
Wednesday 3 April 2013

Tengu Models Zombies 04

A few months ago, Iain at Tengu Models released a batch of new 28mm scale zombies, which included normal shambling zombies, mutant zombies and zombie dogs. Over the next couple of weeks I intend to review them all. I'm going to start by looking at five of their normal male zombies. Note that they are all named by Iain, not me.
At the far right of my two photos is DF07 Prof. He is part of Tengu's 1920's Cthulhu range, but he also fits in well with their contemporary zombies range. With his three-piece suit and trilby hat, Prof appears to be a city gent of some renown. His suit has been holed in a few places and his worst wound is a bite to his upper right arm.
Next in line is BH01C Hal, wearing the overalls of a car mechanic. He has a cut to his forehead, bite wounds to both arms and his left leg. Note the yellow rag/duster sticking out of his left side pocket.
In the centre of the group is BH01D Barry. He appears to have been shot in the back and bitten in both arms and lower left leg.
Fourth in line is BH015 George and he has been badly wounded. His left cheek has been bitten. He was shot in the chest, causing a big exit wound in his back. He has also been bitten in the upper right leg.
Finally, is BH01A Paul. He differs from the others in that he is a two-piece casting. His right arm is a separate component. He has bite wounds to his right cheek, left lower arm and upper right leg.
Tengu describe these as shambler zombies on their website and it really is an apt description for them. Whilst none of them are outstanding, they are all beautifully sculpted. They are great rank and file zombies, ideal for filling out a horde. Each figure costs £3.00.


  1. Very nice - as always! work Bryan

  2. Great work Bryan! The first has to be my favorite, given my current interest! I am quite fond of all of them nevertheless, George and Paul both have great zombie poses. Can't agree on having them as rank and file, given the price, but I need to put Prof on my buy list!

    I've also re-checked Tengu's offer, as you've mentioned the dogs and now my list just grew! :D

    1. Given your interest in the Cthulhi mythos, I figured you'd like the Prof best of all, Mathyoo. Look out for my review of the zombie dogs soon.

  3. Lovely as always, particularly love the the Prof. and that at mechanic might serve well as a zombie alternate for a crooked dice minion. A little zombie in our spyfi ;)

  4. They look really good (as always)

  5. Recently discovered Tengu myself and thought the service brilliant. Really like these and will have to add them to the collection soon. My efforts can be found here -

    Funnily enough the dogs are on my painting desk as we speak and hope to have a go at them tomorrow, I'll let you know how I get on.

    1. I look forward to seeing your painted zombie dogs, Michael.

  6. You're right, these are really nicely sculpted. I was a little leery of buying from them until now.

    Great review Bryan, thank you!

  7. They are the best at this now and really well presented again my friend.

  8. Nice paintjobs on these zeds Bryan, nice review.

  9. I appreciate the compliment, Simon.

  10. Very nice models Bryan, you sure do paint them fast, the guy in the middle looks like a sandman from Logan's run

    1. I never noticed that before, SK, but now that you mention it you're right.

  11. These are great Bryan, you have made them look very creepy.

  12. More Zombies... even more zombie "goodness" good looking zombie painting yet again. Always a joy to see your brush work.

    1. Yep, more zombie goodness, Clint and more on the way, too!
