
Wednesday 5 December 2012

Reaper Civilians - Prostitutes

At the same time as I bought the Reaper Children (shown in my last post) I bought this set - 50157 Townsfolk - Ladies of the Night, which is a polite way of saying prostitutes. I believe in calling a spade, a spade, so prostitutes they are. There are three 32mm scale figures in the set, although they are described as being 28mm scale. Yeah, right! We all know about "scale creep," don't we?
At the far left is the blonde bombshell. I like her pose, as she beckons a client to offer him a "good time." It is simple but effective. She wears a fur coat, mini-skirt and thigh length leather boots. Her fur coat was painted in Foundry British Blue Grey 75C. To this I added more Foundry White 33C for successive dry-brush layers until I ended up with pure white for the final dry-brush.
In the centre of the group is a young lady who is just a bit too skinny for my tastes, but that's just my opinion. However, I do like her hairstyle, which I think is very cute. She wears a crop top that covers her boobs but which leaves her midriff bare, and skin-tight leopard print pants. In her right hand she carries a small, pink purse.
At the far right is a hispanic woman, with slightly darker skin than the other two, and long, flowing black hair. She wears a red microskirt and killer red shoes. She also wears a suspender belt and stockings, always a winning combo in my opinion. Her clothing is accessorised with a studded belt and a load of silver bracelets on her left wrist
These are three very nicely sculpted figures and they certainly look the part. Amongst my collection of civilian figures I have an overly high proportion of prostitute figures, some bought and some sculpted by myself. What can I say? I'm a sucker for good looking women in revealing clothing. I have seen this set on one of my follower's blogs and he had converted them so that they were all armed. My apologies for forgetting who had done the conversions but it was quite a while ago. I guess he was thinking that when the apocalypse comes, some streetwalkers would arm themselves for protection. A good example of this is with the Foundry Street Girls sets from their Street Violence range. I'm happy to leave the figures unarmed. This set can be found in the Reaper Chronoscope range and it cost me £5.60 at the Miniature Heroes webstore.


  1. I do like the colour schemes, though it's hard to imagine these girls hanging around on street corners once the zombie apocalypse really kicks off!

    1. Yes, i imagine they'd run a mile at the first sight of a zombie... although their high heels will probably slow them down a lot!

    2. I remember the game 'Macho Women with Guns' from the 1980s. If you wanted your girls to wear high heels (adding +2 to Looks), they needed the skill 'Cavort About' enabling them to run wearing heels.

      By the way, it's Sex Workers these days, not prostitutes.

      Great figures

    3. Sex Workers, huh? That's political correctness for you.

      Hey, I used to play "Macho Women With Guns." What a fun game! Thanks for reminding me about it, Frank!

  2. I am not a fan of using 32mm minis in 28mm games, but these ladies of negotiable virtue are very nice. Great job on the leopard pants!

    Whiteface / Oliver

    1. The fact that they're 32mm instead of 28mm does not bother me in the slightest. I like to see a variety of heights amongst my minis as it better reflects real life. Still, I am aware that not everyone feels the same way, which is why I always like to mention the exact sizes of the minis I review.

  3. Another great looking set of figures here Bryan. I really like the middle ladies pose.

    1. Thanks, Simon. I think they are all nicely posed and I really can't pick a favourite.

  4. Beautiful work on the ladies of negotiable virtue!

    1. Thank you, Fran. They were a lot of fun to paint.

  5. As ever nicely painted. Leapoard skin pattern in particular.

    Campaign setting First Night scenario.... "Having arrived Home after nearly getting Mugged Vampifan decieds to spend a night on the town cauraosing!"

    1. Clint, you are a wicked man! But you did make me laugh, so I forgive you!

  6. "Night Doves"- very nice, and one of thebetter value for monet Reaper sets, though I can't see them being used more than once.

    1. Agreed, Joe, They don't exactly lend themselves to long term play, do they? But, they are nice figures to own.

  7. I have to admit, this time I had NO plans or thoughts about the miniature type you posted! The paint jobs look great Bryan, thanks for sharing them.

    You never know who could end up on the team, these could come in handy in that way.

  8. No wargame is complete without them!

    Great stuff,

  9. Very nice figures. I like the leopard pants.
    I know a lot of Reapers figures are closer to 32 mm, and it doesn't bother me too much either. Yeah they are a bit bigger, but from the table point of view, they look in scale, just a tiny bit taller. And people should be. Besides, they aren't that much bigger than the usual "huge" figure included in each Foundry set of 5.

    1. You took the words right out of my mouth, Adam. Well said!

  10. They look great, the one in the middle is my fav, her pants are very well done. Do you varnish your minis?, mine all ways look shiny like plastic

    1. Thanks, SK. No Idon't varnish my figures... but I should. I just haven't found a good matte varnish that I can trust. I've had some real "issues" with varnishes in the past.The way acrylic paints look when dry can vary depending upon the way you apply it. It is too detailed a subject to go into here.

    2. yeh i have tried a lot of products, i think matt varnish is a myth

  11. Really nice models here, my favourite is the fur dressed blonde...
    I've got those models too and, since I use mostly Chronoscope models or converted clixs (notoriously bigger), the fact they are 32mm is not a big deal for me.
    ciao ciao

    1. Hi, Gnotta. I can see why these figures being oversized would be a boon for you.

  12. Nice choice of colors, Bryan. Nice figs, I've been looking for something new to buy, I think I'll send Reaper an order or one of their carriers. Looks great as usual, especially like the white outfit.

    1. Thanks, Roger. I'd love to see your take on this set.

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