
Sunday 21 May 2017

JDMG Chainsaw Warriors Citi-Def Squad

One of the best solo boardgames I have ever played was Chainsaw Warrior, produced by Games Workshop way back in 1987. In this game, designed for solo play, you took on the role of a battle-hardened warrior who has to clear a large building full of zombies, mutants and a powerful evil creature known as the Darkness. To complement the game, Citadel Miniatures produced a small range of 28mm scale figures. Although you were only meant to use one Chainsaw Warrior in the game, I decided to build a small squad of them to use in other sci-fi games. I boosted the squad size with very early versions of the Warhammer 40,000 Imperial Guardsmen. These were all slightly converted to match the official Chainsaw Warriors. I ended up with a squad of 10 Chainsaw Warriors. I recently dug them out and rebased them in order to use them as a Citi-Defence squad for my Judge Dredd Miniatures Game.
The three figures to the left of the photos directly above and below were the official Chainsaw Warriors. Because these are meant to be an elite squad I made them all Jaeger Squad Commandos. I have named all the squad but haven't worked out their JDMG stats yet. So, at the far left is Jan Podoski, who is armed with a Missile Launcher, a Spit Pistol and a Knife. All of the Chainsaw Warriors wear Shell Jackets and are equipped with Respirators, Stim-Packs and Sucker Guns.
Next in line is Stephen Craven, who is armed with a Heavy Spit Gun. In the boardgame, this powerful weapon was known as "the Reaper"!
In the centre of this group is Brett Andrews, the leader of the squad. He is a Citi-Def Officer armed with a Chainsaw, a Knife and a Spit Pistol. This figure is the default Chainsaw Warrior who is used in the boardgame. He is named after Brett Ewins and Dave Andrews, who did much of the artwork for the Chainsaw Warrior game.
The figure second from the right was a limited edition figure of the Chainsaw Warrior that Citadel Miniatures made for use in the Talisman game. I have named him Mark Dixon and he is another Jaeger Squad Commando armed exactly the same way as Brett Andrews.
Last in line is Tony Oliver, who is armed with a Laser Pistol, a Spit Pistol and a Knife. I converted him by adding the helmet visor and the ammo pouch bandolier slung across his chest and back.
The next five figures are all converted Imperial Guardsmen. The four to the left are Jaeger Squad Commandos. At the far left is Dan Rockford, who is armed with a Spit Gun Rifle, a Spit Pistol and a Knife. I added the visor to his helmet.
Standing next to him is Chris Faulkner who is armed with a Spit Gun Rifle and a Knife. Once again, I converted him by adding the green helmet visor.
In the centre is Graeme Wooton, who is armed with a Spit Gun Rifle, Laser Pistol and Knife. He underwent quite a lot of conversion work. From top to bottom I added his helmet visor, body armour, webbing over his back and chest, communicator on his left chest, studded gauntlets, holstered pistol and a knife in a scabbard on his right boot. He is unrecognisable from his original figure.
At the second from the right is Dave Gallagher, who is armed with a Spit Gun Rifle, a Laser Pistol, a Hand Bomb and a Knife. I added his shoulder straps, pistol in shoulder holster and his communicator on his left chest.
Finally, is Patricia MacDonald, a Citi-Def Med-tech, who is armed with a Spit Gun Rifle, Electra Zap Gun Pistol and a Knife. I converted her by switching her sex from male to female. I remodelled the chest armour by adding larger breasts and shoulder straps. I also gave her a ponytail and a knife in a scabbard on her right boot.
Although I have yet to work out their JDMG stats I know they will all be Hero characters, most of whom will be Level:1 to reflect their elite status. Brett Andrews, the officer, will be a much higher Level, possibly 4 or 5. These guys are nothing like a normal Citi-Def squad. They are well trained professionals with good combat experience and training. If they go up against the Justice Department they will be tough opposition.


  1. I think I still have some of these figures unpainted. Great to see the Citi Def getting a look in. With unemployment so high in MC1 I am sure they will find plenty of time (to get into trouble) drill and train to protect the citi. Thank goodness most Block Citi def DO NOT have very heavy weapons! That would be an Oppsie just waiting to happen!

    1. Thanks, Clint. This squad seemed like a perfect choice for a Citi-Def squad. I agree with you about the danger potential of arming them with very heavy ordnance.

  2. Excellent work Bryan. The conversions are really nice and add loads of character to the pieces. I still play Chainsaw Warrior as it's loads of fun and still get the urge to build a 3D version now and again, although my dungeon terrain would suffice. This project might be hampered by me giving the Chainsaw Warrior figs to Simon as a competition prize....... still haven't seen those surface yet mr Blaxcleric hint hint Batrep hint hint

    1. Much appreciated, Andy. I just recently played Chainsaw Warrior again and it is still a classic game. Yes, playing it on a 3D board would be awesome. I am hoping this article spurs Simon on to get his Chainsaw Warriors painted... after all it has to be better than painting Boromites!

    2. Spookily, I only had them in my hand this past weekend, as I'm torn between simply re-basing them to fit in with my minis (and leaving Andy's tip top paint-job intact), tinkering with the paint-job just a bit so as to match my black-lined style, or (gulp!) re-doing them from scratch... Perhaps I should do a "Citadel" month and paint up a few of my really old lead miniatures :-)

    3. Either way, these minis are a great addition to your "Judge Dredd" collection, Bryan, and fit in seamlessly imho. Great camo and perfectly armed to halt any sort of Block War nonsense... or rather start one :-)

    4. Now talk about a coincidence! I wish I could advise you on what to do for the best regarding Andy's gifts. It's your decision but if I had to choose, I'd go for your second option.
      A Citadel month would be so cool. I know I slag off GW a lot but they did produce some great figures and games way back in the 1980's and 1990's and I was quite happy to spend a fortune on them. I'd personally love to see some of your old Citadel figures.
      Thanks for dropping by, Simon. I always appreciate your comments.

  3. Lovely work Bryan, we used to play Chainsaw warrior now and again back in my "Chester club" days, along with most of the other GW board games of that era.

    Great conversions and stunning camo work on those figs, but is it sexist to make the woman the medic? Who know in these PC mad days. Andy might be the better person to answer this.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks, Roger. I'm not sure about whether making the medic a female is a sexist choice. I saw no reason not to back then and besides which, political correctness just pisses me off.

    2. "Amen to that". or should that be "Shalom", oh don't get me started.

    3. Amen, indeed. No, I won't get you started because I suspect we'd both be singing from the same hymn book, Roger.

  4. Another fantastic addition to your JD collection Bryan! Glad I've got too many "projects" on the go to allow the temptation of a Dredd game - and the mention of the old GW boxed games has got me all dewy eyed!

    1. Cheers, WA. I am way too familiar with the concept of too many projects and not enough time. :-)

  5. Aww Nostalgia right there! Some of my very early figures in gaming. Nice to see them still getting some love and attention. I like the conversions they fit in well.

    I'm reminded a bit that these look like the pre-painted soldiers you can get from EM4.

    1. Thanks, Simon. Definite nostalgia trip here.

  6. Very old school but enjoyable never the less.

  7. Great use of these old models Bryan, the work you've done on them to tie them all together is fantastic, as is the paint job

    1. Thanks, Dave. Despite being converted in the late 1980's I think they have stood the test of time and with fresh paint jobs look fantastic.

    2. good conversion's stand the test of time

  8. Hmm, elite squad notwithstanding, I predict that these guys won't last long :-( . They have "redshirt" written metaphorically all over them, I think...

    1. Ha, ha ha! Yes, you could well be right, Hugh! :-)
