
Friday 24 June 2016

Vampifan's Superheroes and Supervillains 03

Here are three more supervillains that I made and converted many years ago. These are all loners but any one of them would be an ideal recruit for the Yamaguchi Yakuza clan that I reviewed last time. When I converted the Villains and Vigilantes scenario, Search for the Sensei, to GURPS Supers I added all three to the Yamaguchi Yakuza to give my player characters a greater challenge. Despite the extra manpower the villains were still defeated!
At the far left of this group is Mount Fuji, a supervillain from the GURPS Supers 3rd edition supplement. Tashiro Yamato is a disgraced Sumo wrestler who has become a ronin, a renegade samurai serving no master. He is a Robin Hood type - to some a hero, to others a villain. He is wanted by the police and a mid-level Japanese Yakuza gang (not the Yamaguchi Yakuza, who are much more high-powered and are quite willing to recruit meta-humans). His super powers in GURPS Supers are Enhanced Strength:190, Damage Resistance:50 and Increased Density level:8. He cost 600 points. He weighs 1,100lbs and yet one of his Quirks is that he thinks he is too thin! I sculpted Mount Fuji out of Milliput. If I was making him today, I'd probably convert him from the Marvel Heroclix figure of the Blob. He is meant to be rather squat looking, hence his lack of height.
Standing next to him is Predator, one of the supervillains featured in the GURPS Super Scum supplement. During the 1920's Archer Hayes led a band of mercenaries on raids along the northern coast of Japan. On his last raid he entered a village temple and found an unusual golden opal. A priest warned him the stone was cursed, the curse being everlasting life. Archer took it anyway and when the temple suddenly exploded he was surprised to find he had not only survived but that his body had changed, leaving him stronger and more agile. A group of ninjas, the Nimba Cult, heard of him and recruited him. He learnt faster than any other recruit and was sent on a mission to assassinate the British ambassador's daughter. But when it came to the actual kill he found he could not stomach such a senseless death. He fled to America and found work as a stuntman in Hollywood. He survived numerous assassination attempts by the Nimba Cult and was forced to move constantly. As the years passed he grew bored. Life held no excitement for him. He never aged and he soon realised that eternal life was a curse. Now he will accept any challenge if it has the possibility of being fatal. In GURPS Super Scum the characters can be one of three power levels - low, medium or high. I chose the high 1000 point option for my Predator. His super powers are Clinging, Damage Resistance:20, Enhanced Strength:60, Full Co-ordination level:2, Infravision, Regeneration and Unaging. Once again, I sculpted the figure myself. His katana and wakizashi came from Dixon's Miniatures who sell samurai weapons separately. The wakizashi is just a katana I bought with its blade shortened. I cut it down to an appropriate length. I think he is one of my better sculpts.
At the far right is Python, the first figure whom I converted from the Golden Heroes role-playing game. I never played Golden Heroes, but I did find it a handy sourcebook for converting some of its characters to GURPS Supers. Mai Lee Noh paid a scientist to develop a serum to bestow upon her the abilities of a python to help her become a Grand Master of the Bando style of Kung Fu. It was partially successful, granting her great strength, fast reactions and a scaly skin, but she was still defeated by the current Bando Grand Master and was forced to flee China in disgrace. She has since made a small fortune hiring her skills to the highest bidder and has built up a good reputation in her work and will do anything to keep her reputation intact. She is a cold, calculating crook, who only gives up if the defeat can somehow be turned into a moral victory. For GURPS Supers I gave her the following super powers - Enhanced Strength:30, Increased Speed level:3 and Passive Defence:2. She also has very high Skill levels in Judo and Karate, specialising in the Bando style of Kung Fu. She cost 800 points. Her figure is a conversion of the Marvel Heroclix Psylocke from the X-Men. I made her in 2003, a year after the launch of Heroclix.
I leave you with illustrations of these three supervillains. They were all scanned into my computer from their respective sourcebooks but I digitally coloured them.
Mount Fuji

Predator and Python
Blog News. I would heartily recommend you check out the Gamers Cupboard blog if you want to see what a Chibi version of Vampifan looks like! Even if you don't like Chibis it's still worth a view. Here's the link -


  1. Another trip down memory lane (for some) and a Golden Heroes character that I'm unfamiliar with...are you sure Python's from Golden Heroes, Bryan?
    Very nice work, Mr Scott - I'm unsure whether I should be sculpting anything, given what I now have to live up to. :-(
    Should you wish to give your Supers a run about (although they all seem to be villians), the Clobberin' Time rules from Kaptain Kobold's site have recently been updated and are quite good. And they're free! We like free...

    1. Thanks, Jez. Python most definitely is a Golden Heroes villain. I have her GH stat card right in front of me. The game came with a bunch of NPC card characters as well as stat cards for them that measure 10cm by 7cm. Python is one of those. These came with the Supervisor's Kit and not the basic game, which might be why you're unfamiliar with her.

      I am concentrating a lot on the villains, aren't I? That's just because I have more of them than superheroes. Have no fear, the heroes will feature on my blog soon.

      Thanks for the link for "Clobberin's Time." I have downloaded them and will give them a read through later. Yes, I like free as well! :-)

    2. That's probably why I didn't recognise her - I only had the boxed set, so missed out on both the Supervisor's set and the publlished adventures.

    3. Ah, that'll explain it. I bought everything that was published for the game, including the really awful figures that Games Workshop made.

  2. There are a few people around here with Mount Fuji's physique. (And that's just the women!)

    Very nice additions. I particularly like Mr Fuji. He looks a villain or more rather a henchmen to a master criminal. I shall look out for him as I bet he was fun to paint.

    1. Thanks, Clint. I've seen quite a few people who could match him in the physique department! I'd advise you not to look for him as he is a unique figure that I made - a one off sculpt by me!

  3. Nice brushwork on these dude, particularly Fuji.

  4. Lovely work as usual Bryan, and great characters too, I like Python the best I think but then I always did like Psylocke, but the other two are superb sculpts, you do have an eye sir, you really do!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks, Roger. I like Psylocke too, and fortunately for me she was the perfect figure to use for my conversion of Python.

  5. Cool to see miniature versions of familiar supers characters. Good stuff. :)

  6. Another great posting Bryan, and those unique sculpts of yours are terrific. I'm really enjoying this series of postings, so I'm delighted to hear there are more on the way :-)

    1. Thanks, Simon, and yes, there are more to come. After my Monthly Musings post coming up on Monday I'll be showcasing two more teams of supervillains - one from Villains and Vigilantes, the other from Golden Heroes.
