
Thursday 30 November 2017

Vampifans Views 99 - Monthly Musings 71

November is always a special month for me - it's when my birthday is. More on that later. But first, my Vampirella portrait is by Bo Hampton, whom I recently showcased with his three illustrations of Vampirella and Batman. This black and white picture of Vampi shows her in a pensive mood as she is about to wipe away a dribble of blood from her chin. It is beautifully rendered and I like it a lot. What I particularly like about it is that she has been portrayed with realistic proportions, something that some comic artists fail to achieve.

I'll keep my birthday news until last. So what have I been up to this month? On the painting front I have mainly been painting undead - YAY! I have finished painting roughly two dozen Weird West zombies from three different companies and I'll show them all next month. I have also painted the undead wrestling team for Rumbleslam. They are the Cryptborn Nightmares. In addition, I have also painted the Twisted Shadows team for Rumbleslam. Both of them will be shown very soon. I have also made and painted my MDF wrestling ring that I ordered from TT Combat. This just takes the game to a whole new level and visually looks stunning.
Currently I'm working on some more figures to use in Dracula's America or any Wild West setting. I'm also painting some more figures for Judge Dredd, after Foundry Miniatures finally stopped selling their 2000AD range of figures. I already had most of the range but was missing just a few. Fortunately, I was able to get them just before the final day of their sale. I'm not sure if this decision to stop selling them has anything to do with Warlord Games acquiring the rights to make figures for all of the 2000AD series. Whatever the reason, I was sad to see this much loved and long running range bite the dust.
My brother has been printing out lots of 3D models for my gaming needs. He has a 3D printer and it is something I'd like to own but not just yet. The stuff he's been doing for me came from a few Kickstarters run by Hayland Terrain that I backed. I have terrain and furniture items for fantasy, Wild West, contemporary and sci-fi settings. Once they get painted up, they look fantastic. A post showcasing what I've painted so far is definitely on the cards. At the moment I'm mainly asking him to print out furniture items for me.

Speaking of Kickstarters, the latest one I've backed is Core Space produced by Battle Systems Ltd. As you know, I am a huge fan of their products. Core Space is a follow up to their superb Sci-fi 2 terrain sets which I recently acquired. It is fully compatible with that setting but has more of a gritty cyberpunk feel to it. But the biggest change is that it is also a skirmish game with miniature figures. For the first time Battle Systems are producing miniature figures in 32mm scale. They do look superb! Just check out these photos of the new scenery and figures.
 A game in progress as the Purge robots close in on the heroes.
 The crew of the Ion Hope - Roykirk, Arianna and Gak.
The crew of the Black Maria - Renton, Jace and Lars.
I must admit that I fell in love with this project as soon as I saw the photos for it. The scenery will fit in well for my JDMG and N.E.W. games and so will the figures. Having watched a couple of play-throughs of the game on YouTube I must admit to liking the game very much. The project is fully funded and I've already increased my pledge once. There is just so much great stuff being added to this project as more people back it. Sadly, it won't be released until November 2018, but that'll be a lovely birthday present for me.

So, birthdays. On the 24th of this month it was my birthday. So I decided to treat myself to something special and with the money my mum gave me, I ordered the new Necromunda: Underhive boxed set and the Necromunda: Gang War supplement. Now, those who know me well will know of my deep hatred of Games Workshop - they have done so much wrong that has hurt the hobby and the people who once supported them. But I do acknowledge they are trying to make amends nowadays. That said, I still won't buy anything from them other than a few of their ink-wash paints. So I ordered these two gifts to myself from Wayland Games, who were selling them for 20% cheaper than GW. That works for me! Better the money in my pocket than GW's!
In my mind, Necromunda was the best game that GW ever produced, and so I was very pleased to see it return. I ran a hugely successful Necromunda campaign in the mid-1990's which is still remembered fondly to this day. In it, I played two gangs - one from House Escher and one from House Goliath. And look at which two gangs are featured in the new boxed set - House Escher and House Goliath! 😍 That was incentive enough for me to want this new game. Plus, just look at how cool these new sculpts are. Note that the photos are from Games Workshop.
The brand new House Escher gangers, looking ultra-cool and awesome. These are my favourite gang in Necromunda.
The gangers from House Goliath - just as muscle-bound as I fondly remember them. Big brutes with big weapons!
There have been changes made to the game, which is inevitable, and in my opinion, the changes are all for the best. The biggest change is that with Necromunda: Underhive, the game is played on flat boards, rather like Zombicide. 3D doors, barricades and other items are provided but it is essentially a boardgame with miniatures. Those of you who remember the original game will recall that it was played on 3D terrain on different levels, which added an interesting dynamic to the games. Fear not, that element is still here, but the rules for using 3D terrain are presented in the Necromunda: Gang War supplement along with the campaign rules.
This is the first time in many a year that I've been excited by a GW release. I look forward to making and painting the gangs. I will be playing the game using the new rules - both sets. But in addition, I can see me using the scenery and gangs in my Judge Dredd Miniatures Game. I remember when I first saw Necromunda way back in 1995 my first thought was that is so like Mega City One! Welcome back Necromunda! You have been missed.


  1. Great posting Bryan, lots to pique the interest, "Judge Dredd", "Necromunda", "Dracula's America" and "Rumbleslam" - all faves of mine as you know. Happy birthday too, and I look forward to seeing your thoughts on the "Battle Systems" scenery (and minis).

    1. Many thanks, Simon. Having seen the figures and scenery for "Core Space" I can say that they do look fantastic and that they will be very compatible with my "Judge Dredd" and "N.E.W." games.

