
Wednesday 3 January 2018

Dracula's America Skinwalkers Faction 01

When Dracula's America was first published last year, there was only one Skinwalker faction figure produced for it, which seemed like a gross oversight, as the other five starting factions were well catered for with figures. Now, thankfully, the balance has been restored and North Star Miniatures have added a range of Apache Indians to use as the Skinwalker faction.
At the far left is the official Skinwalker shape-shifter. I showed him in an earlier post, but have included him here as he now comes with the rest of this posse. A Skinwalker posse may have two shape-shifter figures in its group. They can transform into either a bear or a wolf, but after they transform for the first time, that choice cannot be changed. I go into a lot more detail about him in my previous post here -
The other three figures in this photo are normal Apache Indians. From left to right they are armed with a tomahawk and holstered pistol, a rifle and at the far right, with a pistol and knife.
Next up are four more standard Apache braves armed in a similar manner to three above - pistol and knife, pistol and tomahawk, another pistol and tomahawk and single rifle respectively.
Looking at these figures there is nothing about them that makes them stand out as being supernatural. This means they could very easily be used as Apache Indians in a "normal" Wild West game. This set of eight 28mm scale figures (they are true 28mm scale) can be purchased as set DRAC207 Skinwalker Posse for £22.50 from the North Star webstore. Coincidentally, there is a Plains Indian version of the Skinwalker faction coming out soon. Here's a sneak preview of them.
I'll definitely be buying them as soon as they go on sale. By the way, if anyone wants the original Skinwalker figure, drop me a line and I'll send him off to you free of charge. First come, first served.


  1. Lots of lovely Native Americans on show with this posting Bryan, and I'm pleased to see you've already spotted that "North Star Military Figures" are 'officially' filling that gap in their Skinwalker line with a new faction of figures. That'll be quite the 'gang' you'll own when you've got them all together and painted :-)

    1. Much appreciated, Simon. I really can't decide whether I like the Apache Indians or the Plains Indians versions best of all, as both sets are really well sculpted and very characterful. I've noted a lot of new North Star "Dracula's America" figure releases, just in time for the first supplement for the game, "Hunting Grounds," due to go on sale later this month.

  2. Nicely done Bryan, both sets look like they would work well together, as native Americans often had very individual looks even within the same tribe, especially when they looted a lot of Western clothing from conflicts

    1. Cheers, Dave. I totally agree with what you say - there's no reason not to combine the two forces.

  3. This is the faction I'm leaning towards. Your paintwork, and these new minis is really forcing me to get them. ;)

    1. Thanks, Tom. Having them in the flesh, I can highly recommend them. Beautiful figures, mate.

  4. Hi Bryan - these figures are looking good and as you say useful for standard western games. I had a quick look back and can not find anything on your western buildings, do we have that pleasure to come or have I missed them?

    1. Hi, John. Have no fear - you haven't missed any posts on my Wild West buildings as I haven't done any yet. Yes, this pleasure is yet to come. I'm slowly getting there, but progress is good, especially as Colonel Bill has an awesome sale going on for 4Ground buildings!

  5. Who doesn’t love native Americans? What a terrific tribe of warriors, beautifully painted - perfect!

    1. Cheers, Andy. Many thanks for the kind words.

  6. Wonderful treatment of the Apache Bryan. I like the look of the new Plains Indians. They look further removed from the Western influences on the Apache. They will look amazing when painted.

    1. Many thanks, HP. The new Plains Indians do look great and I'm sure they'll be a joy to paint.

  7. That's a great looking faction Bryan, and as you say, they could easily be used in 'historical' games.
    The plains Indians look really neat too and I can see why you're eager to get them - I reckon they'll look excellent once you've painted them up :-)

    1. Very kind of you to say, Greg. I'm looking forward to getting the Plains Indians and painting them. They, too, will fit in well with "historical" games.

  8. Great stuff! Seeing these makes me want to root out my Ratskin renegades! I know they are not relate at all, yet somehow they just remind me of them. Right back to these figures Totally brilliant we all nee more native Americans in our games box (and our lives)

    1. Thanks, Clint. Funnily enough I do get the Ratskins reference. Yes, more Native Americans is a good thing.

  9. Cracking job Bryan. I think out of all the ones in the game this is the one that would tempt me most into the game. I love the style and love the lore around the skinwalkers.

    1. Thank you, Simon. The Skinwalkers have much going for them and seem to be a popular choice with gamers.
