
Wednesday 14 November 2012

Foundry Alice White and the Slippery Dwarfs

When Foundry Figures first brought out their range of Street Violence figures they would release them in groups of eight packs of figures. The beauty of buying each collection back then was that you'd get a few bonus figures thrown in that were only available if you bought the full collection. This is what I did and for the third collection, known as the Dark Heart of the City Collection I got three bonus figures of Slippery Dwarfs. This made perfect sense and a superb complement to the Alice White and the Slippery Dwarfs set, which comprised of Alice and four dwarfs. The bonus dwarfs brought their number up to seven, a definite nod to the Disney film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Sadly, today the bonus figures are no longer available so now you're stuck with Alice and the four dwarfs. Such a shame, in my opinion.
The photos above and directly below show Alice White and the three bonus dwarfs. Alice appears to be a cross between Snow White and Alice from the Alice in Wonderland story. She looks quite demure and innocent but don't be fooled by her looks. In truth, Alice is a criminal mastermind, the brains and leader of her gang. She is unarmed.
I decided to make all of the dwarfs brothers and gave them the surname of Knott. Their forenames are those given to them by the chaps at Foundry Figures. So, the dwarf standing next to Alice is Godfrey Knott. He is armed with a 9mm Uzi Sub-Machine Gun. On the Foundry website, the dwarfs are depicted as wearing red overalls. I decided to paint my dwarfs in light blue overalls
All of the dwarfs wear masks to hide their true identity. The next dwarf in line, Dozy Knott, is the only one not to wear a white mask. Instead, he wears a pink pig-faced mask. He is armed with a 5.56mm M249 Squad Automatic Weapon - serious firepower for the gang.
At the far right of the two photos above is Beaky Knott. His mask has a huge pointed nose that reminds me of the Penguin from Batman. He is one of two dwarfs armed with the 5.56mm M-16 Assault Rifle.
These four dwarfs shown directly above and below are the ones that you can buy now. At the far left of this group is Dave Knott, who is left-handed and who totes a 5.56mm SIG SG540 Assault Rifle with a folded stock.
Standing next to him is Dee Knott, wearing a clown's mask with red nose. He is the most heavily armed of the dwarfs with a 66mm M72A2 LAW (Light Anti-tank Weapon), a retractible and disposable rocket launcher that fires a HEAT warhead.
Next in line is the dread-locked Tich, the second of the dwarfs to be armed with the 5.56mm M16 Assault Rifle.
Finally, is Mick Knott, another left hander. He is armed with a Hawk MM1 Grenade Launcher, which holds 12 rounds in a revolver cylinder.
As is typical of many of the Foundry Street Violence sets, these guys are well armed with a variety of weapons. They are certainly an unusual gang and I must admit that I like them. I could well see them as being allies of my Killer Klowns, whilst operating independantly of Sunny and co.
Set SV033 Alice White and the Slippery Dwarfs can be bought for £10.00 from the Foundry webstore.


  1. They look great Bryan, they would be sweet in a carnival or circus scenario

    1. I thought the same thing, Shintokamikaze, which is why I suggested that they might be allies of my Killer Klowns.

    2. I was thinking the other day that if you combined Stoelzel’s Structures carnie ville and the trailer town you could make a pretty god circus, perfect for these guys and the killer klowns. Now that a batrap id love to see lol

    3. Don't worry, mate. It's on my "to do" list. I have all of Carl Stoelzel's sets and combining those two sets is a great idea.

  2. A dwarf with a LAW... surely not! Grenade launchers uzi m16 and a SAW. What are they expecting to encounter? Nice figures. thanks for shareing them.

    1. I suspect they are preparing for all eventualities, Clint. Be prepared and all that!

  3. Oh, those are awesome. Hate to run up against them with zombies around too!

    1. I wouldn't relish taking them on whoever's around!

  4. Nice work Bryan. I think one of them should have been called 'Gordian' though; he would have to have a fear of blades though ...

    1. Ho, ho, ho! Very clever, Colin!

    2. :) that's me! a clever bar-steward who happens to think he's funny ;)

      Seriously Bryan, you do turn out some fantastic work and put the rest of us into a serious 'try-to-keep-up' mode. Well done.

  5. I love the idea of "thematic" gangs for ATZ, rather than just the generic bikers or urban ne'er-do-wells.

    1. I agree with you and I suspect that is a major reason that my Killer Klowns proved so popular.

  6. This is GREAT! While watching Once Upon a Time I started wondering about putting together a modern Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs group for ATZ. It's pretty awesome to see it done already.

    1. These would certainly fit the bill for you, Jon. If only Foundry would still sell the missing three dwarfs to make their numbers up to seven.

  7. We prefer the term shortarses, great set and great work!

    1. It may not be politically correct to call them shortarses, Fran. Fortunately I don't give a damn about political correctness!

  8. They're good figures and it's a pity that anyone wanting all seven dwarfs are going to find them hard to get.
    Nice paint-job (as always).

    1. It most certainly is a pity that the three bonus dwarfs are no longer in production. We should petition Foundry to make them available again, along with their other OOP Street Violence bonus figures

    2. I wish they would do the OOP figures again too so I can finish off my collection

    3. I'm sure that a lot of people would like to see the OOP figures go back on sale, PK.

  9. They are great figures and those dwarves remind me of Slipknot

    1. Pardon my ignorance, but I am not familiar with Slipknot at all. Are they a popular beat combo?

  10. These Juggalos are freakin me out. Very well done!!!

    1. Thanks, Carl. I love the term "Juggalos." I've never heard that one before.

  11. Very nice set and well painted Bryan! Foundry has been very good about
    getting packs back into production again lately. I also have hopes that they will produce all the Street Violence again with the full packs!

    1. You're right, Darkoath. Foundry are resurrecting a lot of their old OOP figures. Let's hope they bring back the missing Street Violence figures.

  12. Good job again Bryan.

    Clowns...Never mix well. Look at all the pies to the face that have been happening when clowns mett up. So I think these would fight Sunny when ever they saw him and his group!

    1. Let's be honest, Johnny, clowns don't mix well with anyone!

  13. They look great Bryan, Indeed it is sad to see the bonus ones are no longer available.

    I wonder if these guys will make appearance in the next campaign of yours.....

    1. I wouldn't rule anything out at this stage, Simon. Starting a new campaign gives you a blank canvass to work with.

  14. hehe a cool twist on a Disney classic! Nice paint work, and great figures!

  15. Eh Eh, nice little buggers!! Well done mate! :)

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