
Thursday 9 February 2017

JDMG MC1 Zombie Civilians and Zombie Judges 01

Last time I reviewed Sabbat the Zombie Master and Malexica the Zombie Mistress. Now I'm going to review the first of my Mega City One zombies. The six zombie civilians shown below were produced by Mantic Games as part of their 28mm scale plastic multi-part Zombie Horde boxed set for the Kings of War game and were gifted to me by Paul Smith. He told me he had some spare Warlord Games Zombie Conversion Packs for sale, which I bought from him. Imagine my surprise when he also included these six figures you see directly below, all made but not painted. All six feature parts taken from the Zombie Conversion Pack (heads, one body and arm, elbow pads, knee pads and shoulder pads).
Some of these figures have been slightly converted by me but for the most part they are exactly as Paul made them. None of them were based. I glued them to 25mm diameter MDF bases and added sand and gravel for texture.  For the male zombie at the far left I bulked out his shirt covering his chest and back with a small strip of Milliput. I then added a few bullet holes to the shirt.
I decided to make the next zombie in line a female. She had the metal body and left arm that was part of the Zombie Conversion Pack to replace her plastic parts. I lengthened her hair with Milliput and also bulked out her dress so that it looked like it was one long dress.
The zombie third from the left is also a female. She was originally naked from the waist up, so I added Milliput to hide the fact that she was originally a male and to lengthen her dress. For some inexplicable reason she is wearing a respirator. She really doesn't need it as zombies are immune to gas attacks.
For the remaining three zombies I did almost no conversion work and just left them the way that they were when I received them. The two zombies second and third from the right appear to be part of a military force, most likely City Defence soldiers from different blocks. For the zombie second from the right I noticed that he had a huge gaping hole in his stomach, so I added some intestines spilling out of the hole from thin sausages of Milliput.
The zombie at the far right is very colourful. He is wearing goggles.
All six are really good sculpts. Paul did a great job in making them. I just slightly improved them. They were a huge amount fun to paint. I still have enough pieces left from the Zombie Conversion Packs to make a lot more Mega City One zombies.
Moving on, we come to my zombie Judges. All four of these were produced by Warlord Games. The one at the far left is the unconverted figure they sold. What I particularly liked about this figure was the fact that his right arm was a separate piece. This meant I could position it in a variety of ways for my conversions.
For the zombie second from the left I glued the right arm so it hung down his side with his hand just touching his knee-pad. To make him appear different to the original, I sculpted his eagle shoulder pad out of Milliput.
With the zombie second from the right I glued his right arm in a position that was halfway between the other two. I then added his uniform sleeve and elbow pad out of Milliput. I thought about sculpting on his right glove but in the end I decided he'd look better without it. So I ended up with three very different versions of the same figure - result!
The zombie Judge at the far right is a conversion that I came up. It utilises the upper body of a Judge rider of a Lawmaster bike (his arms are outstretched to grip the handlebars) and a set of legs taken from a foot Judge I had converted. His upper body was used to make another Lawmaster bike rider. I drilled and pinned the upper body to the lower body, positioning it slightly too far to the left. This was deliberate as I wanted to leave a slight gap where the right side of his upper body should be. I filled in that gap with Milliput to represent a gaping wound that exposed some of his ribs. I also drilled a few bullet wounds into his upper legs and lower back. It wasn't an easy conversion but neither was it too difficult for me. I am more than happy with the result.
Zombies in the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game come in four different varieties - Unarmoured Zombie (costs 15 Credits), Armoured Zombie (costs 25 Credits), Unarmoured Super Zombie (costs 30 Credits) and Armoured Super Zombie (costs 40 Credits). All are classed as Level:0 Illegal Infantry Minions. Both normal zombies and super zombies have only four stats. Normal zombies have Move 3", Agility -2, Melee +1 and Melee Dice 1D. Super Zombies have improved stats of Move 5", Agility +1, Melee +1 and Melee Dice 2D. The six zombie civilians shown above are clearly unarmoured but the four zombie Judges would certainly count as armoured zombies.
All zombies have the following two Special Rules - Dead Flesh. It is hard to destroy a zombie. Whenever a zombie or super zombie is by an attack (or damaged by any other source) roll one die and add the Damage being dealt. Deduct -1 if the zombie is armoured (zombies do not use the normal armour rules). On a 10 or more, the zombie is removed as a casualty. Weapons that use the Blast, Explosive or Smasher special rules double the Damage being added to this dice roll. Zombies will ignore all Gas weapons. If a zombie is rammed by a vehicle, roll the vehicle's Ramming Dice as normal, but total their results. If this total is 10 or more, remove the zombie as a casualty. In addition, a zombie is fairly easy to patch up after a battle, gaining +1 bonus to the Injured Minions roll.
Secondly, all zombies are Mindless. They automatically pass all Will checks and cannot be arrested. However, they can never become Heroes, no matter how many battles they survive. If a zombie is trying to Spot an enemy using the Stealthy Does It Talents, it will only succeed on a natural roll of 10, or if it is a super zombie, on a natural roll of 9 or 10.


  1. Great additions Bryan, your conversion work has added a unique look to each and the painting looks great

    1. Many thanks, Dave. I certainly enjoyed converting these figures.

  2. Arresting a zombie! I like the sound of that! Yeah I know you cannot. But I still like the Idea.

    They all look good and the colours used do have a MegaCiti feel to them all bright and clashing!

    1. Thanks, Clint. Hee, hee, imagine the scene - "you're under arrest for eating that victim's brains!" Nah, not going to happen, is it?

  3. Awesome Undead stuff Bryan. Such conversions are clearly your fave past-time as you seem to deliver them with incredible relish, enthusiasm and gusto. Lots of lovely colours, buckets of blood and oodles of your famous modelling-putty intestines... well two out of three ain't bad!! Can't believe you missed the opportunity to do a Judge Guts ;-)

    1. Greatly appreciated, Simon. Hmm, Judge Guts? I'll make a note of that for the future. Such possibilities! At least I didn't totally forget to add any intestines this time. :-)

      This is just the start of my MC1 Zombie collection. There are still lots more to come later. Plus, many of my contemporary zombies will fit in just as well. I see a horde in the making!

  4. Smashing stuff Bryan, I'm a bit of a fan of those Kings of war zombies and your take on them is great, love the female conversion, they are such versatile figures. The Judges looks the business too.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Cheers, Roger. I have a full boxed set of those zombies that I haven't even touched. That'll change soon! They are cracking good sculpts and it looks like the Zombie Conversion Packs were designed with them in mind.

  5. Back to core business Bryan - zombies, zombies, zombies!

    Excellent stuff. The KoW Zeds are brilliant and I have a whole load of them too :-)

    1. Yes, Andy, I'm back to the basics. You just can't go wrong if you add zombies to the mix!

  6. Ahhh your back to your zed roots.


    1. Thanks, DEW. To be honest, I never stray far from my zed roots. It was only a matter of time before the undead appeared in Mega City One.

  7. Simon's Megacity zeds looked great and these are likewise a treat to see.

    very nicely done sir.

    1. You're quite right about Simon's MC1 zombies, Dai. He did a great job on them and he certainly influenced me to at least match his efforts. Thanks for the comment. :-)

  8. Zombies in judge armour eek! Nice work Bryan they all look rather good :)

    1. It's a frightening concept, Simon. Thanks for the kind words.
