but are likely to be left behind if Vampifan has to leave home in a hurry.
On Day One of the Outbreak, Vampifan is on his lunch break, dining at a local restaurant. His first task will be to return to his workplace
You can see how he gets on when I post my first FFO batrep next time.


  1. Love the new-look Team Vampifan! Nice job on the black T-shirt. How you do such great detail-work blows me away.

    1. Many thanks, Chris. A steady hand, a fine brush and lots of patience are the secret.

  2. A very nice start for this Bryan. I like the small changes you have made. It fits them well. Both attributes but also to the models themselves.

    As always I look forward to your battlereports as they are usually a good read (often a good laugh as well)

    1. Thanks, Johnny. I think the changes I've made improve the characters and hopefully, will give them a greater chance of survival.

  3. Wow, what a great introduction to the crew. I can't wait to start making the background for my own campaign now. The modifications also add a lot of character to the figures, especially VFs katana. Well done!

    1. Thanks, Adam. I can tell you now that arming Vampifan with a katana was a great decision. It's already been well blooded on Day One!

  4. This is a GREAT start Bryan. I'm really excited to see the Day One encounter!

    What company cast Gap's M16?

    1. Many thanks, Jon. The M16 Assault Rifle is made by Hasslefree Miniatures. Here's a link to them

    2. I have a set of these! It's helped me work out the scale for the miniatures now. I used mine for two simple conversions. I now have models to represent my girlfriend and I.

      I'm incredibly excited about your upcoming AARs. I hope that the game was good fun to play!

    3. I'm pleased to hear that you have figures for yourself and girlfriend, Jon. I look forward to the start of your own campaign. As I type this Day One is still ongoung. I've played three encounters so far and there's just one more to go - getting home. I can honestly say that the game has been a ton of fun. Encounter three at the Gas Station was particularly memorable.

  5. Great Bryan, nice job on the green stuffing, i cant wait for day one its gonna be epic, ill have to download it for myself when i pick up FFO its on the top of my Crimbo list with a continuous ink flow system.

    1. Barring any serious mishaps I'll be posting parts one and two of Day one on Wednesday and parts three and four a week today. I hope you enjoy both of your Crimble presents, mate.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks, Tito. A bit of good luck won't go amiss.

  7. Great conversions Bryan! Can't wait for the new team Vampifan to go into action!

    1. Thanks, David. Make sure you check in on Wednesday for my first FFO batrep.

  8. Small but effective conversions, Bryan. They look like the belonged there the whole time. I actually had to check if they weren't there in the last batreps :)
    The katana looks a bit hard to draw from that angle, but I have to carry my two-handed sword around since I still haven't found a good way to strap it to my back, so what do I know :D

    Looking forward to the first batrep :)

    1. Hi Stefan. You might be right about Vampifan making a fast draw with his katana in that position. I see him tipping the sheath forward and round to the right with his left hand and drawing the sword across his belly with his right hand. It's how I draw my katana.

  9. Good job with the conversions! They look great :)

    1. The conversions were very easy to do, Carl, but I'm very pleased with them.

  10. Love all the conversions. Especially Angie's knife. Looking forward to seeing your first game and love the background you've created. Go team Vampifan.

    Vampisoft. is just awesome!

    1. Many thanks, Simon. It was a lot of fun coming up with Vampifan's background. It is similar to but sufficiently different to the background I created for him in my ATZ-BDTZ campaign.

      I love the name Vampisoft and have used it in real life on a few occasions when mail order companies ask for the name of your company!

  11. Team V, all tooled up and ready to go !

    1. Indeed they are, Joe. Bring on the bad guys!

  12. Looking forward to reading the exploits of Team Vampifan again.

    Already have the Character Rosters for each of them filled out and sitting in the Index Card box (affixed to the blank backside of index cards, with the lined side ready for me to add additional info, gear, etc.. to).

    Hoping after the holidays to start getting a real campaign going, though I may wait since I am looking at getting a new printer that I can have set up for a CIS when I get my Tax Returns back in February/March. Figure doing that will allow me to build all the WWG and Ebbles models I have without worrying about getting more ink every time i turn around. Also been eyeballing the Stoelzels structures (primarily the Circus, Auto Park, Fire house {thinking the I will need a set of Specterbreakers [ie not-Ghostbusters] to go with the fire house}, Trailer Park, and possibly the Hospital, if I dont get the Grekwood Hospital model first).

    Anyways again can't wait to read your batreps.

    1. Hi, Doug. It's always a pleasure to read your comments. Much as I'd love to see you starting your own FFO campaign, I think you'd be wise to wait until you get your own printer. Regarding Stoelzel's Structures, I really can't praise Carl's products enough. The sets you mention are all worthy of buying. The Auto Park and Trailer Park are absolutely jam packed with goodies. His hospital is more of a clinic than a hospital. The Grekwood hospital is very much a WIP, with a lot more to come.

      I am so chuffed to hear that you are keeping your own character record sheets for Team Vampifan. You won't believe what happens to Vampifan on Day One!

    2. Doug, I'm kind of excited about your Specterbreakers idea. I definitely am looking forward to seeing that.

  13. I bought FFO a couple of days ago when it was on sale. At the moment I'm busy with a The Department campaign but once it finishes I might start a new ATZ campaign. I'm looking forward to see your old new teams exploits =)

    1. It was a good idea to buy it in the sale, Robert. I have almost finished typing in my first FFO batrep. Check it out tomorrow when I'll post parts 1 and 2. Parts 3 and 4 will follow on Sunday.

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