
Wednesday 15 May 2013

Zombicide Zombies - Season 1 Fatties 01

Time to review the third type of zombie from the Zombicide board-game - the Fatties. These obese zombies are a lot tougher than the Walker and Runner types. It takes two wounds to kill a Fattie and it is an all or nothing deal. If you have a weapon that only inflicts one point of damage, Fatties just shrug it off. You have to be armed with a weapon that inflicts two points of damage to kill a Fattie. As if this wasn't bad enough, whenever a Fattie arrives on the board at a Spawn Point, it brings with him, two Walkers. So now you're facing three zombies instead of just one. Fatties are quite a threat to the survivors. Fortunately, they are quite rare and there are only 8 in the game, all the same sculpt. Here are the first four that I've painted.
Fatties are taller than Walkers and Runners. You'll see just how taller when I run my size comparison photo.They are dressed in coveralls, which have been rolled down to the waist, a nice touch in my opinion. They also wear vests and have an oxygen mask around their necks (the kind used by DIY enthusiasts or people who live in smog filled cities). They also have a tool pouch hanging on their right thigh.
The Fattie at the far left has a wound to the right side of his belly. He wears orange coveralls, suggesting he might have been a former prisoner. Incidentally, this is the colour scheme of the Fattie that is illustrated in the rulebook.
To his left is a Fattie wearing dark grey coveralls. He shows no wounds but his hands are smeared in blood and blood has trickled from his mouth when he fed on a victim.
The Fattie in the navy blue coveralls has been slightly converted by me. I removed his oxygen mask and I made his belly even fatter. He has also been feeding. Blood covers his mouth, chin, neck and hands. He has a deep slash wound across his belly.
At the far right of this group is an African/American Fattie and he too, has been feeding upon a victim. I gave him orange overalls just like the first Fattie in line but his gloves are black, not leather coloured.
I must admit that I love these sculpts. I have always had a soft spot for obese zombies and these are so cool. For once, I cannot criticise the sculpting of them. They are damned near perfect.
Until I bought the Zombicide game, I always associated the term "Fatties" with the world of Judge Dredd. Now Mega City One Fatties really are obese. Just think of the legendary "Two Ton Tony" Tubbs! Yes, that was his weight! These guys might not match up to the obesity levels of their futuristic namesakes, but I still like them.


  1. These look great Bryan these are one of my favourites of the Zombicide zeds.

    I wonder if adding hats or hair with green stuff might break up there sameness though.

    1. Yes, I like them a lot as well, Simon.

      Good idea about adding hair and/or hats to break up the uniformity.

  2. I can't wait till season 2 arrives in September! I haven't been able to get the game yet, but a good friend did get a copy and the Nick promo fig from a convention. It is a really fun game!
    Nice work on the fatties! I fully plan on copying your ideas and expanding upon them, hopefully soon!

    1. I can't wait for Season 2 either, David. Lucky you in getting hold of a promo figure. Please feel free to copy anything you like here.

  3. Those are very cool, and they sound quite dangerous in game play.

  4. I don't like the way they have used Ray and my physiques as a guide, cheeky gits! Top work old boy!

  5. Do these fatties vommit as well, like in L4D?? either way they look real good Bryan.

    1. No, they do not vomit, TE. I'm especially pleased that they don't.

  6. As I look around the street of my home town I think there should be far more Fattie Zombies than anything else. ( Remember rule 1: Cardio.) They should be the first to succumb to the zeds.

    As ever a really good job bringing these to unlife.

    1. I totally agree with you, Clint. There should be far more fat and obese zombies on the market. As far as obesity levels are concerned, the UK has nothing to be proud of. Let's not get started on the USA.

  7. They're very distinct, but of all the pieces you've shown these would stand out as clones in a group of z's on a table.

    1. I'm going to take up Simon's suggestion when I paint the next batch and give them hair and hats.

    2. I think the next batch will be much the better for some conversion.

  8. I like what you've done with them. Adding the slashed gut was a good idea, and adding hats / hair will be cool as well. Thanks for posting.

  9. I think out of all the zombicide models you've done so far, these are my favourites. I agree that adding hats/hair to the next batch will break up the sameness quite nicely. I suppose you could also add a moustache/beard with greenstuff but that could be done with paint as well.

    1. I'm glad you like them, Louis. I agree with you about the conversions and I do like your idea of adding a beard and moustache. Consider your idea stolen.

  10. I love these last series of posts. Only some 8 or so different poses, but the paint jobs diversify them so well it must be an impressive looking bunch.

    1. Many thanks, Carl. They do loook impressive as a horde.

  11. These are by far the best of the zombicide figures sculpting wise. The painting is well done. I do suggest a hard hat and one with a mullet and painters cap for the future. They're begging for it.

    1. Thanks, Robert, and more good ideas for headwear.
