
Sunday 24 November 2013

Zombie Plague Survivors

Earlier this year, Brian S. Roe at R Squared Studios launched a Kickstarter project for his revitalised Zombie Plague game. I already had the original game and figures from when it was first launched quite a few years ago. The update greatly intrigued me, especially as the figures were going to be revamped and remodelled. The new sculpts are vastly superior to the old ones and I present them here.
At the far left is Crissy Hot-Rod. Her grandfather was "Fast" Johnny Hot-Rod, a famous guitarist from the golden age of Rock and Roll. He taught Crissy how to play guitar from when she was just a toddler. She is the leader of this group of four survivors and she has a spunky personality. When the zombie apocalypse kicked off she armed herself with a hockey stick. All four figures are two-piece castings with the hands and weapons separate from the rest of the figure.
Next up is Chelsea Harlowe, Crissy's best friend. She's a cheerleader and bass player in Crissy's band, "The Sleepy Ones." Chelsea is a free spirit with a happy-go-lucky attitude. Initially, she had a hard time coping with the zombie apocalypse. But that all changed when she found a chainsaw. Now she's turned into a psycho bitch from Hell. Zombies beware - she means business!
Timmy Leong was one of the Appleton High School's best baseball sluggers. His mother is Chinese and his father, American. Chelsea calls him "The New Kid" and even though he has attended the same high school as Crissy and Chelsea for the past two years, Chelsea argues that because there have been no more new arrivals, he is still technically, "The New Kid." Not surprisingly, he is armed with a baseball bat.
Last in line is John Blackthorne, Crissy's boyfriend and mechanic at the auto-centre of Appleton High School. He works there with his dad. He is the only one of the four survivors to be armed with a firearm - a pump-action shotgun.
These 28mm scale figures are very well sculpted and nicely posed. I wonder how many of you can remember the original Zombie Plague survivors? Here they are in the photo below. From left to right they were Timmy, Crissy, Chelsea and Scott. Note that John has now replaced Scott and that Timmy is now half-Chinese. They are quite crude sculpts and were produced by Fortress Figures. They are no longer in production. I reviewed them years ago. I thought it would be interesting to compare the two sets. The new figures are not currently for sale. I guess if you wanted them you had to back their Kickstarter project. Still, I'm glad I have them and you have to admit , they are FAR better than the original survivors.
As you can see I have sorted out my photo editing problem. My brother told me to download Picasa 3 because a) it is free and b) it is very good. As usual, he wasn't wrong. Now I'm off to enjoy the rest of my birthday with a young lady friend of mine.


  1. Yes, that's quite a difference between the earlier quartet and the latest set, isn't it?

    Picasa 3, huh? Maybe I should take a look...

    1. It is a BIG difference, Hugh.

      Picasa 3 is well worth downloading.

  2. Of the old sculps I think only the hockey wielding girl is better than the newer ones, though both are pretty good to be fair

    1. Sorry, Joe, but I'm going to disagree with you on this one. I think the new sculpts are vastly superior. Also, what isn't immediately noticable is that the new sculpts are perfect 28mm scale figures, whilst the old ones were heroically scaled 28mm scale, i.e. much taller than 28mm.

  3. Have a good birthday mate. 21 again I assume.

    1. Thanks, Clint. 21, but only in mind, not in body!

  4. wow they surely are an improvement, but apart from the guy with a machete, they old pack doesn't seem too bad, either.

    1. Thanks, Mathyoo. The old pack are oversized and in my opinion, nowhere near as good as the new sculpts. Sure, they're not bad, but they're not brilliant either.

  5. Great set of figures. The Old certainly come across as a bit out of proportion the new ones are far superior! Happy Birthday my good man! Say hello to Ashley from us all!

    1. Many thanks, Simon. I agree with your remarks about the figures.
      Ashley says "hello" to all my followers.

  6. They look great, Bryan. I was wondering how they would look painted.

    1. Painting these were an absolute joy, Roger. they were the first figures i painted since being discharged from hospital.

  7. Very nice indeed, love the sculpts too.

  8. Very nice! Looking pretty sharp!

    And merry easter! Wait..That is not it...Hannuka? No....Or right!

    Happy birthday mate!!!

  9. Happy Birthday old boy and lovely work obviously my friend!

  10. Great to see how the sculpts developed, they look great. Happy Birthday for yesterday Bryan. Hope you had a most wonderful day sir.

    1. Thanks, Adam. Yesterday went very well indeed for me

  11. Replies
    1. No problems, Carl and many thanks. It was a good one!

  12. Missed yer birthday, hope you had a good one. I like the one that looks like the geeky scientist from Ncis. If you know what I mean.....

    1. Thanks, JP. My birthday was a good one. I know exactly who you mean from NCIS. Crissy is very much like Abby Sciuto, played by Pauley Perrette.
