
Sunday 2 June 2013

Foundry Yakuza Gangers

Who thought they'd be seeing the first of my Victory Force horde of zombies reviews today? Sorry, you'll have to wait a bit longer as I still have 15 left to paint and I haven't photographed any of them yet. So I dipped into my photo archives and found a couple of Foundry Figures Gangers that I hadn't reviewed. These figures are from Foundry's 28mm scale Street Violence range and are set SV036 Yakuza Kingpin. It's time to go oriental in the criminal fraternity.
We start with the most obese figure that Foundry make in their Street Violence range - Little Melon. However, don't be fooled into thinking he's just a fat slob. Little Melon is a champion Sumo wrestler. That explains why Hari San keeps him in his entourage. He makes for one hell of an imposing enforcer.
The woman in red is Lauren Simms, a female bodyguard. Now originally, she was part of a trio of figures that were sculpted together and so fit on one base. She stood to the right of Hari San and held onto his right arm with her left hand. It was a simple conversion job to cut her free and I resculpted her left hand, giving her a 9mm Heckler and Koch MP5KA5 Machine Pistol. A simple bit of filing removed her left hand from Hari San's arm.
In the centre of the group is the head of this Yakuza gang - Hari San. The first thing you'll notice about him is just how small he is. That's a nice touch, in my opinion. He looks like a benevolent old businessman but he fought his way to the top, adhering to the old ways and traditional Yakuza values. He is not a man to be trifled with. The Yakuza do have a toe hold in Mayhem City but, at present, they are only a minor threat.
Hari San's chief administrator is the red-headed, Rebecca Wade. It was only this year that I got round to naming the two females and I deliberately chose that name for Rebecca as she so reminds me of Rebecca Brooks, who was at the heart of the recent News of the World scandal, in which she lost her job as editor of the newspaper. Non-UK followers may not have heard of her, but if you do an internet search for, you'll find plenty of pictures and info about her. In fact, here's one just below. I could have separated Hari San and Rebecca to make them two separate figures but that would have involved a lot of hard work. Plus, I think the pair go well together
Rebecca Brooks
The final two figures of the group are standard foot soldiers, who are similarly dressed and armed. First up is Botan. He is about to draw his katana from its sheath in a cross-body draw. The Yakuza are noted for their swordsmanship. Botan differs from Yoshi in that he wears dark sunglasses and that he appears to have no firearms. But I wouldn't put it past him if he doesn't carry a pistol in a shoulder holster.
Last up is Yoshi and he already has his katana drawn. In his right hand he brandishes a 9mm Heckler and Koch MP5KA5 Machine Pistol.
I'm trying to think if I have ever used these figures in a game before and to be honest, I don't think I have. They are nice figures but I just haven't found a use for them.
I just checked the Foundry website this morning and was surprised at how much they have increased their prices, This set, which was previously £10.00 now costs £12.60. That's a big increase! Do bear in mind that if you do buy this set that Lauren, Hari San and Rebecca are a one-piece casting.


  1. Nice work on some well known minis Bryan.

  2. Nice work again Bryan, I think Rebecca will definitely have to be fed to some zombies soon lol. I particularly like the last two henchmen, and I'm surprised we haven't seen them on the table yet

    1. No arguments from me about feeding Rebecca to the zombies, Dave!

  3. Nice review Bryan and yeah there prices have gone up a bit the postage has dropped slightly but is still dear if you just want the one pack.

    Its better that you separate the figure it makes more sense from a gaming perspective to have them as separate figures. You did a great job of sculpting on the hand.

    1. Thanks, Simon. I agree with you about separating the figures. Lauren was very easy to separate. I was happy with how her converted hand turned out.

  4. Great looking paintwork.
    I never really took to this set as they looked too cartoony and the triple casting makes me wonder what WF were thinking, nice to see you removed the female from the trio.

