
Sunday 12 February 2017

JDMG Scenario 03 - Breaking Bones

The third instalment of my Judge Dredd Miniatures Game campaign introduces two new Judges to Sector 13 - Street Judge Huntsman and Street Judge Stone. Nikki Huntsman is a female Judge I created. I wanted a female Judge in my force as well as someone who was skilled in the use of the Daystick. Her figure is a Warlord Games figure who was originally going to be Judge Hillers. Hillers has a replacement figure now. The figure of Judge Stone is also a Warlord Games Judge and he is based on my good friend, Dave Stone, from Wargames Terrain Workshop. This scenario is a slightly modified version of the Heist Mobster scenario found on page 50 of the Blood on the Streets supplement.
Street Judge Huntsman - Level:1 Infantry Hero with 0 Experience Points and worth 150 Credits.
Stats - Move 5", Agility +2, Shoot +1, Melee +2, Melee Dice 2D, Will +1, Armour +5, Hits 2.
Equipment - Boot Knife, Daystick, Lawgiver Mk II Pistol, Stumm Gas Grenades and Standard Issue Armour.
Talents - Skilled and Deadly and This is my Daystick.

Street Judge Stone - Level:1 Infantry Hero with 0 Experience Points and worth 150 Credits.
Stats - Move 5", Agility +1, Shoot +2, Melee +1, Melee Dice 2D, Will +2, Armour +5, Hits 2.
Equipment - Boot Knife, Daystick, Lawgiver Mk II Pistol, Stumm Gas Grenades and Standard Issue Armour.
Talents - Warning Shot and Armour Buster.

Cranford Cranium - Level:2 Punk Infantry Hero with 3 Experience Points and worth 120 Credits.
Stats - Move 5", Agility +1, Shoot +1, Melee +1, Melee Dice 2D, Will +0, Armour +4, Hits 3.
Equipment - Double Barrelled Stump Gun Rifle and Pad Armour
Talents - Brave, Drokk the Law! and Medic.

Phil Fibula - Level:1 Punk Infantry Hero with 1 Experience Point and worth 105 Credits.
Stats - Move 5", Agility +0, Shoot +3, Melee +0, Melee Dice 2D, Will +0, Armour +3, Hits 2.
Equipment - Long Rifle with Rifle Scope and Leather Armour.
Talents - Accurate and Crackshot.

Tim Tibia - Level:0 Punk Infantry Minion with 0 Experience Points and worth 35 Credits.
Stats - Move 5", Agility +0, Shoot +0, Melee +0, Melee Dice 2D, Will +0, Armour +3, Hits 1.
Equipment - Stump Gun Rifle and Leather Armour.

Roddy Radius and Stew Sternum - Level:0 Punk Infantry Minions with 0 Experience Points and worth 35 Credits each.
Stats - Move 5", Agility +0, Shoot +0, Melee +0, Melee Dice 2D, Will +0, Armour +3, Hits 1.
Equipment - Handgun Pistols and Leather Armour.

Pick-up Truck - Medium Ground Vehicle worth 80 Credits.
Stats - Move 8", Agility -2, Ramming Dice 3D, Front Armour +6, Side Armour +6, Rear Armour +5, Hits 8.
Equipment - None.

The Judges force came out at 300 Credits, whilst the Bad Bones force appeared to be stronger with a total of 410 Credits. But as we have seen in the past, quality nearly always beats quantity.
The battle was fought on a board measuring 4 feet by 2 feet using gaming mats, buildings and scenery items from my Battle Systems Urban Apocalypse City sets. The vehicles are just some of my collection of resin cast sci-fi vehicles from various manufacturers. The one exception is my hover ambulance, which I scratch-built from mounting card and plastic bases. Please note the size of the blue and red Lamborarri 2000 vehicles that I recently purchased from Dave Stone. They are much bigger than I was expecting but they fit in perfectly in Mega City One. I'll post a proper review of them soon. I wanted the streets to look crowded so I populated them with lots of my 28mm scale sci-fi civilian figures.
The Bad Bones street gang set up within 6" of the centre of the board. They were the attackers and would activate first. The Judges were allowed to set up anywhere on the board that was at least 12" away from the Bad Bones. I placed them in the upper left corner next to the green car.
Every member of the Bad Bones street gang is carrying stolen medical supplies at the start of the game. Each is given one Potion Counter (taken from my Shadows of Brimstone game) to represent this. If a model is killed or driven off, the Potion Counter is dropped at the model's last position. Another Bad Bones member may pick the counter up simply by moving into contact with it, but every additional Potion Counter will reduce his Move score by 1". Potion Counters may be dropped off in the Pick-up Truck, which counts as a Special Action. The Pick-up Truck is not affected by how many it may carry. A model may take a Special Action to grab additional Potion Counters from the hover ambulance.
If the Bad Bones can get 5 or more Potion Counters off any board edge, they will claim victory.

Cranford Cranium took a fatal hit to the body and died instantly. Phil Fibula was shot in the left leg and crippled (-1 to Move and Agility stats). Stew Sternum was injured in his body (-1 to Agility and Melee stats), whilst Tim Tibia took an injury to the head (-1 to Shoot stat). Roddy Radius was arrested but successfully escaped after one game.
Both Judges performed well enough to advance to Level:2.

