
Wednesday 24 May 2017

JDMG MC1 CitiDef Soldiers 02

Here I present another small group of Citi-Defence soldiers. These come from the James Caan block in Sector 13 of Mega City One, where my Judge Dredd Miniatures Game campaign is set. All five figures were pre-painted 28mm scale sci-fi troopers produced by EM4 Miniatures. Sadly, this set is out of production now, so these are very rare figures. I won't go into any background info for the Citi-Defence squads as I'd only be repeating what I wrote here - JDMG MC1 Citi-Def Soldiers 01
The only painting I added to these figures was on their bases.
At the far left is the squad's officer, Byron Hazlett, a Level:3 Infantry Hero. He is armed with a Spit Gun Rifle and he wears a Shell Jacket. His four Talents are Agile, Quick Dodge, Rallying Cry and True Leader. He costs 165 Credits.
His second in command is a Citi-Def Soldier and Level:2 Infantry Hero called Joe Markowitz. He is armed a Spit Gun Rifle and Hand Bombs and he wears a Shell Jacket. His three Talents are Aim, Frag Out and Suppressing Fire. He also has the Special Rule, Trigger Happy. He costs 205 Credits, making him the most expensive recruit in this squad.
In the centre of the group is Nick Lewis, another Soldier, but this time, a Level:1 Infantry Hero. He is armed with a Spit Gun Rifle and is protected by a Shell Jacket. He has two Talents - Aim and Suppressing Fire and the Special Rule, Trigger Happy. He costs 150 Credits.
Second from the right is another Level:1 Soldier and Infantry Hero, Russ Kokin. He is identical in every respect to Nick Lewis.
Bringing up the rear is the squad's Medtech, Semel Javan, a Level:1 Infantry Hero. He is armed with a Spit Pistol and is less well protected, wearing Pad Armour. He has the Talents of First Aid and Medic and the Special Rule of Lifesaver. He is worth 105 Credits.
They are not a great force by any means but on the plus side, they are made up entirely of Heroes, making them more resistant to arrest attempts by the Judges. I am planning on featuring this squad in the next episode of my JDMG campaign, which should appear next month.


  1. I much appreciate the cool blue/grey tone these have. very fitting.

    1. I agree, Clint. As soon as I saw them I thought of using them as a Citi-Def squad. They could just as easily be used as corporate security guards.

    2. One wonders if they are from "Duncan Goodhew Block" or perhaps "Block Flipper" (sorry mate I could not resist!)

  2. Great additions Bryan, these look to be one of the better prepainted models I've seen

    1. Thanks, Dave. All of the pre-painted EM4 figures I've bought have been of very high quality.

  3. The thought of buying pre-painted minis has always drawn me to "EM4-Miniatures", but I never pulled the trigger due to their limited ranges (understandable though that is considering the smallness of their operation). Clearly I missed a trick as a result, as these are very nice indeed, Bryan, and should make for a corking Citi-Def force for "Judge Dredd".

    1. Cheers, Simon. I do feel sad that EM4 never restocked these figures once they'd sold out of them. Ditto for their other ranges of pre-painted figures.

  4. Very nice Bryan, I did have all three of the pre-painted sci-fi sets from EM-4, I got them as samples back when I was writing for Valkyrie, but I have since sold them on (I say that a lot don't I?).

    They were very well painted though as I recall, as Simon said the range is quite small though.

    Aren't these still available un-painted though, I know the aliens were.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks, Roger. I, too, bought all of the pre-painted sci-fi figure sets, and I'm glad I did, because now I finally get the chance to use them.

      These particular figures are not available unpainted. Only the five aliens are. A darned shame, if you ask me.

  5. Nice miniatures mate m pre-painted just makes them more awesom!

    1. Thanks, Andy. You're so right - they are awesome!

  6. What a great looking group, they look motivated...and superb!

    1. What a lovely comment, Phil. Thank you kindly.

  7. I still say that they're toast :-) ...
