
Wednesday 20 November 2013

Vampifan's Views 42 - Ashley

Ashley looking drop dead gorgeous.
When I posted my last Vampifan's Views - A Special Announcement, I should have included a photo of Ashley, so that you could see what my new girlfriend looks like. Unfortunately, at that time, I was having some problems with Blogger and I was unable to upload any pictures or photos. So, I had a word with my brother, who is a computer genius, and he sorted out the problem for me. Yesterday afternoon, I had a good photographic session, shooting my recently painted figures and some of my really old figures. I have enough new photos for at least five posts.
The plan was to do a figure review post today but that got knocked on the head when I found I couldn't transfer the photos to my computer properly. You see, what happened is that I have a brand new computer. It arrived on the day that I was admitted to hospital and remained idle and still in its box for about five months. A couple of weeks ago, my brother visited me and he set up my new computer. It's about 95% configured how I want it. I'm using the Windows 8 operating system, which I know has many critics, but I wanted the most up to date operating system to help future-proof my computer. I'm not using touch screen technology but a good old-fashioned mouse and keyboard. My photo manipulating software needs reviewing as its not working like it did on my old computer. So, apologies for the teething troubles but just bear with me whilst I get to grips with my new computer.
So my plans for a figure review got shot down in flames, leaving me in a pickle as to what I could do for today's post. Fortunately help came from my sweetheart, Ashley. She sent me two new photos of herself this morning and I have decided to share one of them with you. Yes, I am biased but I think she is stunningly beautiful. I can't believe my good fortune that I am dating someone as beautiful and as loving as Ashley. It is my birthday this coming Sunday and Ashley is flying home this weekend, so we'll meet at last. Meeting her will be the best birthday present I could ever wish for. If my regular Sunday post does not appear, it will be because I'm spending time with my one true love. By the way, the second photo she sent me today shows her in a tiny pink bikini and there is no way that I'm sharing that one with anyone else!


  1. Well, I would agree - absolutely stunning and no way would I guess she is 44!

    if it is actually her, you are a very very lucky man.

    1. Ross, it very definitely is her. It's not the most recent photo of her but I have to say, she has kept her looks very well. I totally agree - I am a very lucky man.

  2. Vamperella has some competition I would say.

    Happy B-Day, brother!

    1. Yes, I do love Vampirella, but she's a fictional character and Ashley's real. I'll take real life over fantasy in this case.

      Oh, and thanks for the birthday wishes.

  3. Congrats Bryan. Ashley cetainly looks great for 44. Did you say she is coming to meet you soon? I hope you guys have fun.

    I too, recently got a new computer and Windows 8. I completely disregard the "Metro" part of Windows 8 and boots straight to the Desktop screen. It works well for me, and much faster than windows 7.

    1. Thanks, Adam. Yes, Ashley's flying back home this weekend, just in time for my birthday.

      One of the first things I did with Windows 8 was to download the classic skin, so I've got the START button back. I missed that.

  4. She is stunning, best of wishes to you both!

    1. Thanks, Fran. She's one SWMBO I'd be only too happy to obey!

  5. Yeah I missed the start button too so I'm using classic on Windows 7(not ready to jump to a new OS yet). I wish you a wonderful birthday this weekend, mine was last weekend.


    1. A belated happy birthday, Robert. I hope it went well for you.

  6. Have a great birthday weekend Bryan. Ashley looks cracking have a good one!

    1. Thanks, Simon. For obvious reasons, I'm looking forward to this birthday more than any other.

  7. Wow my good man you have met a very beautiful lady.
    Good luck to you and happy birthday .

  8. Windows 8... I am so behind the times! Good luck on Sunday Bryan, hope it all goes swimmimgly

    1. I was using Windows vista before, which I have to say, I liked a lot. Windows 8 is... well, different. Thanks for the birthday wishes, Adam.

  9. Jaw dropping. Have a happy birthday weekend buddy. Hope you're getting stronger every week. All my best.

    1. Yeah, my jaw hit the floor when I saw that photo. I am feeling fitter now than I ever have. Losing 3 stone in weight did me the power of good, Bob.

  10. Happy birthday Bryan a new and beautiful year is awaiting you. Take care of you my friend :)

    1. Many thanks, Fengrom. Yes, starting this weekend, a new chapter in my life is about to begin.

  11. Hugs from the crazy dane and a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY mate!!!

  12. Very pretty. I too am working off a new windows 8 computer. Mine is a tablet so the touch interface works quite well. Mind you I do just about everything from the desktop screen so it's as much like my old computer as I can make it. And Happy Birthday as well.

    1. Cheers, Sean. I'm having a few teething troubles with Windows 8, but fortunately, nothing that can't be fixed. It helps to have a brother who is an expert on all things to do with computers!

  13. You may be biased , but you are not wrong. She a real beauty - lucky guy.

    1. Ashley is a stunningly beautiful person - on the inside as well as on the outside - a rare combination. I certainly do feel like I'm the luckiest man alive.

  14. Have a happy Birthday Bryan,(I tend to try and forget mine nowadays)

    1. Many thanks, Joe. When you reach our age, birthdays seem to lose their appeal. However, this year is going to be very different. I can hardly wait for Sunday.

  15. Best wishes Bryan and happy birthday :)

  16. I hope neither of you are disappointed when you meet and that the relationship blossoms further. She truly is a beauty and if her heart is as nice as her face you are indeed a very lucky man.

    1. I know for sure that I won't be disappointed when I meet her. I have spoken to her many times now on the phone and truly, she has it all - looks, personality and wealth. I am still finding it hard to come to terms with how quickly we have fallen for each other. She wants to spend the rest of her life with me and I can't think of anyone else i'd rather be with. I foresee a long and happy future together.

    2. Maybe I should get the details of the dating website. I genuinely hope it works out fantastically for you both,

    3. is the site I used, Clint. it was the best decision I have ever made.