    1. Many thanks, Joe. I agree with you about the triple casting. Why?! I was glad that I could rescue one of the trio

  5. Great work Bryan. Your collection never ceases to amaze me!

    1. Thanks, Jonn. You really wouldn't believe the amount of figures I own!

  6. Got to say I love them mate. "Little Melon" is Fab. Rebecca hee hee hee! Snigger snigger. Chortle.

    1. Little Melon is rather unique, Clint. As for Rebecca... well you've seen the similarity. What else could I call her?

  7. I used to have these boys and girls, great figures and painting Bryan.

  8. They are great figures, nice and unique, but like you I probably wouldn't find a use for them anytime soon. Foundry does have costly miniatures, but I am usually ok with it because they are soo good!

    1. That's true about Foundry, Adam. They be costly but you are paying for quality.

  9. Very nice, Bryan. I love Little Melon, but they are all excellent. You always provide great fodder for my "to get" list. :)

    1. Thanks, LJ. Always glad to help out a fellow gamer.

  10. I've always love this set of figures and you do them justice. I've never seen a conversion of Hari San, but I like it.

    1. I'm glad that you liked what I did, Robert. Thanks for the kind words.

  11. All very nicely painted; definitely captured the Brooks hairdo. Best, Dean

  12. Always a fun page and a nice job. Did you pick up the zombie plague kickstarer figures?

    1. I certainly did. I'm busy painting them right now.

  13. Great work... the models looks ACE!

    Best regards

    Hobby worker.

  14. Bryan is in hospital at the moment. I am his brother (Mikie). He has undergone major surgery which was successful but it will take time to recover. I am not sure if this is the best way to get the message across.
    I am sure you all wish him a speedy recovery.

    Mikie Scott

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Mikie,
      Thank you for letting us know. I'll pass this along to some others.


    3. Michael, if Bryan is going to be in hospital for any length of time, could you please inform me, so I can visit ? (if allowed)
      My email addy can be found in my profile on this blog



  15. Have a speedy recovery Vampifan

  16. Thanks for letting us know Mikie,
    And wish you a speedy recovery Bryan

  17. Thanks for letting us know thoughts are with Bryan for a speedy recovery.

    All the best
    Simon :D

  18. As the other posters here have said "Get well soon Bryan!"

  19. Aw, Man... Sad to hear that Vampi had to be taken to hospital.

    Still, glad to hear that the surgery was successful, and I add my best wishes for a speedy recovery to those already expressed by other followers.

    Hope you're comfortable and they are treating you well!

  20. I'm very sorry to hear about Bryan's illness. My sympathies to both him and his family and I hope for a full and speedy recovery.

  21. Once again, many thanks for your kind comments. Bryan is in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Gateshead and the latest news I have is that he is doing OK but still in a critical condition.
    Zabadak - It is very kind of you to offer to visit Bryan but it is too early at this stage. I will try to let you know when he is able to see visitors. I can confirm that he is being very well looked after.



    1. Many thanks for that Michael, I had guessed it would be a bit too early, please give him mine and all his followers best wishs for a speedy recovery.

  22. There is nothing I can add that others have not already said. Bryan when you get a chance to read this know that you have been in my thoughts and prayers and along with everyone else I wish you a swift recovery and hope to see you posting on the blog as soon as you feel able, and happy to do so.

  23. Many thanks for your comments. I have let Bryan know that you are thinking of him. He continues to do well but it is a slow process and he has a long way to go.

  24. Thank you for letting us know Mikie. It's GREATLY appreciated.

    Bryan, keep healing, we'll be here later...

  25. Sorry to hear about this. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


  26. Yesterday was a good day for Bryan. He opened his eyes and was able to show he could understand what was being said to him. I have let him know about the best wishes and messages of support from his blog followers. Once again, I must stress it is a slow process but Bryan is making good progress.

    1. That's great news, Michael. Thanks for letting us know.

    2. Yeah, thank you! It's definitely good news.

    3. Good to hear, he is still in my family's prayers!

    4. It is good to hear he is doing well, thanks for letting us know.

    5. Great to hear that he's making progress on his road to recovery. Give him my regards and tell him I miss my "email pen pal".

