
Saturday 6 January 2018

MC1 Assorted Judges 01

It has been a while since I posted anything for the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game but that does not mean I have forgotten about it. A new batrep will be coming soon as I continue my campaign. I'm looking forward to using my new Battle Systems Sci-fi Terrain sets to recreate parts of Mega City One. In addition, I have been collecting some new figures for the game and painting more of my current collection of figures. In this post I want to showcase an assortment of MC1 Judges that I have acquired this past year. What they all have in common is that they are limited edition figures and I feel very lucky to own them all.
At the far left is Judge Harry Heston, an ape Judge who was part of an experiment wherein the Justice Department was looking for more diversity with its Street Judges. The project was short-lived and never really took off. Heston is an intelligent gorilla who only appeared very briefly in the comic series. The figure is a very limited edition casting sculpted by Dave Stone of Wargames Terrain Workshop. Dave very kindly gifted me this figure. The figure came with a choice of two right hands - one holding a Lawgiver Mk.2 Pistol, and the other a long Day-stick. I opted for the Lawgiver because he can do more damage with that than a Day-stick. I have to say, this is one of Dave's finest sculpts.
Next in line is Judge Dredd 04 by Wargames Foundry. Yes, this is the fourth version of Dredd that they made, and whilst not the best, he's not the worst either. Just before Foundry ceased production of their entire range of 2000AD figures they added a couple of new figures to the range. This version of Dredd was one of them and a rather spiffy Don Uggie Apelino was the other. I bought them both a couple of days before their sale ended, thus giving me their complete range of 2000AD figures. I will be using this figure as a generic Street Judge in my JDMG campaign. Note that he is armed with the Mk.1 Lawgiver Pistol. He is a good sculpt but his shoulder pads are far too big! Compare them to the next two figures who are more accurately portrayed.
The Judge with the Scattergun was produced by Warlord Games, available only if you bought the JDMG rulebook and Blood on the Streets supplement together. Also in this deal was a limited edition female ganger. When this offer was made I already had both books, so I figured I'd never get either figure. But, fortunately for me, the two figures came up for sale on eBay and I successfully bid for them. I can't tell you how delighted I was to scoop them. It is nice to have a Street Judge armed with something different to a Lawgiver Pistol, although he still has his Lawgiver in his boot holster.
Last in line is another rare figure. This one was produced by Mantic Games as a Kickstarter exclusive referee for their Dreadball game. Once again, I acquired mine from eBay but this time with the "Buy Now" option. He only cost me £3.50, which was an absolute bargain. Because he is so small and slim I have converted him into a Rookie Judge. He is, in fact, my only Rookie Judge. You can identify a Rookie Judge by his chest badge, which is cut in half down the middle. Oddly enough, in JDMG, the stats for a Cadet Judge and a Rookie Judge are identical. Whilst Warlord Games did produce figures for Cadet Judges they ignored Rookie Judges. I simply took a craft knife to the chest badge of this figure and cut it in half to convert the figure into a proper Rookie Judge.
All in all, these are great additions to my growing force of Mega City One Judges.


  1. Marvellous saturday post, Bryan. There's always room for more "Judge Dredd" minis and these are all corkers imho. Great to see Harry Heston getting a lick of paint, as he's an awesome sculpt by Dave - and a very generous gift too. Good to see him with the lawgiver option too, as I went with the daystick alternative hand, so I'm pleased to see how he'd look with the other option.

    Colourwise I so much prefer the green, gold, black uniform palette to the blue one, so yours stand out marvellously imho. Great posting, and a terrific start to 2018 for this blog :-)

    1. Many thanks for the kind words, Simon. Judge Heston is certainly one of my favourite WTW sculpts. For me, there was never any doubt that he should have the Lawgiver Pistol.

      I, too, prefer the black, green and gold colour scheme of the Judges. That seems to be the default colour scheme in the comics these days.

  2. Nice collection of less seen Judge models Bryan, such a shame Foundry stopped selling their range as they had some great models in there

    1. Thank you, Dave. It certainly is a great shame that Foundry cancelled their 2000AD range of figures. They'd been going for so long I never envisaged them being withdrawn. I was pleased that I was able to get them all.

  3. Heston is an awesome sculpt, I love mine although like Simon I went for the daystick option! I’m glad to hear that your JD campaign is still in the pipeline and will get an airing sooner rather than later :-)

    1. Many thanks, Andy. I think the Day-stick option for Judge Heston is the more popular choice, so I'm glad I went with the Lawgiver option. The "JDMG" campaign should return quite soon. I have loads of ideas for it.

  4. Great looking collection of Judges there Bryan, and I'm looking forward to seeing some JD action in the Battle Systems - rendered MC1 :-)

    1. Cheers, Greg. I hope to run my first JDMG batrep of 2018 very soon. I just need to put the scenery together.

  5. Nice (!) Judges. I really must do Judge Harry Heston soon as well.

    1. Thanks, Clint. Indeed, you should paint up your Judge Heston. I'll be interested to see what weapon you give him.

  6. Fantastic job Bryan. Cool looking minis as well.

  7. You've had some good finds on eBay to round out your collection. I've no real knowledge of Judge Dread but look forward to the game report, your previous ones have been most enjoyable.

    1. Thanks, John. I love eBay when it gives you the "Buy Now" option. But bidding on an item is a total lottery and I've missed out on far more than I've won. The new batreps will continue in the Comic Life format.
