
Sunday 17 December 2017

Reaper Zombie Miners

I mentioned last time that I'd had a big session painting zombies to use in my Weird West games - Dracula's America, High Moon and Shadows of Brimstone. The three figures I want to show here were bought very recently and they are set 50317 Zombie Miners from the Reaper Chronoscope range.
At the far left is a bare-headed zombie carrying a pickaxe. Whether he can use it or not is debatable and probably depends upon the rules you're using. In most games, zombies lack the intelligence to use weapons. I couldn't see any obvious wounds on him so he is one of my rare zombies without any gore effects on him.
In the centre of the group is a zombie I decided to paint up as a Negro. He is carrying a spade. He has a bandage around his right wrist which has bled through. That could have been from the fatal bite that transformed him into a zombie.
At the far right is another bearded male miner carrying a pickaxe. He has a slight cut to his left arm. On all of my zombies shown here, after I'd painted them, I gave them a dry-brushing of sandy brown paint for that dirty, dusty look. I did not want these in clean, pristine looking clothes.
The sculpting of these three figures is absolutely first class and they really show up the zombie miners from the Shadows of Brimstone set that I showed last time. They would certainly fit in well with those particular zombies either as replacements or reinforcements.
This set of three figures costs £10.90, which is a bit pricey, but you are paying for top quality sculpts, so I didn't mind. Look out for yet more Weird West zombies next time.


  1. Great to see the Vampifan painting wagon is in full flight currently, Bryan. What a marvellous trio these minis are, and a fiendish post to test my Pledge too, as you've certainly got me wanting this terrifying triple threat. Good work 'gunking' them up too with grim and mud etc. A short posting perhaps, but one of my faves of the year :-)

    1. Thank you so much, Simon. Apologies for testing your pledge not to buy any new minis for the next few months. However, as soon as I saw them, I knew I had to get them for myself. I placed a rather large order with Miniature Heroes in November for a load of their Reaper Wild West figures and only got about half of what I was after, so I'll be placing another order with them next year. I may well order this particular set for you. :-)

    2. I don;t know what's worse, Bryan, you tempting me wiv three marvellous minis, or then directing me to "Miniature Heroes" website!! :-) Oh wow!! They seem to have most of the "Chronoscope" range alone... more temptation...

      Thank you very much for your kind offer, but surely it must be my turn to pay? I was actually contemplating a month dedicated to partially-painted 'pressies', as I own quite a few with the vast majority coming predominantly from your excellent self :-)

    3. Ha, ha, ha! Poor Simon! I'm surprised you weren't familiar with the "Miniatures Heroes" webstore. I love it! It means I can order the Reaper figures I want from the UK and not worry about the dreaded customs charges if ordering them from America. Even if a figure is listed as "out of stock", Tim will order it in for you. As a small shop, he can only hold so much stock at any one time. I have always had great service from them in the past and I can highly recommend using them.

      I'm not one to keep track of who owes me so don't worry about paying me back. In this community of ours we tend to look out for each other and I do enjoy spreading happiness when I can.

  2. I think I went to Art school with the guy on the right!
    Same clothes same expression.

    3 more worthy additions to the dark of Dracula America!

  3. They certainly do look dirty - no Sunday best clothes here! I like them, though the fact that they're all still holding on to their tools suggests a little more purpose than I would normally attribute to a "mindless" zombie.

    1. Cheers, Hugh. You could well be right - they don't seem quite as mindless as most zombies.

  4. Great looking set of undead dudes Bryan, you've done another ace job of 'dealing the dirt' on them too :-)
    As you say, it'll be down to the rules (or more importantly, how YOU choose to play 'em), but there's plenty of examples in zombie fiction where the undead act in a more sentient way than the classic "mindless" zombies ;-)

    1. Thanks, Greg. What you say is true, but even if the rules you're using don't allow zombies to use weapons, there's nothing stopping you from house ruling otherwise.

  5. Some atmospheric Zombies Bryan, nicely done

  6. Nice paint job Bryan. They definitely look suitably dirty from all their mining before the turn. Reaper are a great source of a wide variety of figures.

    1. Many thanks, Tim. I have always been a big fan of Reaper Miniatures.

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