
Sunday 11 June 2017

Forgotten Heroes 2017 Update 01

Following on from my intro to the 2017 Forgotten Heroes challenge (see here - Forgotten Heroes Challenge 2017 - Intro), here is an update of my work so far. As I said before, I was originally just going to make the two human heroes, Melissa Ravenflame and Jackson T. Kalliber from The Bug Hunters series. The good news is that I have sculpted both figures and they are undergoing paintwork right now. Both have come out really well, but I'm particularly impressed with my figure of Melissa.
I was lucky enough to find the parts needed to convert an old Citadel Paranoia robot into B-Con. He was an easy conversion to do, and he's also being painted right now. I am not going to show these three just yet. I want to wait until all six figures are completed.
I had no intention of making the other three robots, OTISS, X and Big Red for this challenge. I thought it would be too much work, especially making Big Red, who is huge. However, things soon changed and when I realised that OTISS and X looked a lot like RoJaws and Hammerstein from 2000 AD comic's ABC Warriors and Robusters series I knew I could make them as well. Wargames Foundry make excellent figures of RoJaws and Hammerstein. How hard could it be to convert them? So I ordered them last week and they arrived two days later.
I had to add a bit of Milliput to the base of Hammerstein as he kept falling over, due to his centre of balance being off kilter. So, now all I had to do was find a suitable figure for Big Red. I did not have high hopes, but anyway, I decided to check out toy robots on Amazon UK... and found the perfect robot for Big Red. This big fellow is Baymax from the Disney animated film of 2012 - Big Hero 6. He is a posable action figure, but he'll be a lot less posable after I've finished with him. As always, Amazon were very quick to post him to me.
Size-wise he's just about perfect, although I will be lengthening his legs. As soon as I saw the figure, I knew I could work with him and make, what I thought would be a very difficult challenge, a much easier task. Yes, there is a lot of work to do on him, but I have the basis of his figure all ready to go. Most of the hard work has already been done for me. I just have to add some detail to him. Hah! That's all!
The first thing I had to do was remove certain body parts from the three figures. RoJaws had his arms and head cut off. Hammerstein lost his head and right arm. I had to saw them off. I've drilled and pinned a paper clip into his shoulder so that I can sculpt his new arm around it.
Baymax has had his head and shoulder pads removed - they just clipped off quite easily. I sawed off the mounts on his back for his wings. His wings came separately but were never going to be used by me.
Now I can get to work on them with my Milliput and hopefully get them finished by the end of June. I'm pretty confident I'll meet the deadline. I don't usually do work in progress posts but I especially wanted to do this one, just to show you how Big Red was going to evolve. Next time you see him he'll be looking a lot different.


  1. Cracking progress Bryan and great to see you tackling all he robots, really impressed. I have fond memories of RoJaws and Hammerstein and now have the urge to order a couple for myself!

    1. Thanks, Michael. The Foundry versions of RoJaws and Hammerstein are excellent. They do a smaller version of Hammerstein but I much prefer this big fellow.

  2. Great progress Bryan, look forward to seeing them progress

    1. Thanks, Dave. They all have Milliput on them now, so progress is being made. Big Red is now a lot taller.

  3. Spluttering at the Heresy of cutting up two of my childhood favorites. I'll follow you to see what happens next. oh Bryan do you know if Tengu undead clowns are still available?

    1. Sorry, Phil, but it had to be done. On the plus side, I still have a set of RoJaws and Hammerstein who are still intact.

      CP Models have now taken over the Tengu range. The original Tengu undead clowns are no longer available but they make a scary range of clowns, which you could zombify. Here's the link -
      Just scroll down until you find them.

  4. Excellent stuff Bryan!
    Serendipity or "Cosmic Ordering"? Either way, finding that particular model of Baymax was obviously 'meant to happen'.
    Really looking forward to seeing the group when they're finished!

    1. It certainly was a stroke of luck finding this figure of Baymax, Greg. Yes, I guess it was "meant to happen".

  5. Ouch! I'm a big fan of WIP pictures, as well you know Bryan, but even I winced at the sight of headless A.B.C. Warriors. You need to keep going now just the for memory of Hammerstein and Ro-Jaws :-)

    1. Thanks, Simon, and I'm well aware of your love of WIP posts. I had no qualms about cutting up all three robots. Believe me, the end result will be worth it! Already they are looking a lot different.

  6. Wow lethal progress Bryan, I always quite enjoy the "hacking up" stage myself (it's the easy part) it's the putting them back together that is harder. Oh and thanks for numbering your pictures (1-4) It make my life so much easier when I re-post them (which I have now done, by the way).

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks, Roger. I never have a problem hacking up figures either - just look at how many zombies I've butchered! I like to number my pictures, so I'm glad that helped. Thanks for posting this on the Forgotten Heroes website.

  7. **rubs hands together ** ooh I'm looking forward to this!

  8. Brill sounding project Bryan. Look forward to seeing what you do with him.

    1. Cheers, Simon. I hope to have them all finished by the end of this month.

  9. It sure is coming along.
    I will reserve judgement until finished. But looking good so far.

    1. Thanks, Clint. Quite right to reserve judgement until it is all finished. However, I have to say, progress is very good.

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