
Monday 27 November 2017

Vampifan's Views 98 - Name Generators

There is a website I'd like to bring to your attention, assuming you've never heard of it before. It is called Fantasy Name Generators and you can find it here -
This is one of the most amazing websites I have ever come across. Despite its name, it doesn't just generate names for fantasy settings. It covers all genres and settings, including loads of popular culture games, films and TV series, in addition to real life.
On the Home page are lists for such settings as World of Warcraft, Diablo, Guild Wars, Magic: the Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, Mass Effect, Rift, Game of Thrones, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, Final Fantasy, Lord of the Rings, Halo, Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who and Harry Potter, to name but a few. Then there are loads of lists for other pop culture settings, generic fantasy names, real names, place names, town and city names, as well as many other name generators and descriptions. In all, there are over 1,000 name generators. How awesome is that?
I like to name my figures. To me, each figure is a character with a personality and a backstory. But coming up with individual names is not easy, especially when dealing with alien races. So for me, this website is a godsend. For each category, the program generates ten random names. Sometimes you have the option for male or female names, depending upon the category. I recently posted a review of six Spartan characters on my WOIN blog. Spartans are very similar to Klingons. So I went to the Star Trek category and clicked on the Klingon name generator. I was able to find suitable names for my three male Spartans and three female Spartans in a matter of seconds. Most times I saw a forename I liked and used it with a different surname that I preferred. You have that option to mix and match. When I showed my three contemporary witches in my last post, the WTW necromancer was unnamed. I called her Anastasia Tenebris, a name I found from the Witches name generator on this website.
If you like naming your figures then you will find this website a valuable resource and I highly recommend bookmarking it. Just glancing through the lists will open your eyes to its potential. I came across this site very recently when I decided I wanted to give all of my Rumbleslam wrestlers names. Only the superstars are currently named. The standard team wrestlers are not. So I did a Google search for fantasy name generators and came across this site. In no time at all I had found suitable names for my Heavy Pounders and Green Bruisers teams. Yes, there are other name generator sites out there but none are quite as prolific as this one. Very highly recommended!


  1. Can see how this would be very useful for people

  2. I have come across this website before and can agree that it is VERY useful at times. It all adds some character to the games and that makes them feel more personal. I have used them in the past.
    I will be using it for back of Beyond Scenarios as well. So pointing it out does me no harm at all. Bravo sir.

    1. Thank you, Clint. I'm glad to hear you have used this site before and found it useful. I know I'll get a LOT of use out of it.

  3. Well that's going in my bookmarks. Thanks for that. ;)

  4. Great site. There are a lot of names that I can use for so many different reasons. Thanks for posting the web address.

  5. Interesting. I've made up my own collections of names for Vikings, Swahilis, Argonauts and many other groups, though nothing as comprehensive as this site. Maybe I should publish them anyway?

    1. Thank, Hugh. Another option for you to consider is to send them to Emily on the above site. She is very open to contributions.

  6. This is an absolute Godsend - especially for those times when you've got a bad case of 'brain fog', or you need a name quickly 'on-the-fly'.
    Marvelous find Bryan, and thanks for posting. I've bookmarked it and used it already! :-)

    1. My thoughts exactly, Greg. This website is such a valuable resource and I, too, think it's a godsend.

  7. That's a great resource. I think it'll be great for your sci-fi campaign. Be great when I eventually get the time to get back to fantasy gaming too.

    1. Many thanks, Tim. It has already proved useful for my sci-fi campaign but I can find lots of other uses for it.
