
Monday 12 December 2016

JDMG MC1 Perps - Scabies Street Gang

I have another Mega City One street gang to show you that is mainly based on 28mm scale Citadel figures from the old Games Workshop sci-fi skirmish game, Confrontation, the forerunner for Necromunda. The Scabies street gang hide in the shadows and hang out in the slums and the Undercity. Essentially, they are scavengers, preying on the weak and unwary.
At the far left of the photos directly above and below is the leader of the Scabies gang, Scab Scabie. He was originally produced by Grenadier Miniatures but is now being sold by EM4 as part of their Future Skirmish Scavengers range. He and all of the Scabies wear Respirators. He is also equipped with Leather Armour, a Double-Barrelled Stump Gun Rifle and a Sword. The Scabies gang favour Stump Guns but Scab excels in close combat and is deadly with his sword, which is slung across his back. He is a Level:2 Punk Infantry Hero with three Talents - Luck of Grud (gives him one free re-roll per game), Voice of Command (all allies within 12" of him gain +1 to all Will rolls) and Skilled and Deadly (he can re-roll one of his Melee Dice in close combat). His straw hat makes him instantly identifiable.
The gang's heavy weapons specialist, Squama, is next in line. Squama also wears Leather Armour. He is armed with a Grenade Launcher. JDMG does not have stats for a Grenade Launcher so I used the stats for a Hand Bomb but doubled the range to 20" and doubled the price to 60 credits. He is a Level:1 Punk Infantry Hero with two Talents taken from the Blood on the Streets supplement - On Their Knees (every Infantry model hit by his Grenade Launcher must pass a Will test or suffer Knockdown) and Maximum Firepower (Add 1" to the Explosive distance, i.e. Grenades now have Explosive:3). His Grenade Launcher came from the Wargames Foundry Street Violence range. For him and the following five gang members, I sculpted their arms out of Milliput.
Moving on, are Scurf and Scatty. Each one is armed with two Sawed-Off Stump Guns and both are unarmoured. I made them both Level:1 Punk Infantry Heroes with identical Talents, namely, Brave (allows them to re-roll any failed Will to Fight test) and appropriately enough, Dual Shooter (they add +1 to damage when firing both guns, but no critical hits are allowed and they only roll for 1 gun). Their Sawed-Off Stump Guns came from the weapon sprues you got with the Confrontation figures.
The last three Scabies are from left to right, Flaky, Crusty and Branny. All three are armed with Stump Gun Rifles and are unarmoured. They are all Level:0 Punk Infantry Minions. They are nothing more than cannon fodder but they help bolster the gang's numbers. Their Stump Guns were made by Hero Miniatures who went out of business many years ago.
The Scabies gang has a Credits rating of 700, making them quite a powerful gang. In my JDMG campaign I'll be pitting Street Judges Crowe, Moore and Webb along with Med Judge Nash against them for their debut adventure. They have a combined Credits rating of 600. Look out for this batrep in early 2017.


  1. A dangerous gang without doubt. I suspect Ali Morrison sculpted the last figure on the right, it just seems like his style. I could be wrong though

    1. Thanks, Clint. I have no idea who sculpted these apart from the leader who was sculpted by Mark Copplestone.

  2. Another great looking gang Bryan, clever use of multiple companies products as they look like they're from the same range

    1. Thanks, Dave. I agree. You would think they all came from the same company's range.

  3. More great eye-candy from Chief Judge Scott ;-) Your paint scheme really pulls all these models together to form a single terrific-looking gang. Still I'm hopeful that they'll soon all be doing time in the cubes after a few bashes from my daystick!!

    1. Thanks, Simon. Chief Judge Scott? I dunno. I'd happily settle for Senior Judge.

      These perps won't know what's hit them once you and your Judge team closes in on them!

  4. your collection of paint finished guys is growing rapidly. Love the detail on the arms and hands of these dudes. Very tastefully done. They remind me a lot (this last two batches) of gangers and juves from either a Necromunda mob or some Warhammer 40k merc or off worlder pirate cog-hivers. You sure do have an envious collection going on here.

    1. Cheers, Steve. It's hardly surprising that they look like a Necromunda gang as Confrontation paved the way for Necromunda to come later.

    2. Well, Confrontation was set on the planet Necromunda so I always consider it the same game anyway. Confrontation was really a taster of things to come. I DO wish I had paid more attention to that game and collected more of what was available for it at the time. rather short-sightedly (back then), I only even really got the core box set.

    3. yet, with the rules available as a free PDF download, and with all the miniatures in most gamers` collections, and the sheer bulk of sci-fi terrain available to the average player nowadays, it would be very easy to make up your own version of the game anyway. Bit like we recently did with Space Hulk.

    4. Steve, I'm sure that with the gift of hindsight we would all have made different decisions in our past. I really got into Necromunda and collected just about everything that was ever produced for it. It was a fun game and it got me back into collecting GW games and figures after a long, lean period.

    5. Tarot, what you say is so true. There is so much choice for both figures and scenery nowadays that never existed when Necromunda and Space Hulk were first released.

    6. That's right Bryan, you said it better than me. That's what I meant (only you said it right), back then not nearly so much was available, now we are spoilt for choice and we have so many more options nowadays, that simply didn't exist back then. With the option to download free PDF copies of Necromunda and Space Hulk (and many other game rules too), with what's available now in miniature and terrain, the skies really are the limit.

  5. These guys are cracking Bryan, what a great band of rogues you've assembled!

    1. Thanks kindly, Andy. This is just the tip of the iceberg. There's loads more to come.

  6. Another cracking group of "no gooder's" Bryan I immediately recognised the wasteland scavenger by mr Copplestone on the right but he ties in so well with the rest of the bunch you'd never realise he wasn't a GW figure (now whether that is s compliment to Mark or not I really can't say).

    Great painting as always sir.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Many thanks, Roger. Let's give Mark the benefit of the doubt and compliment him on being such a fine sculptor. And ditto to whoever sculpted these GW figures.

  7. Nice work on these highly sort after figures. I quite like how the grenadier figures mix in so nicely. The scheme is very suitable for their intended role great job Bryan.
