
Sunday 13 October 2013

WWG Mayhem Junkyard Walls

A while ago I made a set of 12 walls from the World Works Games' Mayhem Junkyard set. Each wall measures 6" long by 2" tall and they come in four different flavours. All walls are glued to bases that are 0.5" wide on either side.
The wall at the left of the photo above is a plain blank wall with no markings or graffiti on. I made six of these and two each of the other walls.
The wall at the right of the photo above bears a "Private Property" sign. It also has a very amusing poster that reads "NB Trespassing. Violators will be shot. Survivors will be shot again."
 The wall at the left of the photo above has been spray painted with graffiti.
 The wall at the right of the photo above has has numerous advertising posters stuck on it.
The photos directly above and below show the reverse side of the walls with their support columns.
All reverse sides of the walls are identical. These were incredibly easy to make. The walls and bases are reinforced with mounting card.


  1. Those are really nice and probably easy to make. They seem to fit in well with the rest of their stuff.

    1. Thanks, Mathyoo. Of all the WWG scenery items I have made these had to be the easiest to make.

  2. The grafitti really makes it look real. Rust too....But grafitti on things like this is just a must.

    Overall look is great! Well done mate!

    1. I totally agree with you about the graffiti, Johnny... and the rust.

  3. Great stuff, the walls look really good.

  4. They look great Bryan, They are all look well worn and old. Far more realistic looking.

    1. You have to admire WWG for their textures, Simon.

  5. It's always useful to have more walls and fences, isn't it? How about a gate? Or a wall section with a (man-sized) hole in it? I imagine that would need some modification of the original kit...

    1. The set does come with a gate, Colgar, but I haven't got round to making it yet.

  6. The walls look good and the graffiti really suits their purpose, it really is a pain trying to putting believable graffiti on models which is another advantage of using card models.

    1. I hear what you're saying about painting realistic looking graffiti, Joe. It's not the easiest thing to do.

  7. This sort of stuff really makes terrain on a table feel right. It's amazing how so many people ignore making this stuff, even if they collect terrain at all. Somehow it usually gets ignored in order to focus on models and rules.

    They look great!

  8. They look tremendous, I love the graffiti it really sets them apart.

    1. The graffiti certainly enhances them, Michael.

  9. Simple effective realistic. What's not to like?

  10. I missed your return... GOOD TO SEE YOU BACK!

    The walls look good. I'd personally have cutt the supports out and attached them to coffee stirrers or a few strips of card to to get that extra depth, but that's picking nits. Those walls look plenty good enough as is!

    1. I'm so glad to be back, Nick. Fair comment about the supports.
