
Thursday 15 December 2016

JDMG MC1 Perps - Rainbow Raiders Street Gang

This is my fourth and final street gang that I created for my JDMG campaign using figures that were originally designed for use with the old Games Workshop sci-fi skirmish game, Confrontation. These 28mm scale Citadel figures came with metal bodies and separate plastic arms and weapons. Of all of the gangs in my collection these are far and away the most colourful. I present to you, the Rainbow Raiders.
The flamboyant and charismatic leader of the Rainbow Raiders is "Rubber Johnny" Rainbow, shown at the far left of the two photos directly above and below. He is the son of a very rich businessman who went off the rails in his late teens and turned to a life of carousing and crime. If left unchecked he could grow into a major crime-lord. Currently, he is a Level:4 Punk Infantry Hero. He has five Talents and they are Luck of Grud (he gains 1 free re-roll per game), Voice of Command (allies within 12" of him gain +1 to all Will rolls), Dual Shooter (he adds +1 to damage when firing both guns, but no critical hits are allowed and he only rolls for 1 gun), Fixer (he may add one Mercenary worth up to 400 Credits to his gang at the start of a game whether his gang is outmatched or not) and Wealthy (he can double the amount he can spend on starting armour, equipment and/or weapons). He wears Pad Armour and is armed with a Handgun Pistol and a Spit Pistol. The message on his T-shirt reads "Cum and Get It" and his codpiece proclaims "Pure Sex." Yes, he is a dickhead but he is also a very dangerous opponent.
Second from the left is Bryk Redd, the gang's second-in-command. He is a Level:2 Punk Infantry Hero with three Talents - Brave (he may re-roll any failed Will to Fight test), Skilled and Deadly (He may re-roll 1 Melee Die in every round of close combat) and This is my Club (he gains +1 Melee Die when using his Club in close combat). He is armed with a Laser Pistol and a Club. He, and indeed all of the Rainbow Raiders, wears Pad Armour.  All of the arms that came with the Confrontation figures were bare-skinned, so I either replaced them with plastic arms from a Warhammer 40,000 Imperial Guard set (as in this case) or made them out of Milliput. His Laser Pistol came from the Confrontation sprue of weapons, whilst his Club came from a boxed set of plastic Gangs of Mega City One street punks. I'll show the figures from that set in a later post.
The two gang members in the centre of this group have identical stats. They are Spuggy Spectrum and Limey Green, and are Level:1 Punk Infantry Heroes. They are armed with a Laser Pistol each and they both have the following two Talents - Brave (they may re-roll any failed Will to Fight test) and Accurate (may re-roll any Shooting attack that uses 1D).
Second from the right is Tru Blue, who is a Level:0 Punk Infantry Minion. He is armed with a Knife and a Laser Pistol.
At the far left is Terry Cotta. He is a Level:0 Juve Infantry Minion. He is armed with a Club and a Zip Gun Pistol. This figure was originally a Juve Scrawler produced by Citadel Miniatures for the old Games Workshop Judge Dredd Role-Playing Game. He got enlisted into the Rainbow Raiders as their newest recruit.
The four figures to the left of these two photos above and below have identical stats. They are from left to right, Forrest Green, Mellow Yellow, Pinky Pinkerton and Jaffer Orange. All are Level:0 Punk Infantry Minions. Each one is armed with a Handgun Pistol and a Long Rifle. I made the rifles out of Milliput and paper-clips as I wanted a futuristic looking Long Rifle and I had nothing appropriate in my bits box. I'm very pleased with how they came out.
The remaining two Rainbow Raiders at the far right are Royle Purple and Turk Turquoise. Both are Level:0 Juve Infantry Minions and they are also armed with a Handgun Pistol and a Long Rifle. I should note that Jaffer, Royle and Turk were part of a different Confrontation gang. They were originally bald-headed. I decided to make them part of the Rainbow Raiders and so I sculpted their huge hairstyles so they fit in with the others.
The Rainbow Raiders will be tough opposition for my Judges. They have a Credits score of 1,020 and can add a single Mercenary with a value up to 400 credits to their gang. It looks like I'll need my full team of Judges to take them out. However, the gang does lack any heavy weaponry and that could prove telling in a fight against the Judges.


  1. Okay. They are by far and away your best models you've posted since I've followed your blog, Bryan. They are absolutely terrific!! Gob-smackingly good colour schemes, loads of wonderful blending and an attention to minute detail that makes my eyes water. Simply outstanding stuff!!!

    1. Blushes! That's one helluva compliment, Simon. Thank you so much for the kind words.

    2. I certainly know who I'll be commissioning to paint my Harlequinn Space Eldar, Bryan, should I ever purchase a boxed set ;-)

    3. Hmm, now they would be a challenge but one I'd be up for. :-)
      Just thinking, the Harlequins would make a very good gang in Judge Dredd.

  2. A huge and very colourful group of perps! I had to turn my screen brightness down ;-)

    Very nice and the long rifles work really well, good job dude

    1. Ha, ha, they are bright, aren't they, Andy? Yes, I was very pleased with how the Long Rifles turned out. Each one was sculpted individually and somehow I managed to get them all looking identical.

  3. The sculpting of the weapons and hair is brilliant Bryan, a very colorful gang that fits together beautifully

  4. "Zero months in the iso cubes for crimes against Fashion. Fashion crimes are not the business of a Judge! But 5 years in an iso cube for blinding people.

    Dispatch we need 2 pat Wagons and several dozen pairs of sun glases!"

    1. Your judgement is sound and the sentencing is correct. Keep up the good work, Judge Burnett!

  5. Fabulous job as always.

    Those Confrontation miniatures really do fit Dredd. I have a soft spot for the old sculpts.

    It will be interesting to see what Warlord is going to do now that they have confirmed that they have the license.

    1. Thanks, Jason. They do fit in well, don't they?

      I, too, am wondering what Warlord Games will do with the new 2000AD licence. New figures, obviously, but will any of their old sculpts survive or not? We'll just have to wait and see.

  6. without doubt the best I`ve ever seen you do.

    1. That is very kind of you to say, Tarot. Thank you!

  7. these are far and away the bet I`ve seen from you yet. The included back story adds to their depth and colour, and brings these guys to life nicely.

    1. Many thanks, Steve. Can you tell that I had a lot of fun painting and converting these figures? Also, coming up with backstories for them and working out their gaming stats was just as entertaining.

  8. Yep definitely some of your finest work Bryan, but not real big on camouflage are they?

    Jez is going to love these guys, a futuristic version of his clown gang perhaps?

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Much obliged, Roger. Who needs camouflage in Mega City One anyway?

      Yes, I imagine a clown gang would be just as colourful.

  9. What a colorful bunch, Bryan. I especially like the way you've painted the hair on each model. Whilst individual, they do look like they belong together.

    1. Much appreciated, Jez. Each one is an individual and each one fits in as part of the team.