  2. Happy Birthday. Looking forward to seeing more Dredd. Also curious to see the 3D models painted up.

    I saw Core Space and I see the that I am studiously avoiding! I partly guessed that you could not resist.

    I too bit the Necromunda bullet. Like you it is the first news in recent years from GW that has gotten me excited. I ran with Orlocks and Spyrers in the day. I like the fact that the gangs are thematically different.

    1. Thank you, Jason. Backing "Core Space" was simply a no-brainer for me. It looks stunning.

      Orlocks are a cool gang. I did buy all of the old Spyrer gangers but I only used them once. I'm looking forward to seeing all of the old figures getting a new makeover. I'll very likely buy all of them.

  3. Belated "Happy Birthday" Bryan, sorry I missed it on the day, but hope you had a good one! :-)
    Very nice 'musings' post this month with LOADS of teasers for forthcoming modelling and gaming goodness. All of the new commercial stuff sounds great (though my feelings towards GW still haven't changed), and I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing the 3D printed terrain that your brother has done!

    1. Thank you kindly, Greg. It is an exciting time to be a gamer with so much cool stuff coming out. Much as I do love "Necromunda" I just won't buy anything for it from Games Workshop, especially when other outlets are selling it much cheaper.

      3D printed stuff is coming on in leaps and bounds and I suspect in a few years time it will really take off. I promise I will be posting reviews of the stuff my brother is printing for me. You will be amazed!

  4. Happy Birthday Bryan, seems like you had a good one, lots of different eye candy in this months musings

    1. Cheers, Dave. I did have a really good birthday. My brother travelled over to visit me and it was great to see him again. He'd been really busy with his 3D printer! I'm glad you like the eye candy I showed here.

  5. I'm glad you had a good birthday. I'm wracked with guilt now I've realized that I still have Fanatic Goliaths and the original plastics from the last set still unpainted.
    My Arbites are still complete though.

    1. Thank you so much, Phil. The Arbites were excellent proxy Judges and I've seen a few people use them as such.

  6. Many happy returns. Bit late I know but the feelings are still there.

    Necromunda you say. Not at all surprised by Escher gangers, it would have been my guess if I were asked.
    But Let's be honest Orlocks are best, far better than Escher or Goliath or Van Saar or well any of the others.

    I shall look forward to your Necromunda review or an AAR indeed anything Necro related. I agree Best GW game by quite a stretch in my opinion.

    I will have to ask club members if they would be interested... I know 1 would at least (2 if you include me!)

    Nice report and several things to look forward to. But Orlocks are best gangers ever, Yes I am Bias! But it is still and will always be true!

    1. Thanks so much, Clint. It was only six days ago when when I had my birthday so you're not too late, plus I didn't announce it until today.

      "Necromunda" was without a doubt, GW's finest game ever produced. You can expect lots of "Necromunda" related posts here, including batreps and crossovers with other games (JDMG is a must!).

      I really do hope that the Orlocks will be the next gang to get updated to the new rules. Either way, I hope we don't have to wait too long for their release. It is the mark of a good game when everyone has their own favourite gang or gangs. I admire your loyalty to House Orlock even though you are so wrong about them being better than House Escher1 LOL! :-)

    2. I would rather be a Ratskin than an Escher!

      Orlocks rule

    3. Oh dear, how sad, never mind! ;-)

  7. many happy returns mate. Orlocks are next as far as I know for Necromunda but my fave gang was the unsubtle and barbaric Goliaths. I still have my gang from back in the day and it takes pride of place on a gaming shelf!

    printed furniture sounds amazing and I'm sure will feature in your AARs and I look forward to seeing them soon.

    So much eye candy promised

    1. Much appreciated, Andy. Ha, ha, unstable is a great description for House Goliath. My old Goliath gang was definitely unstable... and unpredictable!

      The printed furniture will definitely feature in my batreps. I have so many items I want printing that I have to prioritise them for my brother to print out.

      This was indeed a good month for eye candy.

    2. Personally I would rather "Skavies" or "Ratskins" than Goliaths.

      Orlocks are best, and by a long way!

    3. We are all entitled to our opinions, mate. I just happen to disagree with yours in this case, but no hard feelings. You will be delighted to hear that the Orlocks are coming next. See here -

  8. Happy birthday Bryan!!!

    As usual another great Monthly Musings post. Those Core Space miniatures look great. Thanks for bringing them to my attention.

    Great pick up on Necromunda too. I've got about 100 Necromunda figures and have a lot of fond memories of playing the game back in the day. Good to see you got it at a bargain price. Have fun.

    1. Thanks, Tim. Core space is looking very good value for money as more and more free stretch goals get unlocked.

      A lot of old gamers really loved "Necromunda". I certainly have lots of happy memories playing it. I've just learned that the Orlocks will be the next gang to be released. I do like the look of them a lot.

  9. I like that scenery quite a lot. The hardboard looks much better in a sci fi setting to my eye. In modern and fantasy settings I think I expect more organic shapes so the hard edges of the board actually appeal to me. So you picked up Necromunda? I'll probaly do that myself down the line but I was looking at Black Friday sales, then the Gangs of Rome preorder and sold my soul to Footsore Miniatures. I think it was bargain. I love the look of the Roman miniatures which are supposed to arrive at the end of January and the Saxons are fine looking figures I've wanted for some time. If I have the cash I will probably get a copy of Necromunda after Christmas (Guess I won't be submitting a painted gang to the GW community painting contest :P ).

    1. Many thanks, HP. Buying the new version of "Necromunda" was a no-brainer. I loved that game before and I'm looking forward to getting reacquainted with it.
      The Battle Systems sci-fi terrain sets work exceptionally well. I have used them extensively in my "The Ace of Spades Campaign" on my WOIN blog to great effect.
