
Wednesday 20 March 2013

Reaper Zombies 01

It has been well over a month since I last reviewed any figures, so it's about time I looked at some more zombie miniatures, starting with this bunch from the Reaper 28mm scale Chronoscope range. They are sets 50038 Urban Zombies (3), 50222 Charlie the Zombie and 50223 Linus the Zombie.
At the far left is a zombie cop. His injuries don't appear to be too severe. He is dragging his right foot, so he may have twisted his ankle. There are a couple of holes in his uniform, which could be caused by gunshots. He is bleeding from the head and both hands are smeared with blood, which is probably from a victim.
The female zombie was either a streetwalker or a night-clubber prior to becoming one of the undead. She has small bite wounds to her left shoulder and the back of her lower left leg. The blood around her neck could be her own from a bite wound or that of a victim she has been feeding on. I was going to paint her with blonde hair but one day when I was shopping in Newcastle, I saw a young woman with black hair with a blonde streak running down the middle. That was so unusual that it stuck in my mind. I had to replicate it on a miniature and this female zombie was the perfect choice. Art imitates real life!
In the centre of the group is an elderly male who has suffered appalling injuries. His entire stomach and lower back has been thoroughly ravaged. He has intestines hanging out of the front and back. He also has bite wounds to both legs and he has lost his left sock and shoe. Finally, there is a long gash down the right side of his face.
Next up are the two named zombies, Linus and Charlie. It is unusual for zombies to be given names. Linus is the more static of the two. He has wrapped his jumper/coat around his waist. His tongue is prominently sticking out of his mouth. He has a cut to his forehead and a large wound to his neck. His right arm has been savaged. The bone of his elbow is visible.
Charlie is in a more animated pose, shown walking or shambling. There was a hole in the back of his shirt, which I took to be from a bullet wound. His left knee is badly bloodied and he appears to have scraped both elbows. As zombies go, he is quite intact.
These aren't as well sculpted as the Reaper Zombie Strippers that I reviewed last year but I still like them. The old man is my favourite out of the bunch, purely because of his wounds. Yes, I am a gore-hound!
The three urban zombies are close to 35mm in height, whilst Charlie and Linus are slightly smaller at about 32mm. No way can any of these be described as 28mm scale. This does not bother me but it may be a concern for some of you. I always purchase my Reaper figures from Miniature Heroes and they are selling these at £7.60 for the set of three Urban Zombies and £4.35 each for Charlie and Linus.


  1. Nice minis, Bryan!
    I've been tempted by Linus, Charlie, and Lucy...but I had to jump with both feet into the zombicide kickstarter. My wife will only tolerate so much shennanigans from my hobby, so the Peanut gang will have to wait...and the hospital zombies! ;)

    1. Prioritising what figures to buy is a pain the arse, David, but a necessary evil for most of us. I have had these figures for quite a while now but have only recently got round to painting them. I too, am pledging for the Zombicide Season 2 on Kickstarter and wondering how big my final pledge will be, due to the incredible amount of "must have" extras they are bringing out!

  2. Nice job!
    Linus and Charlie are the zombified versions of Denver and Gallup from their chronoscope range... ;)

    1. Thanks for that, Gnotta. I hadn't made the connection. Probably because I don't have the Denver and Gallup figures. Still, it's always nice to see zombified versions of survivors.

  3. Yet more zeds. Always a winner, and with you always a top paint job.

    1. Thanks for the compliment, Clint. Oh, and I'm really liking your new portrait. Very apt, I think.

  4. Nice figures. I call that hairdo the skunk look.

    1. I was thinking the same thing myself, Sean. I have to admit, it was quite an eye-opener to see it in the flesh!

  5. Nice work Bryan They all look great. It is indeed nice to have survivors and zombie conterparts.

    1. I totally agree, Simon. There are far too few.

  6. I like the before and after option though, nice work Bryan.

  7. Great job as usual Bryan, I always love to see your figs and the time you put into them. I love the girls hair :)

    1. Many thanks, Roger. If I hadn't seen the young lady sporting that hair colour combination I'd never have thought to paint her like that.

    2. Always work from reality when you can. I got tired of girls in clothing from 20 years ago and started adjusting my outfits and hair styles to modern times.

  8. These are great! I really imagine you to be incredibly organized with your miniatures, with the way you're able to tell us who makes what, etc...

    1. Thanks, Jon. You're not wrong. I am incredibly organised with my miniatures. Running this blog for four years means that I have to be organised.

    2. Lack of organization is really hurting my gaming time and ability. I am working on it but it is so over whelming that I am not even sure how to organize it. When I moved a lot of stuff got shuffled. Its absolutely awful. I need a means of storage, too and am not sure what would be best.

    3. I feel your pain, Roger. Moving house is always going to cause disruption. More so when moving to a smaller home. I wish I could offer an easy solution but I'm afraid I can't.

    4. Yeah I am about to move May 1st and am really not looking forward to it at all. I feel for you Rog!

  9. Very nice miniatures you gore hound you, police officer is my Fav, I like your choice of colours for him.

    1. What can I say, TE? I am a gore hound and I make no apologies for it.

  10. Good looking figures as always Bryan, pity about the larger sizes though.

    1. I can live with over-sized figures, Joe. When you add them to a large horde they just blend in with the rest.

  11. Very nice painting Bryan! I also don't mind different sized miniatures in my horde or survivors. A real person's height can vary quite a lot.

  12. oops, i missed this post, im very busy at the moment,. They look great, i love the cop, im looking for some zeds for my prison, im planning a few demo games at a new store/club that has opened in my area, so he would suit well as a guard. Any other suggestions for guards and inmates??

    1. A good set for prison guards would be Studio Minis Devour and Die set of zombie cops. No reason why they couldn't be prison guards. The Zombicide Season 2 Kickstarter project has a supplement set in a prison. That will supply you with plenty of zombie inmates. Only trouble is, it won't be released until later this year.
