
Saturday 7 September 2013

Vampifan's Views 39 I'm Back

 As Mikie told you earlier this week I'm back home. Recovery is still ongoing and it will take many weeks before I'm fully fit and mobile. At the moment I'm hobbling about on walking sticks whilst indoors and using a three wheeled Zimmer contraption for when I go outdoors (very rarely). In myself I feel fine. I'm typing this on a laptop as it's going to take me a month or more before I can get back to my upstairs den/bedroom. I'm confined to the downstairs of my house. As a consequence, you'll have to wait a while longer before I can get blogging on a regular basis again.Sorry!
I'd like to thank everyone for their support and well wishes during my long stay in hospital. They meant a lot to me and were greatly appreciated. I knew I was ill before I was rushed to hospital but I never realised how serious my condition was - a hole in my bowel, which was leaking poisons and toxins into my stomach. The four month recovery period in hospital was far longer than I expected. Still, it's great to be back home and I can't wait to get back to blogging, figure painting and model making.
Kind regards to everyone.


  1. I am to hear that you are on the mend admittedly slowly. I do wish you a speedy recovery

  2. I'm so glad you're mending so well Bryan! Take your time, we'll all still be here cheering you on.

  3. Glad to see you back home and on the road to recovery Bryan, I think we were all quite concerned of how sudden it happened! Glad it was spotted before it was to late and that your still with us! Hope your recovery is speeded up now you are home. Look forward to hearing more from you.

  4. Great to have you back mate, and get well soon, we all missed having you around :-)

  5. I'm so glad you are back home and recovering. Your presence was definitely missed.

  6. Good to hear Bryan, damn good to hear, take it easy and slowly!

  7. This is the best news I have heard in a while. Glad you are back and on the road to recovery. Don't over do it if Mikie has to type "relapse" on your blog I'll have to come up there and give you a right talking to.

    I'll give it a few weeks more but I will be running a Wild Zombie West Play by blog game. so have a think about what type of character you want to play as you are definitely in the game. Just think about it, do no more than that. And seriously do not watch "Cowboys and Zombies " on DVD because that is really shite and I don't want you to waste your time!

  8. Glad to have you back. Hope you get well soon.

  9. Excellent news Bryan! I'm glad your back and feeling better!!

  10. Happy to hear you're back Bryan! (Un)fortunately it seems that add-on has been much more useful than it was firstly anticipated, eh?

    Also, while I have you actually here, make sure you send regards to Mavis from me! :)

  11. Ya hey. I've had a @?%$ week but this news has brought a real smile to my face. Welcome back pal. Get well!!!!!

  12. Good to see you are fighting the zombie infection! A hole in the bowel? sounds like peritonitis. Nasty stuff. I had the same when I was 12, after I was hit by a car. Mine turned gangrenous and recovery was long also. I feel for ya, get better soon.

    1. It was peritonitis... and septicaemia! Nasty!

    2. Peritonitis is bad, bad new. Vikings used to use what was called the 'onion test' - they fed somebody that had a gut wound onions - then sniffed the wound.

      If they smelled onions then they gave him a quick death.

      Septicaemia used to kill more people than what they were being operated on for - amputations in particular went septic with terrible regularity.

      Be glad that you live in an age with antibiotics, and that doctors have given up on their good luck bandages.

      The Auld Grump

    3. Holy crap, Grump, that's seriously scary stuff! I knew that both diseases were killers but not what you've told me. Yes, indeed, thank the Lord for modern medicine!

    4. Whoops - accidentally hit delete, meaning to edit....

      Some of the history of medicine is enough to make your hair go white - that crack about 'good luck bandages'?

      They were real. Hey, the first patient that I used these on didn't die....

      Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.* was in danger of losing his license to practice medicine and faced public ridicule at one point - because he thought that washing his hands before surgery was a good idea....

      For something really scary... look at how many people were killed by consumptive tuberculosis spread by milk, before Louis Pasteur invented his process.

      For that matter... and I think that you will like this - look up the Rhode Island Vampire Epidemic of the late 19th Century - folks dug up the graves of some of the victims of consumption, and drove stakes through their hearts. (The last vampire execution in the United States was that of Mercy Brown of Exeter Rhode Island - in 1892.)

      The Auld Grump

      *Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. - Poet, lecturer, physician....

    5. Yes, medical history is a fascinating subject... and a scary one. I will indeed check up on some of the stories you mentioned. Many thanks, Auld Grump.

    6. Been trying to work the Ghost Map into a Victorian RPG for a while.... (Great book - about the Cholera Epidemic in London, and how it was traced and ended. White & Snow invented methods to trace the disease that are still used to this day.)

      The Auld Grump - the epidemic was ended by removing one pump handle, so folks could not use a contaminated well.

  13. As with everyone else, I'm delighted to hear that you're back! I imagine that you've got quite a lot of catching up to do, so I wouldn't worry about not posting much yourself for a while. Stay well :-) .