    6. Thanks for keeping us all updated Michael. As I'm sure you can tell from the comments, it it much appreciated

  27. Thank you for keeping us all appraised of his progress it is very much appreciated.

  28. Thanks Michael, that is great to know

  29. Michael, thanks for the updates, we were getting worried about him over here across the pond.

    Bryan, rest up, take things slow, and we hope to hear from you when your back home.

  30. Hey Bryan, hang in there my friend. The Internet can't wait to have you back!

  31. Oh What! this is new news to me, No way!, Bryan you have my best wishes and are certainly in my prayers, great to hear you are doing well, look forward to chatting to you soon, Mikie thanks heaps for keeping us updated.

  32. Bryan, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Mike, thank you so much for taking the time to keep us updated. Bryan is very special to so many of us!

  33. Oh my, just heard about this now. Get well soon, Bryan, missing your online presence!

  34. Bryan, get better soon. We all need out Vampifan's World of the Undead post fix. When I have the extra cash again I will have to send you a care package.

    Mike- Please keep us updated on your brothers health status. If I lived there in there in the UK in your area I would gladly offer my services to help out be it as simple running out to get you and your mom a bite to eat when you are up visiting Bryan, to helping out around the house doing yard work, laundry, etc...

  35. I am totally floored by this. Thank you for informing us, Mike. I wish Bryan the best for a quick recovery.
    To Bryan,"You are a great guy and I wish you the best for recovery. You are one of my best friends in the world and deserve to be better very soon."

  36. Fantastic paintjob with these figures, great work!

  37. Thanks to everyone for your very kind comments. I am pleased to report that Bryan continues to make good but slow progress. He has been moved to a less intensive care unit which was a very good sign that his recovery was going well. He is still quite weak and tires easily but I am hopeful that he will be able to read soon and I will be able to show him your wonderful comments.

    1. Thank you Michael, we really appreciate the updates!

    2. Thank you Michael for keeping us all informed of Bryan's progress.
      Please tell Bryan that I'm hoping for his swift recovery and give my regards to your mum as I know how stressful a time this must be for her.

    3. That's great news Michael. As the others have said, we all very much appreciate your keeping us updated Michael.

  38. Just wanted to say, I was concerned about the initial news, but delighted Bryan is making a recovery. My thoughts and wishes go out to Bryan and his family.


  39. Good to hear he is steadily progressing with his recovery. Thanks for the update Michael.

  40. The good news is that Bryan continues to be well looked after but he still in the Critical Ward and had a setback last week when he caught a chest infection. He continues to be very well cared for and is being treated with antibiotics. It is now over 1 month since Bryan underwent major surgery and I don't have an idea of when he will be well enough to come home. I can only thank you all for your continued well wishes and nice comments.

    1. Thanks for the update most appreciated.

    2. Cheers for the update. I hope he will start to make a speedy recovery.

    3. Thanks for letting us know how he is Michael. As you can see from all the comments, we all miss him and wish him a speedy recovery

  41. Thank you Michael for keeping us up to date.
    Hoping for the best-Roger

  42. Best wishes to you and your Mom, as well as Bryan. Positive vibes being sent.


  43. Wishing for a speedy recovery mate.

  44. A big thank you for keeping us all informed. I wish you all (Bryan, his family and friends) the very best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  45. Hope you get better soon dude, get well soon!

  46. Please pass on our continued good wishes

  47. Today was a 'red letter' day for Bryan. He was able to go outside for the first time in over 5 weeks. He was put in a special chair and wheeled outside to enjoy the fresh air and glorious sunshine with his mum, all thanks to the support of the nurses and caring staff who are looking after him so well. I have also printed out the Blog comments on here and they have been read out to Bryan. He can only respond by putting his thumbs up and smiling from ear to ear, so you can be assured that all of your comments are being appreciated by Bryan and his family.

    1. It's good to hear he's making some positive progress,
      Thanks for the update Michael, and as always, our thoughts are with you all

    2. Cheers for the update Michael. That's great news that he was able to go outside, hopefully things will continue to improve and he'll be back home soon :)

    3. That is great news Michael; it's good to know that he's making progress.
      Thank you so much for keeping us all updated.
      Please give my regards to Bryan and family.

