
Sunday 7 April 2013

Tengu Models Zombies 05

Here are some more new 28mm scale zombies from Tengu Models, which are a mixed bag of shambling zombies and mutant zombies, male and female.
At the far right is BH0x Harry, a very characterful, obese zombie. The website describes him as once being a mechanic and who am I to argue with that? He sure looks the part. He reminds me of Uncle Jesse from The Dukes of Hazzard TV series. He has some very deep and nasty bite wounds in his arms. Look closely at the rear view of him and you can see his elbow bone sticking out. He also has wounds to the right side of his face, his lower back and his left leg. He is quite easily my favourite Tengu zombie.
The zombie standing next to Harry is even bigger and fatter. He is BH05E Mutant Bloater A. Clearly, he is no ordinary run of the mill zombie. The Bloater part of his description suggests that he has spent time underwater, whilst the Mutant part refers to his nasty skin complaint. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near him if any of those spots explode. He is one very frightening looking zombie. Oh, and he's quite a hefty chunk of metal, which is reflected in his price.
Moving on, we come to the three new females. Sticking with the theme of mutants, first up is BH05D Mutant Psyker A. Note how abnormally long her arms are, a clear sign of her mutation. The fingers of her right hand are fusing together to form a club like appendage.She suffers from the same skin disease as the Mutant Bloater. I'm not sure about her psychic abilities as I am not a big fan of psykers. I think that is something I am happy to ignore.
Next in line is BH02E Kelly and I must admit to really liking this figure. What I particularly like about her is her shape - she looks like a proper woman and not some stick thin supermodel. She has curves, and praise the Lord for that. Yes, her bum does look big in that bikini bottom and yes, her boobs are starting to head south. That is precisely why I love her. She seems so real. Her only wound is a large bite to her right thigh.
Finally is BH07E June. June is a young, slim woman with short-cropped hair She has taken a bite to the left thigh and one to the lower right leg. I like the way her head is slightly leaning to one side.
The last batch of Tengu Models zombies that I reviewed were all good but none were outstanding. Not so with this bunch. I think the first two and the fourth figure (Kelly) are outstanding and the other two merely good. The prices for these figures do vary. Harry costs £4.50; Mutant Bloater A is the dearest at £6.00; Mutant Psyker A is £3.50 and Kelly and June are £3.00 each.


  1. Nice work again on these zeds Bryan,
    Some great character on these figs, I especially like the first two

  2. Great work; must look at the more recent Tengu stuff. :)

  3. Great job and I have to concur with your review that were top quality.

  4. Some of the earlier female Tengu models were slightly smaller than the "industry average" 28mm figures. Judging by the size of the miniature compared to the base, I'm guessing that this may not be the case here? Hard to tell...

    1. Nope, you're right, Hugh, these females are slightly taller than previous Tengu females. But in no way are they overscaled.

  5. Damn...I would not like to meet these on a dark evening!

    Well painted yet again Bryan. I may have to get hold of some Tengu models....I so far own 0 Tengu models!

    1. You MAY have to get some, Johnny? Oh no, I'd say you MUST get some!

  6. How utterly revolting. Nice work.

    1. In this case, I'm happy to take "utterly revolting" as a compliment.

  7. wonderfully painted Bryan, well done mate, the dude with the puss lumps makes me feel sick in the guts, just looking at him Yuk! Hahaha so well painted.

  8. Very nice job Bryan, i love them all

  9. Nice additions to the horde and Kelly does stand out a very nice mini :D

    1. Thanks, Simon. I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes Kelly.

  10. Even more Zombie "goodness"! My personal favourite would be Harry (Dukes of Hazmat AKA Jessie) but Kelly comes a close second. I really like the way you have painted the bikini! Nice Work all round though. And I have come to expect nothing less from your brush.

    1. I loved your "Dukes of Hazmat" comment, Clint. As for Kelly, I figured she'd like a polka dot bikini. It was actually not as easy to paint as you might think.

    2. I would anticipate painting the Itzy bitzy teenie weenie black poker dot bikini would be very hard. Trying to get the spots the same size and shape and still following the body/figure contours. And that's why it looks so good.

    3. You're absolutely right, my friend.

  11. Great work, I like the paints you used for the blisters of the mutants, which happen to be my favorite of this batch.

    1. The blisters on the mutants involved a lot of colours for something so small, but my, they are effective.

  12. These are great looking miniatures with plenty of character - great paintjob as alsways.

    1. I agree, Joe. They are indeed full of character.

  13. Great work!

    Have you ever considered tweaking the zombie rules to reflect massive ones?

    1. I haven't thought of such a thing, Jon. I will introduce Smart Zombies in the future, but beyond that, who knows?

  14. I must say I enjoy the painting on these. I love the mechanic and Kelly the most, but the slim girl is nice too. I'm not a fan of Mutant zombies, they seem to video game to me. But they are well painted and sculpted.

    1. I agree with you about the video game feel vibe, Robert, and seeing as I never play any kind of computer or video games, I'm not a big fan of mutant zombies either.

  15. Spamming on a blog? I think these are some of your best painted zombies yet Bryan! That fat mechanic is my favorite Tengu model also!

    1. I fecking HATE spammers! The twat got zapped.
      Thanks for the comments, Dave. The fat mechanic does seem to be very popular.
