
Tuesday 23 January 2018

Vampifan's Views 101 - Sad News

I am deeply saddened to have to announce that my mum passed away this morning. In many ways, it was a blessing in disguise as she had spent more time in hospital than at home this past year. Her quality of life had deteriorated to the point where she was just existing, not living. Now, at least, she is at peace. I have been expecting this moment to happen for quite a while now. I am okay but you will understand if I take a short break from blogging whilst I sort out the funeral arrangements and all the other things that need doing. I'll still reply to your blogs. Having something like my hobby to focus on will be a welcome distraction from the harsh realities of real life and give me a much needed break.

Take care and never take your parents for granted.


  1. I am deeply sorry. Your loss touches me. If you need anything email and I will reply as fast as I am able.

    1. Thank you, Clint, and that is very much appreciated.

  2. Sorry to hear that, Bryan. Best wishes.

  3. Sorry for your loss Bryan, was a pleasure to meet your mum, may she rest in peace and suffer no more

  4. Deeply saddened by the news Bryan and you have my utmost sympathy.

    1. Thank you so much, Greg. I'm sure you of all people can understand what I'm going through right now.

  5. Losing a parent is one of the hardest things someone can go through. I am so terribly sorry that she passed away. Please accept my condolences.

    1. Very true, Varangian. Thank you so much for the kind comment.

  6. Bryan, I struggle with what to say at the best of times, so please forgive me that I'm at a loss as to know what to write here. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss and hope that things go smoothly in the coming days ahead for you. Take care.

    1. Thanks, Roy. I'll pull through. Reading comments like yours is a great comfort to me.

  7. Hey Bryan, sorry to hear of your loss buddy. As you know I lost my mum around this time last year and you have my sincerest sympathies. As you say in your post at least she has a measure of peace following a protracted illness and that can be a blessing. All the best mate

    1. I remember your loss only too well, Andy, so you'll also know what I'm going through right now. She passed peacefully in her sleep, which is certainly the best way to go. At least she didn't suffer.

    2. indeed mate. take care of yourself and of course your brother too

    3. Will do, Andy. I'll be seeing my brother, Mikey, very soon.

  8. Bryan, I'm sorry to hear you news. My thoughts go out to you. Take care.

  9. Bryan, my condolences on the loss of your mom.

  10. My sincerest condolences, Bryan, sadly all I can say, having lost both of my parents a few years ago, is that over time you'll continue to remember the good times with your Mum and slowly forget the bad. All my very best to you and your brother.

    1. God bless you, Simon. I lost my father just over six years ago and so I know what needs doing and I'm sure I'll get by. I'm pleased that the last time I saw my mum she was in such good spirits. Ironically, she was due to be discharged and sent back home today. What a cruel twist of fate, eh?

    2. Cruel indeed, Bryan, though as you suggest, perhaps a blessing if her quality of life was not good. Such things are always a hard balance when dealing with loved ones.

    3. Very true, Simon. Her passing was a mixed blessing. At least she died in hospital and not at home. That would have been so much worse.

  11. Shit Bryan - I'm so sorry to hear your news, there's nothing I can say that's going to help, you know after loosing your father only time really has any healing properties, but that's no use short term.
    I suppose knowing that there are a lot of people out here are feeling sad with you maybe some small comfort.
    Take care
    All the best

    1. Thank you ever so much, John. I know that with all the support from my family, neighbours, friends and fellow bloggers I will get through this. Everyone has been so kind and supportive. It is at times like this that you find who your true friends are.

  12. Sorry for your loss Bryan. Even when expected and knowing she's not suffering it's not easy to lose a mom. Mine's been gone 9 years and I still think about her all the time, and talk to her more often than I thought I would. Take a break from here as needed, be sure to take care of yourself.

    1. Thank you, Russ. I still think of my father a lot and he's been dead for just over six years now. I doubt if I'll ever stop thinking about my parents and all the happy memories I have of them.

  13. Sadly I know your pain all too well. Please accept my deepest sympathy for your loss. Let the memories warm your heart and not be of sadness.

    Take all the time you need and most importantly take care of yourself.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Jason. I will indeed remember all the good times we had together.

  14. Sad news indeed Bryan, my condolences.

  15. My sincerest condolences, Bryan. So sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need. We will make sure to be here when you return.

    1. Stefan, that is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your kindness and support.

  16. My condolences Bryan. It's a very painful experience mate. Take care of yourself and come back when you're ready.

    1. It is painful, Tim, and I will heed your advice. Many thanks, my friend.

  17. My heart reaches out for you Bryan. I remember when my Mom passed, sincere condolenses.

  18. I'm very sorry to hear this, Bryan; my most sincere condolences to you and your relatives.

    My own mother is still alive (and healthy, thank goodness!), but I'm painfully aware of her advancing age. At some point, I'll have to face the situation you are experiencing right now; I'm not sure how well I'll cope.

    When you're ready to come back to blogging, we'll still be here...

    1. I thank you so kindly for your condolences, Hugh. It is a sad fact of life that death comes to us all. I'm just grateful that my mum died so peacefully in her sleep. That's how I'd like to go when my time comes.

  19. I am sorry for your loss Bryan. My deepest sympathies to you all and the rest of your family.