  48. Thanks for the update Michael. I check in every morning to see if there is any news. Its great that he got to go outside! My continued best wishes for all of you!

  49. ROG ZOMBIE:Indeed, a lot of people in the hobby love Bryan. Hopefully some of those vibes will help him if you believe in such things, who knows?

    ME: If it helps..I will send him some good vibes! Hell I will even do a little dance!

    ROG ZOMBIE: Good job Johnny!

    This is from a facebook chat between Roger and me. I better start dancing a bit more then!!

    All the best Bryan! I am a lousy dancer with no rhytm but I do headbang and shake my ass! Whatever helps!!!

  50. Indeed, we are sending our best vibes, Bryan.

  51. Thankyou for the updates, Michael. I'm very glad Bryan is improving and on the mend!
    My family is continuing in keeping Bryan and your family in our prayers.

  52. Only just found out about this thread on here. Thanks Miki for the updates. Rooting for Bryan. I wish him all the best.My thoughts and prayers are with him.

  53. Thats great news, get well soon Bryan

  54. Our continued prayers for Bryan and the family. I know how hard it is, Michael, to be one of the family members providing the care for a loved one. Make sure you take care of yourself, too.

  55. My deepest apology for not have hearing of this till now, as well as my deepest thoughts and well wishes for a speedy recovery. Bryan is one of the tops in this hobby and we miss him. Get well!!

  56. Apologies for the lack of updates recently, I have only just got back from holiday, however, I kept in touch with my Mum who visits Bryan every day. The great news is that Bryan is making great strides towards recovery. He has recently had the tracheotomy tube removed from his throat which means he can speak now and also eat proper food. He has even been able to walk a few steps. This is really good progress and is very encouraging. I can only think that all of your accumulated well wishes are having the desired positive effect on Bryan.

  57. That's great news Michael, thanks for the update.

  58. That's great news Michael. I think about Bryan everyday, hoping to hear some good news. I'm very glad he is doing well. Heres a note you can read to Bryan if you can;
    Hi Bryan! I am so glad to hear you are making progress. We miss you very much and are very glad you are improving. Keep up the good work, your friends are thinking of you.-Rog

  59. This is fantastic news! I heartly concur on what Roger mentions above.

    We are all sending best wishes and good vibrations to a speedy recovery mate!!!

  60. Hope you're up and moving soon Bryan! We miss you!

  61. That's awesome news!! Thank you for the update Michael. I hope Bryan continues to do excellent progress! Best wishes and thoughts being sent your way :)

  62. Hi Bryan i hope you fight your disease, many pretty things and lovely persons are waiting you, we miss you. Life is unfair but you are stronger, you are in my heart everyday. See you soon Bryan.

  63. Roger said it all. Get well soon, Bryan!

  64. Yes, that's great news! Best wishes to Bryan!

  65. From Madrid I hope he get better soon. I send my best vibes

  66. More good news - Bryan continues to progress well and he has been moved to a normal ward. He is walking, speaking and eating better.

  67. Excellent news! It's really heartening to hear that.

  68. Glad to hear Bryan is now eating, speaking and walking.

    I will hopefully have the care package I mentioned previously in the mail here soon, hard part is trying to figure out what to put in it.

  69. Thank you Michael that is awesome news!

  70. Time for a happy dance!!!!

    Thank you for bringing the good news Michael!!!

  71. Awesome news. Thanks Michael!

  72. I have visited Bryan twice in hospital in the last week.
    You can find an account of them here :
    Under "News"
    Suffice to say he is making good progress.

  73. Oh crap!! I've only just found out! Hope all's well as can be Bryan and well done to Michael for keeping everyone informed.

  74. More good news - Bryan continues to make great progress and it looks as though he may be home sooner rather than later. (Although no date has been set, yet). Many thanks for all your support and especially to Zabadak for the visits - Much appreciated.

    1. Fantastic news indeed. My experience has been that after a while in the hospital coming home is bliss. Again best wishes to Bryan, and thank you for your continued updates.

