
Sunday 20 October 2013

Stoelzel's Billboards

Earlier this year, prior to my stay in hospital, I made three 28mm scale billboards from the Stoelzel's Structures' M.U.C.K.2 set. M.U.C.K. stands for Modular Urban Construction Kit and set 2 offers far more options than the original set. One of those options was to make billboards.
You can stick these on the roofs of buildings, or as I have done, just leave them on the ground. Carl offers a number of pre-designed billboard posters in addition to a blank poster if you wanted to design your own.
The two photos above show the billboards in situ on one of my Undeveloped Real Estate gaming boards.
The photo above shows the first billboard that I made. Carl very kindly designed this poster for me after I told him that the setting for my ATZ campaign was going to be in Springvale, a suburb of Mayhem City. Obviously he couldn't do a "Welcome to Mayhem City" poster as Mayhem City is the name of World Works Games set of contemporary scenery. However, Springvale is a name that I came up with and does not breach any copyright laws. Incidentally, just to remind you, Vampifan lives in Springvale. I'll explain about the Center Of Regenerative Properties Subsequent Expiration below.
 Now the CORPSE poster was something that Carl came up with on his own and I am delighted with it. Carl knows about my zombie campaign and so designed this poster for me to use in my campaign. I will indeed be using CORPSE as a shady corporation who may have possibly started the zombie outbreak. When I get to play the High Rise to Hell scenario I'll probably replace the Prosperity Corporation with CORPSE.
 I made this third poster simply because it is also zombie related. It is an amusing poster for a fictitious brand of coffee, Energize Z.
 This photo above shows the reverse side of the three billboards. All three have identical backs. The billboards were very easy to make. The posters themselves were glued onto pieces of mounting card, whilst the leg supports were glued onto pieces of foam board. There are other poster designs you can chose from but these three were the ones that interested me the most.


  1. Great scenic additions to any set-up

    1. Thanks, Joe. I knew as soon as I saw them that I wanted to make them.

  2. Excellent looking signs. Love the Energize advert one its my favourite of the bunch. The details are nice as well with bits of the posters peeling away from the board.

    1. I love the little details that Carl has added as well, Simon. It makes them more realistic.

  3. Hehe I really like the coffee ad! Well done on all of them mate! They really add to the realism of the gaming table.

    Hope you are doing better.

    1. Many thanks, Johnny. Yes, I'm doing very well and I'm getting better all the time.

  4. I need more billboards! Until now, I hadn't realised how important this was...

    1. As I keep saying, Hugh, it's the little details, like billboards, that help bring a gaming board to life.

  5. Very nice Bryan. Glad to see you posting again. But really blows me a way is that free hand on that little guys shirt, I love Little Vamp.

    1. Thanks, Carl. I think I've mentioned this before but Vampifan's T-shirt is based on a one that I own. It's still in very good condition as I have hardly ever worn it. Funnily enough I think it's too good to wear as I want to keep it in pristine condition.

  6. Ah the billboards! looking great, I always liked the humor in them. I honestly need to make some of those eventually! :D

    1. Thanks, Mathyoo. These were a lot easier to make than the ones that WWG make.

  7. Those are bloody lovely my friend, top job!

  8. Replies
    1. Cheers, Ray. The last one is proving quite popular.

  9. These are great Bryan. Perfect as they are and pretty easy for people to come up with new banners, or simply download posters and re-size if you want something different or specific.

    1. You're right, Adam, it is very easy to come up with poster designs of your own.

  10. It's stuff like this that makes a table come to life. It's a pleasure to see your work, as always!

    Have you seen Paper Mau? It's another blog that is papercraft oriented. He's got some beautiful stuff, quite a bit might be of use to you.

    1. Thanks, Jon. I certainly have seen the Paper Mau site. There is a lot of interesting stuff to be found there.
