
Sunday 17 February 2013

Squirmydad's Winnebago

Just recently, I received an e-mail from one of my followers suggesting that I review some of the free card model vehicles that are available to download from the Interweb. His timing was good, as I had just finished making a 28mm scale Winnebago by a prolific card modeller called Squirmydad. The set comprises three pages. Page one features a white Winnebago, page two, a crimson Winnebago and page three the wheels and optional gun turrets. I have made the white Winnebago without the gun turret and here it is.
Winnebagos or RVs (Recreational Vehicles) are ideal for use in any zombie apocalypse game, combining the amenities of home with mobility. Any fan of The Walking Dead TV series and/or comic series will appreciate how useful they are.
This is essentially a box on wheels, and as such was very easy to make. Not even the front and back with their multiple angled surfaces were much of a challenge. The circles on the roof indicate where you could put the gun turret - front or middle. Seeing as the set comes with two gun turrets, I suppose you could mount both of them on the roof for extra firepower. The turrets are each fitted with a Gatling Machine Gun.
I added a thin strip of mounting card to the bottom of the front of the vehicle to act as a bumper. Oddly enough, these are supplied with the crimson version but not the white version.
This is a nice sized model. It measures 5.5" (13.5cm) long by 1.875" (4,5cm) wide by 2,25" (5.5cm) tall.
As with the front of the vehicle, I added a thin strip of mounting card to the lower back to act as a bumper. The spare tyre is not as circular as it should be but it's not easy cutting perfect circles out of mounting card.
It isn't noticeable from my photos but there are a single pair of tyres at the front and a double pair of tyres at the back.
If you'd like a copy of Squirmydad's Winnebago you can download it from here -
I must admit that I'm very impressed with it. It was easy to build and the texturing on the model is up to a high standard. And best of all, it's free. Yay!


  1. I can see Vampifan behind the wheel of that beast.

    1. It is something that Team Vampifan would love to acquire.

  2. Looks good. Given you are a graphic artist have you ever thought about making your own "Card Nets" and possibly selling them?

    1. To be honest, Clint, it is not something I have ever thought of doing. The big problem is finding the time.

    2. Well I am sure you have the skills and the knowledge. Time is always an issue, but now that the idea's in your head who knows!!!

  3. It's really nice! I always get, probably false, idea, that card terrain would be so much easier to make than what I am doing!

    1. To be fair to you and probably a lot of other folk thinking about card modelling, I take a lot more time and effort in making my models than the average card modeller would. The fact that I reinforce all of my models with mounting card means I am more than doubling my build times.

  4. Nice find! I love scouring the web for free models. I end up finding some pretty amazing things.

    Have you considered using a circle cutter for things like the wheels?

    1. It is true, Jon, there are a lot of good stuff available out there for free.

      No. I haven't thought about using a circle cutter. Food for thought, my friend.

    2. I've actually just bought a circle cutter, so will be trying it out so and will put a post up on it at some point

    3. I shall look out for that, Colin. I'm interested in what you have to say about it.

    4. The biggest drawback I've seen is that they leave something like a large pinhole in the center of the circle cutout.

      I'll be looking for Colin's perspective as well!

  5. Nice work Bryan it looks great, I think i'd need to add some stowage on top or something. The turrets seems a little overkill in a zed game more Post Apoc in feel.

    1. I did think about adding stowage, Simon, but decided to keep it simple to show what you see is what you get. I also agree about the gun turrets. They are more post apoc than zombie apocalypse.

  6. It's a nice piece of kit and very American, they would be everywhere as seen in The Walking Dead! Very nice work Bryan.

    1. It is such an iconic American vehicle, Fran. And so useful when facing a zombie apocalypse.

  7. Top job Bryan! And a top vehicle especially as its free!

  8. That is actually pretty good.

    You have a good parking lot of cardboard vehichles now?

    1. Yep, I can easily fill a car park with all of my card vehicles now.

  9. Warehouse, junk yard garage, power plant, crushed cars, and an RV. I can almost see all of these coming together in a Batrep. Nice job as always Vampi.

    1. Good point, Russ. There is the makings of a scenario with all of those.

  10. Very cool Bryan, i must check this out, free is good

    1. Anything that is free is worth checking out, SK.

  11. Great work as always, but is it just me or are the headlights missing? Still, for free is a great price, and it looks like enough room remains to add some lamps, or modify the bumper! ;)

    1. Yikes, I totally missed that. Well spotted, Dave. I will indeed add some headlights to it.

  12. Yes I agree with the rest of them, a very nice Winnebago, all you need now is a mounted ladder so it can be used as a lookout, go the Walking Dead!

    1. I know what you mean, TE. Sounds a like a conversion coming up.
