
Wednesday 22 May 2013

Zombicide Figures Size Comparison

When I was photographing my Zombicide figures I knew that I'd be asked for a size comparison photo. So I took one with the four zombie types from the Zombicide board-game alongside survivor types from an assortment of figure companies. If you are wondering about the Zombicide survivors, they are the same size as the zombie Walker. Do bear in mind that the Zombicide figures are not mounted on circular plastic slottabases so they appear to be a couple of millimetres smaller than the others.
Moving from left to right we have -
Copplestone Castings Dark Future Militia Trooper, or as we all know him - Vampifan.
Zombicide zombie Walker.
Foundry Figures Wrecking Crew gang member with crowbar.
Zombicide zombie Fattie.
Hasslefree Adventurer - Grant
Zombicide zombie Runner.
RAFM USX Survivor - Hanna, or as I call her, Hannah Vaughn.
Zombicide zombie Abomination.
Studio Miniatures Survivor - Ohio.
I think you'll agree that they match up well with all of the figures I've featured. This photo also gives you a good indication of just how tall the Abomination is.
What I did not anticipate were requests for a group shot of all of my Zombicide figures. The best I can do is show you this in game shot from one of the (many) scenarios that Mathyoo and I played.
Five of the six survivors are grouped together in the road square with the black and yellow triangular Noise Marker. Doug is on his own in the room at the top right hand corner, collecting one of the objectives for the scenario. At this point it looks pretty grim for the heroes but most of them made it to the end. Wendy was their only casualty, swarmed by zombies when the Walkers got an extra turn.


  1. Great work, and thanks for the comparison shots! I can't wait for September! I still plan on using the game for ATZ and other stuff, like superhero games. I don't have any ATZ rules, and the basic GURPS is getting clunky.
    I'll have to pick up some ATZ rules and locate a set of GURPS superhero rules. It's going to be a great Fall! ;)

    1. I too, can't wait for September, David. If you like GURPS, make sure to look out for GURPS Zombies coming out soon.

  2. Good to see the figure comparisons, the Zombicide figures match very well and a coin or similar on their bases would lift them to the height of a slotta-type base.

    The game board shot is a bonus !

    1. The Zombicide figures certainly do match up well, Joe. I'm glad you liked the shot of a game in progress. It was the closest I could get to a group shot.

    2. It's always difficult to get zombies to stand still and pose, when all they want to do is eat the cameraman ! (herding cats srings to mind)

  3. Nice shot Bryan!

    This game has been fantastic. I'm really glad this month of covering it has gone so well for you.

    1. Thanks, Jon. Next time I'll wrap up with a review of the game itself.

  4. You're right everything matches in great, lovely idea my friend!

    1. Many thanks, Fran. I know that some people were concerned that the Zombicide figures were too big. As you can see, they aren't.

  5. They look great to me. Nice shot of Zombicide in action too.

  6. I was about to buy this game when I discovered ATZ:FFO and the new Wargames Factory survivors (still deciding on which zombies to get). I thought I made a good choice in getting ATZ and models over Zombicide but now I have my doubts.

    1. Oh, I still think you made a good choice. I'd consider Zombicide a bonus to what you already have.

  7. Thanks for the Comparison shot Bryan very useful. They mix nicely even then special zombies.

  8. Excellent job on your Zombicides, Bryan. I think they will be nice additions to my zeds.
    Thanks for all the images. I can't wait for the new KS to ship!

    1. BTW nice road scenery, too. Is this new as well?

    2. I thought you'd appreciate the size comparison shot, Roger, and all the other shots I took.
      The road scenery comes from the game itself. It looks pretty darned smart, doesn't it?