  75. Thats awesome news Michael! Thanks for the update.

  76. My personal rule-of-thumb for posts is that probably 100 people view each update for each 1 that comments. If that's even remotely correct then there's a huge amount of interest in Bryan's well-being!

    Many thanks to those who keep us lurkers informed and my best hopes for the future for all concerned.

  77. Many thanks Michael for the update, I was unable to visit Bryan his week following my own eye op. I'll be doing my utmost this week to visit him though.
    I'm pleased he's making good progress.

    1. That's fantastic news, cant wait to have Bryan back with us

  78. How is Bryan doing? I was so busy with my move that I didnt notice he was not updating his blog until recently. Get well Bryan!!

  79. I went to see Bryan yesterday and I will see him again today but not in hospital. I am glad to say he is now well enough to go into a respite home. The environment will be better than the hospital and he will have a room all to himself. When he is strong enough (he does physio exercises every day) he will be able to go home. We all hope this will be sometime soon.

    1. Great to hear he's out of hospital and making good progress, though it may be still some time before he's home, let's hope it's sooner rather than later. Is there any chance of visiting him as I'm now able to see well enough to drive once more ?

  80. Great news! The Zombicide swag should be getting mailed out soon to the backers, the thought of mini goodies will probably help to perk him up!
    Thank you for the updates, Michael! I have only recently got back from military training in the wilds with no phone or internet. The few times I made it back to where I had a tickle of internet or phone service, I would call my wife then check in here to track Bryan's progress. With all the worry for your family, I really appreciate the news you bring us!

  81. I'm really glad he is doing better now. Please send him my regards and we all hope to see him back here as soon as possible :)

  82. Really glad to hear of Bryan's progress and they are taking good care of him.

  83. More good news.
    Bryan is getting stronger every day and will have a trip home next week to see how well he can cope. I know he is very determined and motivated and I don't think it will be long before he is home permanently.

  84. That is fantastic news, indeed.
    I stop by here every day to see if there is something new posted from you or Bryan himself. So thanks for the continued updates, Michael.
    And please give my best wishes to Bryan again.

  85. That really is good news. Once again I appreciate the updates.

  86. Onwards and upwards ! - Great news Michael, thanks for the update

  87. B E S T N E W S E V E R
    Stop the Clocks.
    Put down whatever you are doing and listen up.
    VAMPIFAN is coming home tomorrow.
    I know this is the news most of you have been waiting for and I am so glad to be able to share this with you. Bryan had a home visit today and coped really, really well and so he will be allowed home tomorrow. I know he has been chomping at the bit and is eager to get back on line after nearly 3 months.
    I must just say, because Bryan is too modest to mention it, everyone who has looked after Bryan has been impressed by his attitude, his willingness to get better, his patience uncomplaining temperament and he has been described to me, by several people, as a 'model patient'. However, by far the best testament, came from a fellow hospital patient who, after recovering, sent Bryan a card, thanking him for the example he set and said Bryan acted as an inspiration on his own road to recovery.
    I hope this is the last message I have to post as Bryan can take over his Blog again, but I would like to thank you all for the fantastic support you have shown and all your well wishes over the last three long months.

  88. Yay! I, like many, many others am really stoked about this news. Thanks for keeping us all in the loop while Bryan recuperated, Michael. Looking forward to hearing from the big guys himself soon!

  89. YES!!!! Thank you so much Michael for remembering us when your family was going thru so much.

  90. I'm delighted to hear this news. While I wish and hope for the best, I think we all need to be just a little bit cautious for the future. Recovery from such a major illness will take a while and I don't imagine that it'll be "normal service" on Vampifan's World of the Undead straight away.

  91. WELCOME BACK HOME, ZED KILLER! Hope you all the best, always!

  92. So glad to hear Bryan's coming home. You and your family remain in our thoughts and prayers, all of you. This extended online family of gamers means a lot to all of us. Continued speedy recovery, Vampifan, and my personal best wishes for health and long life to everyone here on these pages.

  93. Welcome home Bryan. I am over joyed to hear such great news.

  94. Great news, well come back home, cant wait till you start posting again, we all missed you so much
