
Sunday 17 March 2013

Black Cat Bases Fly Tipping Pile

A few months ago my friend Roger, who runs the Rogzombie blog-site, posted a review of the Black Cat Bases 28mm scale Fly Tipping Pile. You can read it here - 
It impressed me so much that I knew I had to get one for my ATZ-FFO campaign. And so here is mine, admittedly heavily influenced by Roger's excellent colour scheme. Notice how well it blends in with my new Stoelzel's urban ground tiles. It's a very good colour match.
This piece of resin scenery measures 5.5" across (14cm) by 3" wide (7.5cm). At the front are a toppled over wheelie bin, spilling its contents out, and two tied up black bin liners, both full of rubbish.
Behind them are three dirty matresses, three more bin liners, all full, a battered sofa and a rusty old fridge. As resin scenery pieces go, this is very detailed and was a lot of fun to paint. It will fit in well in Mayhem City during the zombie apocalypse and for me, symbolises the decay that has suddenly blighted the city. Or am I reading too much into it?  :)
This piece costs £3.50 from the Black Cat Bases website, which I considered to be quite a bargain.


  1. That is a very good price considering the amount of effort it would take to build your own, Nicely done Bryan it does fit well with your current gaming boards.

    1. You must admit that for a resin piece this big, £3.50 is not an unreasonable price to pay. Yes, some of us could have made this ourselves, but why bother, when you can buy this so cheaply?

  2. Nice work Bryan, i think ill have to pick one up some tiime

  3. Yes, sometimes we know we could build a piece from scratch - but it's just easier to buy one. Very nice! If I wasn't trying to be firm and not buy more stuff at the moment then I'd be very tempted to get this!

    1. I know the feeling, Hugh. It would be lovely if we could all buy EVERYTHING that we wanted! But sadly, real life isn't like that.

  4. Nice piece of terrain Bryan,
    I personally quite enjoy scratch building things but this seems very reasonable compared to the time it would take to make one, especially the wheelie bin. I've not really looked at the black cat bases stuff, so I'll have to check out their site.

    1. Thanks, Dave. BCB make a lot of nice stuff, both figures and scenery. And, their prices are very reasonable.

  5. Oh, this one is really nice! It has all you'd expect to be piled after the world snaps! :D I must say I am really satisfied with what BCB sells as well!

    1. BCB are a very good company to deal with, Mathyoo.

  6. It's no good I shall have to get some. Just when I'm trying to save money for a potential trip to Salute. Grrrrr!

    1. With a bit of luck, Clint, BCB will be at Salute and you could get one there. By the way, I have no idea which traders are attending Salute.

    2. That sounds like a plan. It's so obvious I should have thought of it myself. All I need is a little self control.... that doesn't sound like me.

    3. I would imagine that attending somewhere like Salute that self-control would be very hard to achieve. It might pay you to leave the credit card at home, Clint!


      Here are the traders. I went trough most of them, started making a list and tossed the paper away as it became too long :D

    5. Self control at gaming conventions is awfully hard to come by.

      Unless you're broke, then it's a really simple matter!

    6. @Mathyoo. Thanks for that link. It looks like BCB won't be attending after all.

      @Jon. So true!

  7. This was definitely a good find. Your paint job is great, as always. You really tied it into your overall look, which can be tricky to do.

    Great review! I think I'll have to start looking at BCB more.

    1. Thanks, Jon. I think the fact that my bases are such a good match with Carl's ground tiles is purely down to luck!

  8. It looks very good Bryan, the colour choices and detailing is spot on.

    1. Thanks, TE. I did enjoy painting this piece.

  9. That's a load of old rubbish you've got there Bryan !
    (but very nicely done)

  10. Hey Vampifan, have you seen the burning tyres by Stronghold terrain? They were something that I never knew I needed until I saw them.... I am mostly using them for a Fallout game, but any modern urban warzone that I have seen seems to have them....

    1. Oh, those are very good indeed. I could certainly find uses for them in my ATZ-FFO campaign. Many thanks for the link and the heads up, mate. I shall definitely be putting in an order for them.

  11. Nice piece! I really like how you did the rust and the garbage bags.

    1. Thanks, Roger. I noticed that you painted your bin liners green, Whilst you can get green bin liners here in the UK, black ones are much more common.
