
Wednesday 23 January 2013

Foundry Russian Mafia Mobsters 01

Having reviewed my Foundry Italian Mafia Mobsters last time, I just had to review my Russian Mafia Mobsters this time. These five figures are from the Foundry 28mm scale Street Violence set SV024 Sergei's Korporation. As with my Italian Mob, these are partly named by the Foundry Figures crew and partly by myself. All background information relates to my ATZ-FFO campaign.
At the far left of my two photos is "Rodeo Boris" Vashkov, armed with just a 9mm Glock 17 Pistol. Do not mistake that white dot you see at the front top of his shirt as a priest's dog collar. It is actually a silver tie pin. His tie is string thin and is not easy to see being black on black. Boris has so embraced American culture that his colleagues have nicknamed him "Rodeo Boris." He is very streetwise and has a long list of contacts among the criminal fraternity of Mayhem City. It is for this reason that Sergei keeps him in his inner circle.
Sergei Kasparov is the head of the Russian Mafia in Mayhem City. He and his gang have muscled their way into the city's crime scene by sheer ruthlessness and a vicious determination to be top dog. Sergei's Korporation arrived in Mayhem City in the year 2000 and has grown in power and influence since then. Sergei is armed with a 9mm Heckler and Koch MP5A3 Sub-Machine Gun and he knows how to use it. He has taken part in many of his gang's violent takeover operations. He is every bit as ruthless and as nasty as his rival "Viper Joe" Marciano. Suffice to say, the two are sworn enemies.
In the centre of the group is Sergei's chief enforcer "Big Piotr" Rasputin, who stands 6' 7" tall. He towers over most of the other gang members. He carries a 5.56mm M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) in his hands. He has a flight bag slung over his shoulder and that could carry all kinds of nastiness. "Big Piotr" does not say much, but to be honest, he does not need to. He is not a man to be messed with.
The woman in white is Lena Mastikova (surprisingly, both names were supplied by Foundry) and she is Sergei's wife. She kept her own surname for business reasons. She is every bit as ruthless and determined as Sergei and she too has been known to bloody her hands in a gang fight. She is armed identically as Sergei, but her SMG has a torchlight fitted just below the barrel. She spends a fortune on clothing, jewelery and cosmetics.
Last in line is Irina Suporov and she is Sergei's finance manager and advisor. She is a hard-nosed bitch, who works out regularly and is a highly talented martial artist. She carries a laptop computer in a briefcase in her right hand and a small 9mm Makarov Pistol in her left hand. She is left handed. Her main talent lies in her ability to successfully manipulate stocks and shares, which explains why she is handsomely paid by Sergei.
Again, I like this set, but I don't think they are quite as characterful as the Italian Mafiosa. The males are okay but could really be any trio of armed goons. The females are far better sculpted and they show a lot more character. Still, they make a fine set of adversaries for many a group, criminal or otherwise. As usual, this set of five figures retails for £10.00 from Foundry's webstore.


  1. Nicely painted Bryan, I like the dude in the black , plenty of character.

  2. Nicely done Bryan i'm really liking the background you created for the mas well.

    1. Cheers, Simon. I really enjoy coming up with background stories for my minis. It kind of brings them to life.

  3. Nice! These are well painted, and definitely make good high class gangers.

    In your collection do you have models that you've added to your different ethnic mobs?

    1. The short answer to your question is yes, Jon. My African/American gangstas have the most diversity of figures. They come from a wide variety of sources and are constantly being added to. My Yardie gangstas are made up of figures from numerous ranges. Ditto, my Italian Mafia, Biker gangs, Skinheads, Goths, Yakuza and Chinese Triads. My Russian Mafia are made up of Foundry Street Violence figures only, and I'll show you more of them next time.

    2. Awesome! I love seeing how collections come together, especially all on the table at the same time. That's probably the large scale wargamer in me.

    3. I can understand that, Jon. I cut my wargaming teeth doing large scale battles - chiefly Napoleonics and WW2.

  4. What a nice addition to the collection. Everyone a winner.

  5. Very cool. These guys need to be thrown to the zombies.

    1. I agree, WarRaptor. But they won't go down without a fight!

  6. Badda Bing! I had these as well, the memories are flooding back...nice work Bryan!

  7. Great work I like Sergei Kasparov, a great looking figure!

  8. As per usual Bryan, excellent work. I especially like the ladies!
    nod, nod, wink, wink! :)

    1. And what's not to like about the ladies, Colin?

  9. I like this set and what you've done with them, but asyou say they're not as characterfulas the Italians.

    1. Agreed, Joe. I thought that the Italian Mafia were much more characterful.

  10. Nicely done all around. Definitely bringing some Slavic smackdown to the fight. I have to say, though, I prefer Father Boris to Rodeo Boris! :)

  11. Great set, i love the back story for them, Big Piotr" Rasputin what a name

    1. Thanks, SK. The folks at Foundry called him "Big Dumb" Rasputin but I changed it to "Big Piotr" Rasputin.

  12. Great looking figures! You do wonderful work - BTW, stumbled upon your blog via Simon Q's blog. Best, Dean

    1. Hi and welcome, Dean. Simon is a top bloke so it's nice to know you're following his blog as well.
