
Sunday 27 January 2013

Foundry Russian Mafia Mobsters 02

Having showed you the inner circle of my Russian Mafia mobsters last time, I thought it only logical to move on to the rank and file members of Sergei's Korporation. After all, these figures are also from Foundry's 28mm scale Street Violence range, being set SV058 Hired Hitmen and set SV062 Professionals. Due to the similarity between the two sets I decided to make them all part of the same gang. The long coats worn by nine out of the ten helps to create a cohesive looking group.
First up is set SV058 Hired Hitmen and they are led by the heavily armed Valeri Schevchenko. I came up with the majority of the names of these figures. Valeri is armed with the most famous Russian designed Assault Rifle - the 7.62mm AKM Kalashnikov, a more modern version of the older AK47. In her right hand she holds a 9mm Heckler and Koch MP5KA5 Machine Pistol and slung across her back is a Hawk MM1 40mm Grenade Launcher. She wears a polo-necked jumper underneath her smart business suit. She is far and away my favourite figure out of both of these sets.
Next in line is Leon Poteyenko, who is bald headed and who sports a goatee beard and moustache. He is armed with a 5.56mm Heckler and Koch 33E Assault Rifle.
In the centre of the group is Anton Trofimov. He holds a 5.56mm Colt CAR15 Assault Carbine, with a shorter barrel than the rifle.
Whilst most of the gang wear buff coloured trench coats, Ivor Trotsky, has opted for a fur-lined long coat. He is the gang's heavy weapon specialist and he is armed with a 5.56mm M249 Squad automatic Weapon.
Last in line is the gang's sniper, Ivan Mirzakeyev. He is looking through the scopesight of a 7.62mm Heckler and Koch PSG1 Sniper Rifle, a very reliable and accurate weapon.
The five figures from set SV062 Professionals are mainly resculpts of the previous set. This doesn't bother me, but I know from previous comments that some of you disapprove of this practice. At the far left is Mukhtar Lukyanenko, who is identical in almost all respects to Leon Poteyenko above other than the fact that he has had a head swap. So, obviously, he is also armed with a 5.56mm Heckler and Koch 33E Assault Rifle.
Standing next to him is Timor Kublitsky, the first of three mobsters armed with a 12 Gauge pump-action Shotgun. He is the only original sculpt in this set.
Bohunk Tabbak stands in the centre of this group. He is also armed with a pump-action Shotgun and he is a conversion of Ivan Trotsky from the previous set. It is a good conversion, as he has had a head swap, a weapon swap and his tie and shirt have been replaced with a polo-necked jumper. Finally. his fur-lined coat has now become a trench coat. 
The second figure from the right is the third of the pump-action Shotgun wielding mobsters and his name is Anatoly Kiselev. He is a conversion of Anton Trofimov from above and he has had a head swap and a weapon swap.
Finally, we come to Sergei Maximov. He has also had a head and a weapon swap. His 5.56mm Heckler and Koch G36 Assault Rifle replaces the sniper rifle of Ivan Mirzakeyev from the previous set. An oversight by me is that I should have painted the bullets in his ammo clip, as the G36 uses translucent plastic magazines.
For a set of mooks, these two sets fit the bill nicely. They are good without being exceptional. The fact that four out of five of the second set are simple conversions does not bother me in the least. Grouped together they all look different and that's good enough for me. Coupled with the Sergei's Korporation set, this gives me 15 Russian Mafia figures, which is a fairly decent sized gang for my skirmish wargaming needs. The two sets cost £10.00 each.


  1. They look great Bryan.

    I love conversions personally. I think it's just so easy, and useful, to get more variety out of a finite number of models out there.

    1. Let me clarify: I'm fine with manufacturer made conversions like these as well. It's really no different to me than a sculptor using dollies, it helps companies get more models onto the market, which helps us as hobbyists.

    2. Well said, Jon. I couldn't agree with you more.

  2. They are both fantastic sets, I realised Valeri was heavily armed but with her two assault weapons but didn't realise she had a gren launcher as well....

    Great looking figures and your paintjobs has really brought them to life. I look forward to seeing what shenanigans they all get upto in Mayhem City

    1. He, he, I reckon that Valeri could take on a small army all by herself! It's not hard to see why I like her so much. Oh. and one final thought on her - she just has to be ambidextrous. I know that in FFO you have to dice to see if a character is ambidextrous (a result of 12 on 2d6) but I wouldn't bother with her. I'd say she automatically qualifies for being ambidextrous.

  3. Great sets, i love how you done the trench coats. how do you get such fine detail on the faces, god bless your eye sight lol

    1. I appreciate the compliment, SK. I don't have good eyesight. I need to wear glasses almost all the time... but not for close up work like figure painting. You see I am near-sighted. Oh, and a steady hand helps, as well. Plus lots of patience!

    2. Last year I ended up with progressive lenses. I'm always trying to paint or build with my head back, so I can look through the bottom of the lenses. It's weird still!

      It's not as bad as it was at the beginning of course. For the first week or two I would move and it looked like things were flying at me!

  4. Very nice indeed. Have you considered `the dip'? A number of painters are using it for speed and there are some useful locations out there .... posted today by Tony from Bleaseworld who is another Vampifan blog follower

    1. Thanks, Phil. I checked the link you posted and my first thought was my, what a lot of zombies! I have never used dips. I'm not a fan of them as they do dry very glossy. Yes, I know I could then matt varnish my figures but any time saved by dipping would be lost by varnishing. I much prefer washes, which I use a lot of. Finally, I have no desire to speed paint my figures. I like to take my time on them.

  5. Good looking additions to your gangs.

  6. The mafias look wonderful! With all of the gangers, mafiosos, and law enforcement figures; have you tried some other rules, like Mad Dogs with Guns? I only ask because my 4 kids are the driving force for delving into Supers, Western, and Zombie gaming. I'm more historical, scifi, and fantasy.
    I am a wargaming packrat, so I do find cross uses for the 28's I already own. In our Zombie games we use cowboys with the modest survivors we've collected. We also use a few hard scifi troops as soldiers and swat teams.
    Great work though on the figs! It'll be interesting to see how team vampifan fares in the eventual encounter!

    1. Many of my contemporary gangers have seen action in a few RPG campaigns I ran - GURPS and Feng Shui, especially. As for wargaming with them, no. Mind you I did play a lot of games of Gangs of Mega City One, which gave my sci-fi gangs a good airing.

      I like your idea of using your gangs in more than one setting.

  7. These are some of my favourite Foundry figures, and you've painted them up so they'll look awesome as a crew. I wound up making mine less cohesive.
    My favourite of the group is Mukhtar Lukyanenko, who with a bit of modification wound up being my hero character for my campaign.
    Great review as always.

    1. Thanks, Adam. That's an interesting choice you've made for your player character. I hope he serves you well.

  8. Nicely down Bryan, the guys actually look russian, pretty hard to capture a nationality on a mini. Beautiful job :)

    1. I thought the same thing myself, Roger. These look like they originate from an eastern Bloc country.

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