
Sunday 9 December 2012

Black Cat Bases Hispanic Gangers 01

At first glance you'd be forgiven for thinking I'm reviewing more prostitutes with this set, but then you notice that these ladies are all armed and dangerous. This set is the Black Cat Bases 28mm scale Las Chicas gang from their Gangsters range. It comprises five female Hispanic gangers and their mascot dog. The dog's name was taken from the BCB website, but I have come up with the names for the five humans.
At the far left of my two photos is a Yorkshire Terrier dog, whom the ladies have called "Wookie." He has a pink bow tied to his head to show he is a "girlie's dog." He is probably the smallest 28mm scale figure I have ever painted. He is tiny! But if he was any taller, he wouldn't be a Yorkshire Terrier.
The first of the humans, in the red pants and blue top, is Rosita Hernandez. She is armed with a 9mm Micro-Uzi Machine Pistol. Her hair, which she has parted in two, is incredibly long, flowing all the way down to her backside. I painted the lower half of her hair in a reddish brown, which from a distance looks like a fox-skin wrap. Note her high heel shoes with the leopard print colours.
To her left is Salma Alvarez, who is wearing a pair of leather-skin pants over a white bikini. She can't have tied the belt on her pants very tightly, as they are sliding down over her backside, as can be seen from the rear view of her. She is holding her Big Ass Pistol in a two-handed grip.
Carmen Talavera stands in the centre of the group and she certainly stands out from the crowd with her flaming red hair and white mini-dress. Carmen is well-endowed in the breast department and, as can be seen by her backless dress, she is not wearing a bra. Naughty! Is she just a slut or something more sinister? I suspect the latter. She is clearly making full use of her good looks, as she strikes a seductive pose and runs a hand through her long hair. But why has she got her other hand behind her back? From the front she oozes sex appeal but from behind we see she is concealing a revolver. She is quite a honey trap!
Next in line is Azteca Orozca. She is armed with a pair of Big Ass Pistols. I love the way her crop top has slid off one shoulder to reveal her pink bra. That's a nice touch! Her microskirt just barely covers her backside, so she needs to be very careful if she bends over. Then again, she probably doesn't give a damn!
The final figure in the group, Marisol dos Santos, is the person I have nominated to be gang leader. Her pose, as she points an accusing finger, suggests she is a leader figure. She carries a 12 Gauge pump-action shotgun in her right hand. She wears a red basque, denim hot pants and thigh-length leather boots. She has a few red streaks in her hair, which are most likely extensions. She also wears more jewellery than any of the other gang members.
These are a very sexy looking gang and all of them have been beautifully sculpted. Even the dog shows an incredible degree of craftsmanship. A long time passed between me buying them and painting them. I don't know why because they were an absolute joy to paint. But they are done now, and I have another gang to add to the hellhole known as Mayhem City.
You can buy all six figures for £12.00 from the BCB webstore. Alternatively, the figures can be bought separately - £2.00 for Wookie the dog and £3.00 for each of the females. Next time, I'll review the male Hispanic gangers aka Los Nortenos.


  1. I so love these sets Bryan. You've done a beautiful job with them!

  2. Pretty nice! They look awesome i want the same for making a girl gang in my campaign! I wish you had some fun with painting the dog :) Love the girl with the white string, naughty Bryan hehe

    1. These are one of the best sculpted girl gangs available, Pandafurtif. The dog was quite a challenge to paint due to its size. Yes, the lass in the white bikini is being very naughty! You've gotta love her!

  3. Great paint job on one of my favourite BCB sets.

  4. This is a great review! I'm always impressed how you end up with sets that I feel most people would give a pass. It definitely gives you great variety to pull from in your games.

    1. Variety is a good thing, Jon. I have gangs of assorted ethnic groups - African/American, Chinese, Hispanic, Italian, Jamaican, Japanese, Russian and of course, plain old White American. Many of these have yet to be reviewed.

  5. Excellent job,Bryan! I gave up black lining my 28's about a decade ago. Besides ruining my rapidographs, I was always too heavy with it. I decided to save my pens for illustrating! I like your technique though, it's not heavy and really pops the detail of the models nicely. Good job...again! ;)

    1. It is only in the past few years that I have started blacklining, David. For the most part, all black lines are painted on. I do sometimes use a rapidograph pen, especially for eyes and the gaps between fingers.

  6. As mentioned last time you have a very strong understanding of the setting which allows you to explore the more obscure figure ranges and tempt me with more and more shinies each week. Cheers mate, lovely to see them.

    1. Thanks, Clint. It's always nice to hear that my work can inspire others.

    2. Grumble.... figures.. grumble.... cost.. grumble grumble grumble... bike gang... grumble grumble... storage.. grumble... just before christmas... grumble.. grumble... grumble! Bah Humbug! Grumble grumble!

    3. I've just placed an order at lunchtime with Black Cat Bases for more figures and scenery... and I don't begrudge spending a penny! My order came to £35.00 but it was all stuff that I really wanted, especially their brand new not-Vampirella figure. Must have, must have, must have!

      Sure you're grumbling now, Clint, but I bet you're secretly glad you've sent away for the biker gang. You could have waited until the New Year to get them but the fact that you didn't just goes to show how much you NEED them! Not only that but you need them NOW! Rejoice, my friend, for you are a true gamer! Welcome to the club!

    4. I'm glad you get my humour! Yes sent for the bike gang this morning. I will see Black Cat at a show end of Febuary to get some Oriental Zombie figures and a few other bits and bobs!

    5. Good on yer, Clint! I like BCB a lot and there are still a LOT of their figures and scenery that I am after. I have learned to ration myself to a few at a time. The same applies to a number of figure companies I could mention.

  7. Great set Bryan, and you've done a great job as always. I always enjoy seeing you incorporate the leopard print, I try to do the same. Something about a ganger girl just makes me think she'd also wear leopard print, not sure why.

    1. I'm with you, Adam, on female gangers and their leopard-skin prints. It's as if they're meant to go together.

  8. I've always liked those models and you've done them in a great way as usual. Someday, I think I'll grab them for myself too.. Btw, I just love that dog!!! :)
    Just one note, those models where from Obelisk miniatures (a German company, if I'm not wrong) and I just noticed they have have them still in stock at €13,50 on their website.. Somebody knows if they are still in business??

    1. It is mentioned on the BCB website that these figures were originally sold by Obelisk Minis. I have no idea what has happened with them or if they are still in business. Sorry, Gnotta.

  9. Awesome job Bryan. The skintones are perfect!

    1. Thanks, Roger. Foundry do a great range of etnic flesh tones. This was one of the main reasons I switched to using their paints.

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