
Monday 20 June 2016

Vampifan's Superheroes and Supervillains 02

In my previous post I looked at three lone supervillains I had made, based on characters from GURPS Supers and Villains and Vigilantes. This time I'm reviewing a team of supervillains - the Yamaguchi Yakuza clan. They appeared in the V&V scenario, Search for the Sensei, published in 1986.
At the far left is Kazutoshi Toshinaga, leader of the American West Coast operations of the powerful Yamaguchi Yakuza clan. Crippled as a boy in a car accident that also killed both of his parents, Kazutoshi was taken under the wing of a rich uncle with contacts in the Yamaguchi Yakuza. He studied Engineering at Tokyo University, specialising in Cybernetics. He was offered a post in the Yamaguchi clan, which he accepted. He created his special armoured suit, which gave him full mobility. He quickly rose through the ranks and became known as Shujin. Like Marvel Comics' Iron-man, Shujin gains all of his superpowers from his High Tech suit. He is now based in San Francisco. In GURPS Supers, his suit grants him Super Strength:80, Psionic Resistance level:20 and Damage Resistance:65 in the body and DR:50 in the head and limbs. He is armed with a gold-plated Force-sword. He cost 1000 points. I sculpted him out of Milliput.
Next in line is Maiden Japan, leader of the American East Coast operations of the Yamaguchi Yakuza, based in New York. Lotus Sawara was born in Osaka, Japan. She was a lonely child so she created an imaginary friend, a companion who did things for her, like play catch with her or put away her toys. Later, she realised this was her own mind at work. She was a telekinetic. At age 14, her parents disowned her, thinking she was possessed by demons. She joined a travelling circus and developed an affinity with the circus animals, especially the big cats. At age 20, she joined the Yamaguchi Yakuza, where her talents were appreciated and rewarded. In addition to her Telekinesis, she is a superb athlete and she can speak with feline animals. Indeed, she owns a pet Indian tiger, whom she calls Nihon. Shujin crafted a Force-staff for her much like Darth Maul's double-bladed Light-sword, although long before that Star Wars film ever saw the light of day. In GURPS Supers she cost 500 points, an average score for any superhero or supervillain. Once again, I sculpted her. Her Force-staff is the shaft of a metal spear.
Third in line is Solaris. Born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Tetsuya Kori turned to a life of crime after she was made redundant from her job as an electronics teacher. Whilst on a skiing trip, her latent super powers activated when she was caught in an avalanche. She was able to melt the snow that covered her with her latent Flame powers. Upon joining the Yamaguchi Yakuza she was presented with a flame retardant costume. She named herself Solaris. In addition to her Flame powers, Solaris can blind opponents with a Flare and can fly at super speed. She operates in both New York and San Francisco, depending where she is needed the most. In GURPS Supers she cost a respectable 800 points. I was fortunate enough to find a 28mm scale Grenadier superhero figure who perfectly matched her look. All I had to do was lengthen her hair with Milliput then paint her in the appropriate colours.
Finally, we have Genghis Chi. He may be small but he is powerfully built, super strong and weighs far more than normal for a man of his size and stature. He was born in Brooklyn, New York. He has two loves in his life - chemistry and beating up people. After graduating from college he became a pharmacist and was soon recruited by the Yamaguchi Yakuza. Basically, he is a super-powered version of the villain, Oddjob from the James Bond film, Goldfinger. He even has a steel-brimmed bowler hat, which he can use like a boomerang. In GURPS Supers, his super powers were Super Strength:30, Extra Hit Points +10, Increased Density level:3 (adds 300lbs to his 140lbs weight and reduces any Knockback by 3") and Increased Speed +2. He cost a total of 600 points. The figure I used for Genghis Chi was a Denizen Miniatures figure of a not-Oddjob. Although he is true 25mm scale, he was perfect for my needs.
I'll close with illustrations of the four figures shown above. They were redrawn by me and digitally coloured by me.
Shujin and Genghis Chi

Maiden Japan and Solaris


  1. Very cool Bryan, very cool. I wish I could sculpt - alas...

    1. Thanks, Andy. I wish I was a better sculptor. My work is okay but it is far from perfect.

  2. very, very nice Bryan, I would be proud of those myself. Truly excellent and inspirational. I`m so sorry I didn't spot this thread any earlier (or the one before it). We have been so focused on our home projects this week that we have fallen behind on line hehe.

    1. Your comments are always appreciated, Hil, no matter when you make them. I know you, Steve and Tarot are very busy, so no apologies needed. Thank you for your kind words.

  3. Another awesome post, Bryan, and I take my hat off to your sculpting skills. Very impressive. *note to self - raise game*
    Of course, after your last post on this, I dug out my copy of Golden Heroes and started speculating on which characters you'd recreated...then pondered on which characters I'd be able to do.
    No! I have other plans first, but maybe later...

    1. Cheers, Jez. You'll be pleased to know I'll be showing the first of my Golden Heroes conversions next post.

      On a personal note I'd urge you to check out my other blog tomorrow (yes, I'll be posting a day early) for something you'll find very interesting, regarding a little project you worked on. You'll know what I mean even if no one else does.

    2. I am a regular follower, Bryan, so will be all over that - hmm, I wonder what it could be? ;-)

  4. I can just imagine Gurps Supers, all the disadvantages you could possibly have!!! A Good GM could well exploit them!

    Very nice sculpting work I look forward to seeing more.

    1. Thanks, Clint. All of the characters i'm showing in these posts have been fully developed for GURPS and they certainly do have an interesting and varied collection of disadvantages. What I always loved about GURPS were the characters' quirks, which could be so much fun.

  5. Another cracker from the Vampifan vaults, Bryan. Like Jez I'm now going to have to dig out my copy of "Golden Heroes", and who knows... maybe even see whether "Marvel Super Heroes" is worth a BatRep or two; Oh how I wish Heroclix had been out at the time of that game!!! Great sculpting btw my friend, and you're clearly a dab hand with the digital colouring pen too :-)

    1. Thanks, Simon. I'm having a lot of fun remembering the games I played with these figures. What you have to remember is the choice of superhero and supervillain figures back then was severely limited although and those that were available were just generic figures. Marvel and DC hadn't granted anyone the licences to make their characters.

    2. I forgot to mention that I did far more artwork back then. My forte was doing full length portraits for character record sheets. Where possible, I'd copy existing artwork but quite often I'd just have a head and shoulders portrait to work on and so had to draw the rest of the body myself. I used coloured pencils to colour in my artwork. Of course, once I got a personal computer I could scan my artwork in and digitally colour it. This is something I know that you are very familiar with.

  6. Smashing stuff yet again Bryan, loving Solaris smashing sculpt and picture, and maiden japan is a great name reminds me of Iron Maidens "Maiden England" tour.

    I love Denizen miniatures stuff myself by way.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks, Roger. I loved Denizen Miniatures. Their figures were incredibly well sculpted and they never ever succumbed to scale creep. For them 25mm scale remained the norm. I wonder if the name "Maiden Japan" was influenced by Iron Maiden's "Maiden England" tour name?
