
Wednesday 13 February 2013

WWG Crushed Cars

I recently reviewed the garage from the WWG Mayhem Junkyard set. There are lots of interesting accessories and props in that set. Amongst the props are a small collection of crushed cars and here they are.
This photo shows you all of the crushed car models that comes with the set - five single cars, a stack of two cars and two stacks of four cars.
These were incredibly easy to make, as they are all simple box shapes. However, I did add a special Vampifan wrinkle to make them look more realistic. Before I stuck the printouts to the mounting card that reinforces each model I scrunched up the photo paper printout and then smoothed it flat with my hand. Obviously, I couldn't smooth them perfectly flat and nor did I want to. When I stuck the printout to the mounting card I was left with uneven surfaces. Once the cars have been through the car crusher they are not going to come out perfectly smooth. There will be dents and wrinkles in the bodywork. This was my simple method of replicating that effect. Believe me, it works well.
Here is my 28mm scale figure of Vampifan standing next to one of the stacks of four cars, the stack of two cars and one of the single cars.
Here is a side view of the stack of four cars and the stack of two cars, which I'm pleased to see are not all facing in the same direction.
As with all of WWG's models the texturing is just amazing. These cars really do look to be in a very dilapidated condition.
I was wondering whether to classify these as vehicles or scenery, but seeing as they can no longer drive and are just static they have to be classed as scenery. They are useful for cover or barricades and of course, you can stack as many as you want on top of each other. There are fifteen cars in total, so you could make three stacks of five cars. Or lots more if you print out more of them.
By the way, the Mayhem Junkyard set does include a car crusher, but I haven't made it yet. Don't worry, it will get made soon as i have already printed it out.


  1. While I have no use for card crushed cars there is something fun about them. I am very glad I was given the opportunity to see them.

    1. To be honest, Clint, unless you have a junkyard or scrap metal merchants amongst your scenery items there is no need for crushed cars.

    2. Agreed unless they are part of a barricade or road block or have had something heavy dropped on them or been thrown by something huge! Stood on by Godzilla zombie perhaps! (You did know that Godzilla was a zombie I take it! You didn't? WOW are you in for a surprise!!)

    3. Holy crap! Godzilla is a zombie!!! We're doomed!!!!!

  2. Nice builds as usual Bryan. The scrunching of the printouts was another good idea, and yet one more reason that you are VtG!

    1. Many thanks, Colin. The last thing I wanted was for my crushed cars to look smooth on all sides. My solution was simple and effective.

  3. Scrunching up the paper is an excellent idea tha I intend to steal!

    1. Please do, Flashcove. I am happy to share my tips with my followers.

  4. I remeber seeing a very interesting article for 3d crushed cards using tin foil and plaster of paris. But these do the job quicker. Nice one.

    1. Yes, I can remember seeing that very same article myself, Bob. And yes, these are a lot quicker (and less messier) to make.

  5. They look cool, they could make great barricade walls in a zed free zone, im thinking of scenes in the movies escape from new york and the ultimate warrior and mad max 2. I can just see the school bus gate lol

    1. Absolutely, SK! Combine them with cargo containers for an excellent makeshift barricade or even as part of a fortress.

  6. Very nice, I can really see a maze of these being in someone's junkyard.

    1. Oh yes, a maze made out of these is a great idea, Carl.

  7. These are great! Well done Bryan, as always.

    These are pretty darn useful. I think they would do great as part of barricades around survivor areas. In order to protect enough space to build up, and supply, an army to take back the region things like this would become really important.

    1. I totally agree with you, Jon. I like the idea of using them as part of the walls of a survivor camp.

    2. What do you use for cargo containers? I think your idea for using them with the crushed cars makes good sense.

    3. The ones I currently have were made by WWG. I have noticed that there a few available to download from various firms. The trouble is, I don't think that they are all the same size.

    4. I have a few different ones, and I was wondering about that as well.

      Cargo containers are often done in different lengths, so that part doesn't bother me at all. It's the other two dimensions that I wonder about.

    5. Same here, Jon. As long as they were a close match I'd still use them, mainly to get some variety to the three that WWG made. I actually want to get hold of a lot more to use as the walls of a survivor camp. It's a project for the future that I want to do.

    6. I found some more I thought I'd pass along:

      Hopefully this will help people out a bit!

    7. Thanks, Jon, they're great. I paticularly like the Umbrella Corporation container by Antenociti's Workshop. A container full of zombies, anyone?

  8. They look really good and a it was good idea to scrunch up the printouts before applying them to card.

    1. Thanks, Joe. Scrunching up my printouts was an experiment that turned out really well.

  9. They are really nice, You could build a crushed car fortress :D

    1. As I said to Shintokamikaze, if you combine them with cargo containers you have a great basis for the walls of a fortress.

  10. They may not be necessary but I still like them. Even outside of a junkyard you could use them in some barricades or something of the sort for a rough safehouse.

    1. That's a good point about the safehouse, Adam.

  11. Very nice, very nice Bryan, good to see you have been busy while I have been on holidays, went back a few posts I see that you have put some nice structures together, well done mate.

    1. Thanks, TE. I have been, and still am, very busy with my card modelling this year. I wouldn't want it any other way!
