
Wednesday 16 October 2013

Zombie Survival Manual by Sean T. Page

The Zombie Survival Manual by zombie survival expert Sean T. page is a 128 page hard backed book done in the style of a Haynes' car manual. It is fully illustrated throughout in colour by artist Ian Moores. The blurb on the back of the book asks, "what would you do in the event of a zombie apocalypse? Would you know how to protect your family, forage for food and hold your own if confronted by a horde of the walking dead? Packed with vital information about how to prepare yourself and your home for the inevitable, the Zombie Survival Manual includes everything from the latest updates from world leaders in zombiology such as Dr. Khalid Ahmed to unarmed combat techniques and guidlines for zombie-proofing your home."
"With a comprehensive range of illustrations, maps, diagrams and step-by-step instructions, this manual is essential reading for those interested in protecting themselves, their families and society from the zombie menace. It also includes the chance to earn an invaluable zombie survival qualification by completing the examination at the end of the book."
Topics covered by the manual include -
  • Zombies explained - what they are and how to deal with them.
  • The science of zombiology - the facts that survivalists must know.
  • The zombie apocalypse - what is it, when will it happen and why now?
  • Zombies in history - the world's first timeline of events.
  • Becoming a zombie survivalist - training the body and mind.
  • Home preparation and defence - securing the home and a 90-day survival plan.
  • Out and about in zombie town - movement, foraging and transportation in a world of the dead.
  • A qualification in zombie survival - the chance to become certified.
The manual is written with Sean's trademark humour and wit and is a joy to read. Indeed, no zombie fan should be without this book. I simply can't praise it enough. As a more mature and less able-bodied fan of all things zombie-related, I was pleased to see a section of the book devoted to how the elderly and disabled may cope in a zombie apocalypse. It need not be "game over, man!" after all. We oldies still have a place in an apocalyptic society beyond being zombie fodder.
Adam, aka Zombie Ad, who owns the Zombie Shop recently reviewed the book on his blog here - and be sure to check out his competition on Facebook to win a copy of the book. He very kindly supplied me with my copy so that I may review it. Once again, many thanks, Adam. if you wish to purchase the book it costs £16.99, although you can get it considerably cheaper at Amazon.UK, where it retails for £11.99.
I have no hesitation in awarding the book a 10 out of 10 rating. It really is that good!


  1. Nice! I'll have to keep an eye out for this one.

    1. On second look, I already own this one! It was a fun read.

    2. I'm glad you already have it, John, and that you enjoyed it. Cool!

    3. I doubted myself, so went back to check. It's not even out in the States, I was wrong! I don't have it yet.

      Oops. This will be on my wishlist for sure.

    4. It is well worth adding to your wishlist, John.

  2. A good recommendation Bryan especially the elderly/unfit bit!

    1. We oldies need help and guidance for the apocalypse just as much (you could argue more so) than our younger and fitter brethren, Fran.

  3. Thanks for the review, it confirmed what I'd already suspected and I'd put this on my list of things to get merely on Sean Page's name alone.

    1. Sean certainly knows his subject matter and more importantly, he knows how to write in an entertaining and amusing style.

  4. Wow, that good?! I'm usually a little suspicious of this type of book, but now I'm not sure...

    1. Go on, Hugh, succumb to temptation! You won't be disappointed.

  5. Replies
    1. Check out Adam's review if you want a second opinion, Robert.

  6. Yet another thing for the Xmass list I think. 10/10 is recommendation indeed.

    1. I enjoyed this book so much I simply had to give it a 10/10 rating.

  7. Thanks for that mate, I've noticed it about and wondered how it was. Speaking of which, how you doin'?

    1. Thanks, Irqan. I am well on the mend and my health is improving everyday. I'm a very happy bunny.

  8. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much Bryan. I loved it. Sean's done a fantastic job with this and there really are quite a few genuine laugh out loud moments. I have already changed my dress sense so I can try look more like a Zombie Apocalypse Survivor badass on a daily basis.

    1. I totally agree with you about the laugh out loud moments, Adam. Sean's covering letter to the Chinese government to obtain an AK47Z assault rifle was a particularly funny highlight for me. But really, it was just one of many. Good for you, mate for changing your dress sense.

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