
Wednesday 10 April 2013

Tengu Models Zombie Dogs 01

This is my third and final review of the new stuff recently produced by Tengu Models for their contemporary 28mm scale zombies range. This time I'm reviewing not human zombies, but zombie dogs.
Iain has sculpted three zombie dogs and they are shown left to right from smallest to largest. At the far left is BH04C Zeus, a bull terrier. Not being particular au fait with dog breeds, I used Google Images to look up appropriate colour schemes for the three breeds depicted. Zeus has been bitten on his left side and in the centre of his back. He is the only dog out of the three to be wearing a dog collar.
In the centre of the group is BH04B Toby, who is a Rottweiler. Toby has numerous bite wounds to his body. He looks like he is about to leap.
Last up is BH04A Scube the Great Dane. The reference to Scooby Doo is obvious but I have not painted him like the famous cartoon dog. The huge wound to his left side clearly shows the bones of his rib cage.
Zombie dogs do appear in some films, books and games but have never been mentioned in ATZ. As such, I'm rather reluctant to use them in my campaign. However, never say never. They may appear way down the line. They are beautifully sculpted figures. I should point out that they do not come with slottatabs. Instead each figure has a peg attached to two of their paws. I drilled a couple of holes in my slottabases and then glued the figures in place with superglue.
Each figure retails for £3.50 from the Tengu Models webstore. They may not be to everyone's taste but if you do want zombie dogs in your game, I can highly recommend them.


  1. Aw! They look like nice models, Vampi. The extra attention to genuine colour schemes is one of the great examples of your trademark attention to detail.

    I love the idea of zombie dogs, myself. Maybe you could use them as some sort of fast zombies in ATZ (I'm not sure what 'flavours' of zombie are available)?

    Personally, I couldn't see there being much difference between a zombie dog and a zombie human stats-wise, other than maybe speed, the complete inability to open doors, etc. and a better sense of smell...

    1. Many thanks, Jon. You're right about stats. Other than speed, there shouldn't be much difference between a zombie human and a zombie dog.

  2. Brilliant job Sir! Like you I pulled down lots of images from the net and consequently the first two look similar to the way mine came out; I'm afraid I couldn't resist painting Scube like Scooby Doo. great models though.

    1. Thanks, Michael. Google Images are a huge help when painting stuff you aren't familiar with.

  3. Nice models, though a little pricey for a casual purchase.

    My problem with zombie animals is philosophical. If you can get zombie dogs then why not other animals as well? OK, so a zombie cow would probably be comical, but what about zombie rats? Or mosquitos? I don't think humanity would last a day!

    1. I'm with you on this one, Hugh. If the zombie infection spreads to ALL animal life, including insects, then say goodbye to humanity within a day.

  4. I agree with Colgar. Nice models and painting as usual. The infected animals idea I'm not too sure about. "Dawn of the Dead" for example dogs are ignored by the zombies. In "Walking Dead" ep: 2, the horse gets eaten. So I guess it all comes down to what fits into your own personal zombie apocalypse!

  5. Nice job Bryan they have come out nicely. Trying to paint dogs with short fur is quite hard as there isn't any texture as such.

    1. Thanks, Simon. You're right about painting short hair on dogs. Not easy at all.

  6. Interesting. I see a house rule supplement coming. Would Zombie Dogs shamble, or would they be "fast" zombies?

    1. Good question, Sean. There's a good argument for both fast and slow regarding zombie dogs.

  7. I love them Bryan but the movies and books treat them weirdly, either not at all or rampant and why only dogs and birds? Zombie cockroaches would be a nuisance!

  8. Great looking dogs, but the "Scube" bears little resemblance toeither the Black Cat Bases version or the cartoon.
    It's a great pity about the price too, they're way too expensive for s "casual buy" as Colgar says. I think I'd also have preferred to have seen them in a non-zombified state.

    (Boringly good paintwork as always)

    1. Once again, I agree with you, Joe. Love the description of "boringly good paintwork!" LoL!

  9. Very nice Bryan, they will go well with the WWG kennels.
    Im not sure how i feel about zombie anamals, i like the Romero take where only humans change, but i do like the Res evil movies, but where do we draw the line, zombie birds and the dread zombie mosquitoes lol

  10. I think the Tengu zombie dogs are the best zombie dogs available on the market now. Yours are painted exceptional well Bryan!

    1. I'd have to agree with you, David. And thanks for the compliment.
