
Sunday 28 January 2018

Vampifans Views 102 - Monthly Musings 73

Derrik and Mavis - my parents - much loved and much missed.
Somehow it seemed inappropriate starting this Monthly Musings with a picture of Vampirella, so I begin with this photo of my mum and dad, both now sadly departed. No doubt they are now reunited in Heaven and I'm sure they are looking down on me. In some ways losing my mum was a shock, because the last time I saw her she was in such good spirits and very much looking forward to getting back home. Sadly, on the day she was due to be discharged, she passed away. It all happened so suddenly. Thankfully she went peacefully in her sleep and the cause of death was recorded as frailty of old age. That was a blessing as I would not have wanted her to suffer. But, she had been very ill this past year so I was fully expecting her to die and was prepared for it. When she was admitted into hospital in December she was suffering from pneumonia and I did not think she'd make it. But she did, and she made a good recovery. There was no indication that her health would fail so rapidly. Within half an hour of receiving the phone call that she was seriously ill, she passed away. I would have liked to have been with her in her final moments but on the other hand I'm pleased that my last memory of seeing her alive was a happy one. That is how I want to remember her. The funeral won't be until mid-February. I'd have preferred it to be sooner but it can't be helped. I am coping well. The support from my friends and neighbours has been a great comfort to me, and once again, thank you for all your messages of sympathy. Living on my own has now become the norm for me. As mum spent most of the last year in hospital I have grown used to being on my own. That said, I will still miss her.

Life goes on and I have been keeping myself very busy, when not dealing with real life issues, with my hobby. I am now back to blogging. Yay! I have had quite a productive month. I have been making lots of sci-fi scenery items for the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game, Necromunda and my The Ace of Spades Campaign. On the figure painting front, I have just finished painting my new House Goliath gang for Necromunda. I was going to paint my House Escher gang straight after them but they got pushed back in order to make way for two dozen figures I bought to use in my The Ace of Spades Campaign.
I have been thinking for some time that I need multiple figures to represent the crew of The Ace of Spades. I have been specifically looking for space-suited versions of them without much joy, when quite by accident I stumbled across a set of three figures produced by Black Hat Miniatures - COBM25 Female Troopers in Spacesuits. They just looked perfect for what I wanted. Here they are to the right. With a bit of conversion work I could make each one unique, and that is what I have done. As soon as I finish painting them I'll showcase them on my WOIN blog. I need these real soon for my next scenario, Alien Base, which is set on a world with a methane atmosphere. Even though I wanted 12 figures to represent the non-android members of The Ace of Spades crew, I ordered five sets of them to give me a better selection of choice to match the space-suited figure with their casual clothing counterpart. Conversions have been done and they're getting painted now.

I seem to be concentrating on three projects at once - my The Ace of Spades Campaign, Necromunda and Weird West. For Weird West, which includes Dracula's America, High Moon and Shadows of Brimstone, I have bought a lot of 4Ground Wild West buildings, thanks to Colonel Bill's having an excellent sale on them during December and January. The service from them was first rate. Once I get them all built I'll finally be able to post some Weird West batreps. Up till now, the only thing holding me back was a lack of scenery. That is no longer a problem. I have also bought a fair few new Shadows of Brimstone figures thanks to some excellent deals on eBay. I also received the first supplement for Dracula's America called Hunting Grounds. I haven't read it yet but it does look good. To coincide with its release North Star offered a bundle of new figures to go with it - Tong Assassins, Plains Indians Skinwalkers and 7th Cavalry. I have ordered them and I'm expecting them in the next day or two. So, I have plenty to keep me busy. I wouldn't want it any other way.
Thanks for reading and take care.


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing the spacesuit conversions, Bryan. The Weird West stuff, too.

    Cheers for the kind words in regards to Col. Bill's. I always pass on the things I see or read on the Internet to Stu.

    1. Thank you, Roy. The service I received from Stu was exemplary and I am full of praise for him.

      The spacesuit conversions will be posted soon because getting them done is a high priority for me.

  2. Good to hear from you. As always you have my thoughts and prayers in a difficult time. And the offer still stand if you need anything I am an email away.

    As for the hobby interesting news! Lots there to get interested in. Making terrain could be very good and I hope to see the results when you are ready.

    All the best Clint.

    1. Thank you so kindly, Clint. I really do appreciate your offer. I will be showing some of the terrain I've been working on very soon, so you won't have long to wait.

  3. Wonderful posting, Bryan, made all the more special by your Mum's sad passing. What a lot of hobby stuff you have currently on the go, and what a lot of treats us Vampifan followers have to look forward to :-)

    1. Thank you, Simon. Keeping so busy helps keep me sane during these difficult days. I do, indeed, have lots to show you - too much to fit on one blog! :-)

  4. Lots of interesting projects to come. Look forward to seeing some terrain.

    1. Cheers, Simon. I hope you like what I'm doing.

  5. Hi Bryan, good to hear you sounding a little cheerier, sounds like you have a lot going on, on the hobby front which has to be a good thing, keeping busy and all that.
    Take care

    1. Hi, John. Yes, I'm full of busy and it is great therapy. I love my hobby!

  6. Lovely post about your mum and dad Bryan.

    Keep busy mate.

  7. My deepest sympathy Bryan. Good to keep a happy memory as strong as you can. It doesn't matter when we loose loved ones, it is difficult. I always feel as long as you remember them, they are never truly gone.

    I hope you can keep busy and things get better for you!

    1. Thank you ever so much. I couldn't agree with you more about always remembering them.

  8. The hobby is a wonderful distraction, with so much diversity and possibility to keep you busy. Sounds like you have your plate full

    1. Too true, Andy, and as I said, I wouldn't want it any other way.

  9. Best monthly musing pic ever :) Be well and keep doing the little things that make you smile, my friend.

    1. Thank you, Russ. That's sound advice, which I will heed.

  10. A very apt picture for your monthly musings Bryan, and lots to keep you busy by the look of it too

    1. Cheers, Dave. Thankfully, I am keeping busy. It's good therapy.

  11. I'm sorry to hear of your loss Bryan, and wish you the best in such a difficult time. Take care of yourself, and take some comfort from people who care about you.

    1. Greatly appreciated, HP, and sound advice. Having such good friends and neighbours around me is a huge blessing.

  12. Sorry to hear about your Mum. I empathise with you. My own Mum was in hospital most of last year and is now in a nursing home. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Take care.

    1. Thanks, Irqan. My best wishes to you and your family.

  13. A nice, reflective post - but looking forwards as well as remembering. Seems to be a good way to think about it all.

    Weird West isn't really my thing, but it does make a nice change from the more cliched fantasy settings. And who knows, I might stage a Doctor Who game that is set in an Old West town where there are strange goings on, one day :-) ...

    1. Many thanks, Hugh. Doctor Who would fit in so well in a Weird West game. That's a great idea!
