
Thursday 15 June 2017

Assorted Wild West Gamblers 01

I like to mix things up on my blog so I'm returning to my Wild West figures for a few posts. The theme this time is gamblers. Here are four 28mm scale gamblers from assorted manufacturers.
At the far left is Jacques Villard, who is a Dixon Miniatures 25mm scale Old West civilian. He is listed as WG12 Gambler Standing with Cigar and he costs £1.40. I'm not that bothered that he's smaller than the other figures on display here. People come in all shapes and sizes in real life, so why not in miniatures?
Next up, is Commodore James Duvall, who was made by Grenadier Miniatures as one of 10 figures in a boxed set called "Western Gunfighters". He is loosely based on the character, Commodore Duvall played by James Coburn in the 1994 film of Maverick. He is, in my opinion, the best sculpted figure of this quartet. Note the card sticking out of his sleeve on his left arm in the photo below. Probably his ace up his sleeve! That is such a cool touch.
The figure second from the right is as yet unnamed. I can tell you that he is a very old figure made by Hinchliffe Models, who have been out of business for many years now. I bought him in the very early 1980's. His right arm was originally hanging by his side but I bent it to give him a less static pose. Hinchliffe figures were usually tall and slim, but I think he stands the test of time very well.
Finally, is "Hoodoo" Brown, a figure sculpted by me. He is an exact copy of a 54mm scale figure I made for my long running Wild West campaign that I ran in the 1980's. Back then, all of my Wild West games were played with 1/32nd scale figures, buildings and scenery. It might not be immediately clear from the front view, but he is smoking a cigar. Also, note that he is left-handed.
These figures are mainly intended for use with Six Gun Sound, my go to Wild West rules, but could also appear in Shadows of Brimstone.


  1. Yup, a lovely set if characters, I'm impressed by your sculpt B - great work

    1. Many thanks, Andy. Back then I used to sculpt loads of figures. Now, mainly thanks to the Forgotten Heroes challenge, I've rediscovered just how much fun sculpting is.

  2. Great use of multiple manufacturers Bryan, agree people come in all shapes and sizes, which is lacking in the miniature world. Great painting of them as well

    1. Cheers, Dave. It still surprises me that some gamers want all of their figures to be exactly the same size. That just doesn't reflect real life and is why I'm quite happy to mix and match figure sizes.

  3. Excellent.
    I really like the fact that there is a small gambler (Perhaps called "Shorty!") As we all come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
    To my eye it makes them more realistic.

    1. I'm very much in agreement, Clint. I've no doubt that the Dixon gambler has been called "Shorty" more than once!

  4. Very nice Bryan. Yes its good to change things up keeps things fresh and productive. I really like the Commodore figure its a very nice sculpt.

    I do like the Dixon miniatures and like you say even though stated as being 25mm I think he fits in well.

    I have some Yakuza which I painted ages ago but recently stripped to try and do a better job on them as I have some Foundry Additions to add.

    1. Thank you kindly, Simon. Dixon Miniatures are still going strong, bless them! Yes, they are 25mm scale but this doesn't bother me too much. He's just a really well sculpted figure.

      I would very much like to see your Yakuza figures on your blog some time, Simon. I have quite a few myself.

  5. Mighty fine set of hombres pardner, and Andy's got it straight - that's a helluva of a sculpt job on Hoodoo!
    Quick question on rules choice, what's your thoughts on THW's "High Moon"?
    I was planning on using them for a solo Weird West campaign at some point in the future.

    1. Thanks, mate. I have to say I like THW's "High Moon" a lot. If Weird West is your thing then I highly recommend them.

    2. Here's a link to my review of the "High Moon" rules -

    3. Thanks Bryan - the review and 9/10 score at the end of it makes it a clear choice. It may take a while, but it's been added to the projects list :-)

    4. I'm glad I could help you out, Greg.

  6. Always thought of myself as a cowboy.Smart modelling.

  7. A really nice quartet Bryan, and a smashing bit of sculpting work too, it is particularly hard to do racially specific faces but I think you've pulled it off a treat here.

    Oh and when we started playing western gunfights back at my old club, we started out using 1/32 plastic airfix figures too, before moving on to 25mm foundry and Dixons cowboys.

    I quick shaded my old foundry figs a couple of years ago...

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Many thanks, Roger. I, too bought a lot of Dixon and Foundry 25mm scale Wild West figures with a view to changing scales but it seemed my players much preferred my 1/32nd scale figures, so we just stuck with them. It is only very recently that I have moved into Wild and Weird West gaming in 28mm scale.

      The links to your old posts were very much appreciated. I recognise so many of them, simply because I also own them. Your brushwork is darned fine, Roger.

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