
Wednesday 9 October 2013

Foundry Juno's Crew

Continuing my theme of Wargames Foundry's Street Violence range of 28mm scale gangers here is set SV01/6 Juno's Crew. This set could be used as a smartly dressed criminal gang or they could work for some covert government agency, which is the option I chose when I used this gang in my Feng Shui campaign. Juno was quite a thorn in the sides of my player characters. There is an extra figure that I've added to this group, made by Copplestone Castings and I'll explain why later.
First in line is Juno. Juno may be her real name or more likely, it is an alias. She is one tough cookie. She was born in Hong Kong as a member of the Ascended faction in the Secret War. This made her one of the ruling class of the contemporary era. She is armed with a 9mm Heckler and Koch MP5KA5 Machine Pistol and a 9mm Glock 17 Pistol. She is equally skilled in gunplay and martial arts.
To her left is Tracy Smith, a skilled assassin. Tracy also wields a 9mm Heckler and Koch MP5KA5 Machine Pistol. If you removed her pistol she'd make a good civilian.
Malcolm Taylor, known to his friends as Mac is third in line. Mac is armed with a .50 cal. IMI Desert Eagle Big Ass Pistol. Mac is quite a brute and can soak up a lot of punishment.
Fourth in line is Carter Hagget. He, too, is armed with a 9mm Heckler and Koch MP5KA5 Machine Pistol. Curiously, he has been posed firing his Machine Pistol gangsta-style, which is never a sensible thing to do.
The last figure from this group was called Ace by the Foundry folk, but seeing as he is a dead ringer for John Travolta's hitman character from the film Pulp Fiction, I have called him Vincent Vega. I'm not sure what make of Pistol he's using but no doubt it'll be some form of nine mil.
As fans of Pulp Fiction will know, Vincent was partnered by Jules Winnfield, played by Samuel L. Jackson. As it happens Copplestone Casting make a perfect Jules Winnfield in their Future Wars set FW26 Bad Guys in Suits. So that is the reason I have included this iconic figure with this set. You can't have Vincent without Jules. He, too, is armed with a 9mm Pistol.
Juno's Crew is available for sale for £12.00 from the Wargames Foundry website. As mentioned, the Jules Winnfield figure is part of the FW26 Bad Guys in Suits set and they cost £8.50 for five figures. I'll review the rest of them at a later date.


  1. Very cool stuff there!

    I missed your return a week or so ago....glad you are back among the living, and in the blogosphere again! Glad to hear you are doing better.

    1. Thanks, WarRaptor. I'm well on the mend now, and I'm getting better each day, which is great news after being away for so long.

  2. Solid work here mate. Very Ba ba boom!

  3. A great looking group they make as well. Nicely done Bryan :)

  4. Great looking bunch Bryan. I found it very difficult to pull off black suits effectively, but you've done a great job on these and you're right about the Vincent and Jules loo-alikes

    1. Many thanks, Joe. Black is not the easiest colour to pull off effectively. Nor is white! As for Vincent and Jules, they just have to go together.

  5. Great review! As always, I love the direction you took these miniatures.

  6. Very nice indeed. I think the addition of the Copplestone Castings 'not Samuel' is perfect!

    1. Yes, I just couldn't leave out the not-Jules.

  7. Oh, you really are back now! :P

    Looking good, especially Juno herself.

    1. Yes, I'm back with a vengeance, Mathyoo. And I also like Juno. She is/was a serious hard ass villain.

  8. Good looking men and woman in black Bryan, great figures and work!

  9. Like Zabadak, I'm struggling to paint black suits effectively. I was considering switching to another colour for my eventual agency or mob figures instead ("Men in Blue"?), but now I'm dithering...

    1. Hmm, Men in Blue? That could work depending on the shade of blue you use. But there is something about Men in Black that just screams "menace!"

    2. Colgar6, just a thought. Take a look at Vallejo 862 Black Grey. It's black, except not, which means it'll take a black wash. I'm quite taken by it myself, especially for paiting people in suits

  10. Great minis and nice paint jobs, but most of all I'm really pleased to see you back in the blogosphere!
    All the best,

    1. Thanks, Kasper. It really is wonderful to be back.

  11. Nicely looking group Bryan, a very 'Reservoir dogs' feel about these ones.

  12. I really have missed your painted figures over the last few months. Good to see you back in the saddle again and with more quality work.

    1. Thanks, Clint. These were painted years ago but somehow I forgot to review them a lot sooner. Still, better late than never.

  13. Good to have you back mate! Have been missing these reviews.

    Nice team of "men in black"

    1. Thanks, Johnny. I appreciate the compliments.

  14. Great stuff Bryan, as well as the ATZ article. The world seems a better place now with you back.
    I'm getting inspired to paint again.