Judge Huntsman earned the following Experience Points:
+1 for surviving the battle.
+2 for slaying 2 Minions.
+1 for arresting 1 Minion.
This earned her 4 Experience Points, enough to raise her to Level:3. However, if you remember, a Hero can only advance one Level per game, so Judge Huntsman became a Level:2 Hero with 3 Experience Points. The remaining point is lost. She added +1 to her Shoot stat, to give her a score of +2 and added +1 to her Hits, bringing them up to 3. She acquired a new Talent from the Up Close and Personal list - Feint, which forces an opponent to use one less Parry than he normally has - if he only has one Parry (be it from his weapon or a Talent), he may not Parry at all. Her Credits score increased by +25 to 175.

Judge Stone earned the following Experience Points:
+1 for surviving the battle.
+2 for slaying 1 Level:2 Hero.
+1 for slaying 1 Level:1 Hero.
This earned him 4 Experience Points, but as explained above, only raised him to Level:2 with 3 Experience Points. He added +1 to his Agility stat, to give him a score of +2 and added +1 to his Hits, bringing them up to 3. He acquired a new Talent from the Lawgiver Expertise list - Pour It On, which allows him to roll 4 Shooting Dice instead of 3 when he uses Standard Executioner rounds with his Lawgiver Pistol. His Credits score increased by +25 to 175. His wound was healed very quickly.
Another great, fun game, that went pretty much how I expected it to. I was hoping at least one gang member would make an escape attempt in the Pick-up Truck so that I could try out the Vehicle rules, but it never happened. The Battle Systems city buildings and gaming mats, along with the vehicles and civilian figures all contributed greatly to the look of Mega City One. Judges Huntsman and Stone worked well together. So far in the three games I have played, the Judges appear to have had it easy. That all changes next time when I introduce Malexica the Zombie Mistress. Look out for it soon.


  1. Fantastic stuff Bryan, absolutely loved it. Great to see just how much firepower the Justice Department can off-load in a single turn. I really thought the two Judges were going to be outgunned, but they most certainly weren't. very effective arrest procedure too - I hope Judge Webb will take note after his last performance on the street ;-)

    1. Many thanks indeed, Simon. On paper it looked like the Judges were outgunned but they weren't and their talents and superior training proved decisive. I'm sure that Judge Webb will do a lot better next time he is in action. :-)

  2. Another smashing batrep, the comic book style really adds to the presentation, and it was great to see some of the old grenadier "Futrure Warriors" Vehicles in play too, I have some of them myself.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks, Roger. Good spot on the old Grenadier vehicles. I managed to amass quite a few sci-fi vehicles over the years. It was great to give some of them an airing.

  3. Sign me in for more. Good scenery and story made my day. Well done

    1. Cheers, Cedric. I'll be posting another episode very soon.

  4. Great Batrep Bryan, the comic book look continues to have me hooked, nice to see my alter ego, works with gender equality and can take a hit and shrug it off. Looking forward to the next episode which sounds like it could be drastically bad for the Justice department

    1. Much appreciated, Dave. Judge Stone was a real hero! Yes, things do not go quite as planned for the Justice Department next time. I have played the scenario but I need to edit it for posting. It should be up soon.
      PS. How cool do your cars look in this game?

    2. Glad you like them Bryan,they fit in well with the other vehicles you have. the next one I'm working on is a bit smaller so will add to the variation

    3. That's great news, Dave. I very much look forward to seeing it. I've just about finished painting your garbage disposal units and holding posts. I'll review them along with your Lamborarri 2000 cars soon.

    4. Thank you Bryan very much appreciated. I look forward to seeing your painted versions

    5. They are very similar to your own paint jobs, Dave, but not exact copies.

  5. Drokk!!! That's your best battle report yet Vampi!!!!


  6. Kapoww!!! (It needed 3 exclamation marks)
    Yet another JD treat. I really does make me want to do some as well. (But at least for now I must resist!)

    1. Many thanks, Clint. I fully understand about wanting to play but having to prioritise over what needs doing over what you want to do.

  7. I think the moral of the story is this: don't taunt the Judges! In fact, try not to tangle with them at all...

    1. I totally agree, Hugh. Cranford taunting the Judges was just asking for trouble!

  8. That was great Bryan! I think you are getting the hang of comic life alright!!!!

    1. Oh, very definitely, Tom. I'm learning new stuff about Comic Life all the time. For example, I've just learned how to incorporate fonts from other templates. I am absolutely loving this program. I have another batrep using Comic Life to post very soon and it's my longest one yet. Look out for it next week.

    2. Awesome I will be on the look out for it

    3. Good man. I appreciate that as I know you are such a huge fan of Comic Life.

  9. In true 2000AD comic style, Judges really aren’t that worried by much of anything during a firefight. It always struck me as curious exactly how much of a fair chance badguys really thought they had when tangling with the law in Mega City One?

    Really enjoyed this batrep sir. It was a smashing visual representation of a street shoot-out from the series and your model collection is one to be envious of!

    Hope that nasty undead woman knows what she’s getting into…

    1. Well said, Dai. The Judges were outnumbered points-wise (again) but they are supremely tough opposition. This game really reflects that.

      I've been collecting sci-fi figures and vehicles since the 1980's, so my collection is very impressive, I must admit.

      Erm, the "nasty undead woman" knows exactly what she's getting into! Expect some surprises next time!

  10. Looks great and enjoy the comic style batreps. Totally fitting for JD!

    1. Thanks, Simon. The comic style is perfect for Judge Dredd batreps.
