
Sunday 19 May 2013

Zombicide Zombies - Season 1 Abomination

The fourth and final type of zombie to be found in Zombicide is the Abomination. You can only ever encounter one Abomination at a time, which is a good thing, as they are incredibly hard to kill. He can only be killed by weapons that do three or more points of damage and in Zombicide that means just one weapon - the Molotov Cocktail. However, the players must first find an empty bottle and a can of gasoline from the equipment deck to make the Molotov Cocktail, which can be quite frustrating. If during the game, a second Abomination is spawned it is replaced with a Fattie and two Walkers.
The Abomination is a unique figure in the game. He is also the tallest figure, standing 37mm from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. Large spikes protrude from his body and he has the look of someone who has been experimented on and created in a laboratory. Note the camera slung around his neck - totally incongruous! His mouth is filled with sharp, pointy teeth. There are no wounds on him, however, I have smeared his mouth, chin, neck, upper torso and hands with blood to show that he has been feeding. That blood looks very fresh, doesn't it?
Like all of the other figures in the game he is mounted on a 25mm diameter base, but I felt this looked a bit too small for him. So, I glued him to a 30mm diameter wooden MDF base I had. This adds another couple of millimetres to his height, but I don't think that is a bad thing.
I think he is a great sculpt. He just exudes menace. Whilst I am generally not a fan of this type of modified "super zombie" he does serve a very useful purpose in the Zombicide game. Would I use him in a game of ATZ-FFO? Hmm, unlikely, but if the scenario justified it, and that's a big if, then possibly, yes.


  1. Another great figure Bryan,
    I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley!

  2. Very nice Bryan this is an awesome looking figure and certainly causes a lot of fear amongst the Zombicide players I know. Great job and that has to be the first time i've noticed the camera!

    1. I never noticed the camera on the figure but it was clearly visible on the illustration of him in the rulebook.

  3. Not one of my favourites, I'm now big fan of spikey things, let alone Boss Zombie types. I can see why they have such types in a boardgame though and like you it'd be next to impossible for me to want to deploy him (it?) in a zombie tabletop game.

  4. That is one cool looking mini. You did an excellent job on him. The blood does look very fresh. That was the first thing that caught my eye.

    1. Thanks, Joe. For fresh blood, nothing works better than Tamiya Clear Red.

  5. Great work, again :P
    I think bigger base was a sound choice, I really dislike big figures on bases they don't really fit on.

    As for the camera...poor ex-tourist! :D

    1. I totally agree with you, Mathyoo, regarding inappropriate sized bases.

      As for the poor ex-tourist, perhaps he IS the Abomination! Now there's a scary thought!

  6. how did u do the blood for him? Especially his hands i really like that look.

    1. The blood was done using Tamiya Clear Red, which is a translucent paint (meaning it is see-thru) and which dries very glossy. It is ideal for gore effects and no painter of zombie miniatures should be without it. You can mix it with other shades of red, brown or black for darker patches of blood.

  7. Very nice Bryan, he is the epitome of ugly, has he been delivering babies?

    1. I think he is more likely to have been eating babies than delivering them, TE!

  8. I love him, he's a perfect tank for Akula's zombie rules!

  9. What a fabulous figure. You've, as usual, done a magnificent job on this.

  10. Again well painted!

    And a nasty one too! Though a molotov cocktail can always take him out!!!

    1. Yes, indeed. Thank God for Molotov Cocktails!

  11. Fantastic!

    I'm looking forward to getting a second (and different) Abomination in the second season KickStarter. That will make for some interesting scenarios I think..... It will be especially interesting when playing on the larger layouts made possible by using a second set of tiles.

  12. With that title I expected to see a photo of Fran!!!!

  13. Well painted as usual. As you know I'm not a big fan of video game style zombies. However I love that fact that he has a camera to capture the memories.

    1. The camera is such a strange addition to him, Robert. Yes, perhaps he does photograph his victims.

  14. Cardio cardio cardio.... run like stink!

    Nice one mate, it's good to see this abomination. A group shot of all the zombiecide figures together might be nice. Survivors and Zeds together.

    1. You're not the first person to ask for a group shot of all the Zombicide figures together, Clint... and of course, I don't have one! To be honest, it never crossed my mind. I do have some "in game" shots, however, showing survivors and zombies together.

  15. It is supposed to have been a tourist and the spikes are actually shards of glass.

  16. Great painting work. The fresh blood is sick!

    Do you think removing the camera from the model would be difficult/worthwhile to do?

    1. Removing the camera would be a very easy task. Would I want to? Definitely not. It adds character to him.
