
Thursday 14 December 2017

Shadows of Brimstone Zombies

I don't know why it has taken me so long to paint these 12 zombies from the Shadows of Brimstone starter set, The Swamps of Death. I guess I was probably thinking, keep the best till last, but sadly, so much other stuff got in the way that I kept putting them further and further back. Anyway, I recently had a big painting session of zombies and they finally got done.
It is not uncommon nowadays, in the areas around Brimstone, for the dead to rise back up from their shallow graves and seek out the living to feed upon. And in these parts, there is no shortage of dead. As animated corpses, these undead nightmares are slow and shambling, but attack in large numbers to surround their hapless victims. Feeling no pain and without fear for their own well-being, Hungry Dead, as they are often referred to, are very difficult to kill. Often an inexperienced foe will empty shot after shot into them, doing little more than blowing off small chunks or fingers. This, of course, does nothing to stop them and often just leads to one or more zombie joining the ranks, as they tear him apart and infect him with their zombie plague.
These twelve plastic figures in the boxed set come in three poses. The six shown above are the most numerous. The two at the far left are the standard figure. They come in four parts - body and head, legs and separate arms. Having separate arms means you can pose them differently, which is a big help. For the other four figures, I have converted each one separately. The zombie third in line from the left has had a writhing mass of intestines sculpted on him, as they spill from a gaping stomach wound. It would have been remiss of me not to have done this particular conversion! Moving on, the next two have had hats added to their heads. The zombie second from the left also had a bandanna added around his neck and his left arm lopped off at the elbow. The zombie at the far left was a very clever conversion. By leaving his legs off I was able to pose him as a crawler zombie. A very simple but effective conversion.
You get three each of the other two poses. The males are meant to be zombie miners and once again, the one at the far left is the standard figure. The one second from the left had his hat cut off to donate to one of the zombies shown above. I sculpted the top of his head with Milliput to show him bare-headed. I also repositioned his pickaxe. For the third zombie miner, I simply cut off his hand and pickaxe and sculpted on a bit of bone showing through his wrist.
The three female zombies were all one-piece castings. The one in the red, black and white dress is not converted. The woman in the green and black dress has had her right arm cut off. The last one, in the blue and ochre dress, has had a head swap. I used one of my spare heads from the Warlord Games Project Z female zombies set to make her look different to the others.
These make a nice small horde of Weird West zombies. I quite like their poses and I certainly had a lot of fun making them all look different. I do enjoy converting zombie figures. I hope I have shown that they don't all have to look the same but if that's what you want then go ahead. Personally, I like my figures to appear unique. Although these are designed for use in Shadows of Brimstone, there is no reason not to use them in other games. Dracula's America and High Moon immediately spring to my mind. I'll be showing more Weird West zombies over the next few posts.


  1. Interesting set of figures and nicely individualised mate

    1. Thanks, Andy. I'm a big fan of individualising figures and converting zombies is a lot of fun!

  2. They certainly look the part, especially with the conversions. A worthy addition to the weird west collection! :-)

    1. Thanks, Greg. This was a fun project and there's still more to come in my next few posts.

  3. As my setting takes on a Western feel I really should invest in some Wild West Zombies. LOL These look fab Bryan!

    1. To be honest, Tom, they're not the best Weird West zombies available but they're not too bad either. The ones I'll be showing in my next couple of posts are far superior. That said, no matter what your setting, you can always improve it by adding zombies! ;-)

  4. Colourfully clever conversions at no mistake, Bryan, and packed full of character; especially the females and your paint-jobs on their dresses. Buckets of blood were clearly well-used too :-)

    1. Very much appreciated, Simon. It's been too long since I got the buckets of blood out. Oh, what fun it was, slapping it on!

  5. Useful conversions, no doubt about it! I think it would be very dreary to see hordes of identically-posed zombies, even if they were painted in different colours.

    1. My thoughts exactly. I couldn't agree with you more, Hugh.

  6. Great looking bunch of Western style undead. Keep up the good work.

  7. Those are nice Bryan. I really like converting zombies too. I have some doubles from the TWD boxes I picked up so I'm trying to customize them so every walker in my herd is unique. Unfortunately I don't anything for 19th century zombies and don't play SoB either so I'm still out of luck in that period. I really like your figure in the blue and ochre dress.

    1. Many thanks, HP. I approve of your decision to make all of your TWD zombies unique. The female you mentioned came out really well. The head swap worked just fine.

  8. Love the dirty dusty look you have achieved on the cowpokes pardner!

    1. Thanks, Clint. That was a deliberate decision of mine and I think it looks quite effective.

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