  14. I'm glad to hear you're home now. I just returned from the hospital myself so I appreciate what you are going through.


  15. When I saw you had updated your blog I found myself filled with a sense of gratitude. I'm so glad to hear you're recovering. You will continue to have the prayers/good thoughts/white light from many I'm sure. Heal quickly and well. We'll wait up for ya! : )

  16. As always, excuse my bad English.

    It joyful me to hear that you're feeling better again. When I hear that you what happened, I kept the first package back. But now I will finally send it in the next few days go, I hope you have fun in it.

  17. Great to hear you are on the mend. Hopefully your recovery goes well and quickly!

  18. Hello my friend, I'm really glad to hear that you're back home... It's good to have you back! :)

  19. great to see you back. That was 4 month ago? Your absence felt like ages. We missed you.

  20. Great news Bryan, glad to hear you've gotten home

  21. Glad to hear you are on the mend. Take it easy and get better quickly!

  22. Glad you are back home and getting better. You have been missed :-)

  23. Best news in the last 4 months! Good to have you back amongst the living mate! You have been missed!!!!

    Take care of yourself, we need you around ;-)

  24. Welcome back, Bryan! I'm just really pleased to hear from you on the blog again. Take it easy now, and keep building your strength. All the best.

  25. We're all very glad to have you back Brian and relieved to hear that you're recovering well. Your absence in the blogging community has been sorely missed- and not just for your wonderful posts and bat-reps. You have a great many friends in the blogging community -many of whom you've never met- and your homecoming is a great relief to us all.

    Best Wishes and a speedy recovery.

  26. (Doing the Bryan is Back Dance!)

  27. Brilliant news - really glad that you are back!

  28. Don't do this again, bryan, you had us pretty worried. Four months in hospital are no walk in the park, so take all the time you need to recover.

    Best wishes
    Whiteface / oliver

  29. Welcome home, Vampi,take a rest and catch up on your reading! ;)
    Good to know you are back and properly on the mend!

  30. Great to have you back my friend. Look forward to talking to you more soon. Take it easy and enjoy your home. Must be nice to be back. I spent 17 days in the hospital once I can't imagine 4 months, you are one know the rest :)

    Take care my brother! Rog

  31. Good to have you back and recovering, Bryan! Looking forward to your posts already!

  32. It's great to see you back online Bryan! I too had a hole in my colon back in 2004 (2 holes really), it leaked outside of my intestines for about 9 months until things got super bad... Long story short, I had most of my colon removed, but it never became toxic as far as I remember. So I'm really glad you are ok and out of hospital :)

  33. Ah the Boss is back in the house. Nice to see you back the internet has been a lesser place without you.

  34. It's all been said above Bryan, but I still want to add my own "me too!" post; it is great to have you back! As you can tell, I'm sure, you've been missed by all of us

    1. Oh, and has also been said above, take it easy and don't overdo it!!

  35. Vampi yeah! You are come home!!! I don't know if you remember me i'm the french guy, we was speaking last winter about ATZ and on the forum too. I was very anxious about you and i'm "alleviate" now. ? (thx google trad?)
    I came to london this summer for 2 days and i regret to not had the time to see you (pff poor english i make what i can).

    I have never see you but I'm so happy for you, have rest and don't worry you have many people who support you. I can't believe it! Take your time Bryan.

    Kiss from my wife too! Congratulations bro

  36. Bryan welcome home!

    I have definitely missed your blog posts. I am so very glad you have pulled through. I hope your recovery continues smoothly and quickly. After all all the goodies from Season 2 of Zombiecide will be showing up soon, you will want to be healthy for that right ;)

    1. Absolutely! I hadn't forgotten that Zombicide 2 is due in September.

  37. Great to hear that you're back Bryan!

  38. Thanks to you all for your good wishes. I will indeed be taking things easy these next few weeks.

  39. Hello Bryan, it is fantastic to see you back and well and recovering in the body, we all wish you a speedy recovery, as has been mentioned before, you have been sorely missed around these parts, I look forward to more of your posting, but only when your up to it!!

  40. Glad to read that your back on your feet, and out of the hospital.

    Sounds like it was a bad, bad time.

    Keep on healin', ye hear?

    The Auld Grump

  41. Glad you are back Vampifan. We all missed you dude!

  42. Glad you're returned and getting better. Slow progress is still progress sir, hang in there!

  43. Glad you are back home and on the mend! The web is not the same without your zombie gaming, painting, and reviews. Take care.


  44. Happy to hear this new, speedy speedy recovery! :)

  45. Good to have you back with us, mate. You had me worried there for a good while. Take all the time you need to recover.

  46. Hey Bryan, It's great to hear sir. Only just picked up on things very recently. Here's wishing all the best for a speedy recovery.
