
Wednesday 10 January 2018

Hondo City Judges 01

Up until now I have only showed you the Judges from Mega City One. Every large nation on Earth has their own forces of Judges and I do own a lot of them. My two largest forces after the MC1 Judges are those belonging to the East Meg and Brit City. They will be appearing in future posts as I still haven't finished painting all of them. However, I can show you my fourth largest judicial force and they are the Judges of Hondo City. Covering most of Japan, Hondo City is one of the most technologically advanced Mega-Cities on the planet, and it has Judges to match. Constantly battling corruption from within from Yakuza infiltrators, Hondo City Judges are exceptional law-keepers.
I start with two versions of Judge Inspector Aiko Inaba. The one at the far left was produced by Wargames Foundry and the one next to her, by Warlord Games. A female Judge from a city that ignores women, Aiko Inaba has proved herself the equal of any other in Hondo City. Recently accepted into the ranks as Judge-Inspector, Inaba has already hit the Yakuza crime syndicates hard, and has travelled to Mega City One to hunt down international contacts. She has worked with Judge Dredd both at home and abroad. In the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game she is a Level:4 Infantry Hero with the following Talents - Academy Star, Agile, Black Belt Martial Artist, Head-breaking, Martial Artist, Parry and Skilled and Deadly. Note that Hondo City Judges get the Martial Artist and Skilled and Deadly Talents for free. The Foundry version of her is armed with a Katana and a Tendo Stave, which resembles Nunchakus, whilst the Warlord Games version is armed with a Laser-Shuriken Launcher and a Tendo stave. She costs 260 Credits to hire.
At the right are two standard Hondo City Judges, both produced by Warlord Games. The one at the far right has been converted as I gently twisted his arms at the elbows into new positions. They are armed with a Laser-Shuriken Launcher and Tendo Stave. The Laser-Shuriken Launcher is a nasty weapon with the following stats - Range 12", Shooting Dice 3D, Damage 1, AP-5 and the Blast Special Rule. These are Level:1 Infantry Heroes and they cost 175 Credits to hire.
Unfortunately none of these figures are available for sale as they are all out of production. I do hope the Warlord Games versions reappear when they relaunch their 2000 AD figures range.


  1. Fantastic post Bryan!
    It's easy to focus on MC1 and forget about the other nationalities (well, I had!). These are a stunning set of mini's but my runaway fave has got to be the Wargames Foundry Aiko Inaba.

    1. Indeed you are right, Greg. There is a whole world to explore in Judge Dredd. But even if you set your games solely in Mega City One, you can still have Judges from other Mega Cities visiting, either officially or unofficially.
      By the way, the Foundry version of Inspector-Judge Inaba is my favourite too.

  2. I still have Aiko on my paint table that you kindly sent me mate, I haven’t forgotten my JD project but it has slipped to the back burner. I always loved the Hondo judges so this was a great post for me!

    1. Thanks, Andy. I fully understand about putting your JD stuff on the back burner. Obviously you're focused on ATZ at the moment... and rightly so. I've no doubt you'll get back into JD when the time is right. I kind of thought you'd appreciate this post given your love of the Orient with "Bushido."

  3. If I had been more aware of Hondo judges when I was younger they may well have been my main JD focus.

    Brilliant stuff. I long to see more. Consider appetite well and truely whetted!

    1. Thanks, Clint. Unless you're a real Judge Dredd fanboy it is so easy to not know about the Hondo City Judges. They don't appear as often in the comic strip as other World Judges.

  4. Nice collection of Hondo judges Bryan, it would be great if Warlord do more models of judges from other mega cities and bike versions as well, for me my favourite was always the Pan African

    1. Thank you, Dave. I, too, hope that Warlord Games brings out lots of World Judges (with bikes where possible). As I said, I do have Judges from many nations, but sadly not Pan-Africa.

    2. Indeed no one's made any yet ! But I can but hope

    3. My fingers are crossed, too, Dave.

  5. I'm really digging these. Everyone needs some no nonsense samurai street judges. "You have have dishonored the city and yourself, your judgment shall be swift." ;)

  6. These guys are going to stand out in a crowd and no mistake.

    1. Thanks, John. You are right but I suspect they're meant to stand out.

  7. Colourful stuff, Bryan. Its always nice to see some of the other Judges on show, and this lot are great eye-candy. I'm a Murphyville fan myself, but that doesn't me appreciating Hondo City I assure you. Hopefully "Warlord Games" will bring out a boxed set of multiple-posed judges for each of the factions in the future - I rather liked their Brit-Cit one :-)

    1. Many thanks, Simon. I do have an Emerald Isle Judge in my collection of World Judges. Like you, I hope that Warlord Games greatly expands this range. I, too, liked the Brit City boxed set.

  8. Great job Bryan. I bet those uniforms where a pain in the ass to clean after raid!

    1. Ha, ha! Good point, Simon! I'd never considered that. :-)
