
Friday 16 February 2018

Necromunda: House Goliath Gangers 02

When Necromunda was first released by Games Workshop in the mid 1990's I collected just about every miniature that was produced for it. My favourite gang was from House Escher, but the gang whom I had the most fun playing were the Badland Bastards from House Goliath. I plan on showcasing all of my old Necromunda figures alongside the new figures as and when they are released. To start off with I'm going to show you my Badland Bastards, starting with the leaders, heavies and juves in this post and following up with the ordinary gangers next post. The Badland Bastards were the second largest gang I collected, so it makes sense to split their review into two parts.
At the far left is their legendary leader, Big Fub (Fub stands for Fucking Ugly Bastard!). I describe him as legendary, and in my campaign, he certainly was. The Badland Bastards got off to a terrible start. In their first five games, they lost two, won one, and lost the next two. However, their fortune changed in their sixth match, against House Orlock. They won and went on to win their next ten games afterwards. It was an impressive winning streak. In one memorable skirmish, House Orlock  arranged an assassination attempt on Big Fub. In turn one, he was hit by a Plasma Cannon and was taken out of the fight. It narked me that my gang never got a chance to make a move but I had my revenge when I rolled to see what wound Big Fub would sustain. Not only did he score a no injury but he also gained impressive scars. Justice was seen to be done, in my opinion, and Big Fub claimed that game as a victory! When my campaign ended, the Badland Bastards were in second place out of 12 gangs. I converted my figure of Big Fub, to give him a Plasma Gun to go with his Melta Gun, Plasma Grenades, Power Sword and Knife. The Plasma Gun replaced his Slug Pistol. Such was his strength that he could use a rifle weapon in each hand!
Standing next to him is an alternative leader figure, whom I didn't get to use. I named him Torus the Bull. He is armed with a Grenade Launcher, Chainsword, Frag Grenades and an Autopistol.
The three heavies are from left to right, Stubber Orman (armed with Heavy Bolter, Las Pistol and Knife), Chebs (armed with Autocannon, Las Pistol and Knife) and Li'l Butch (armed with Las Cannon, Las Pistol and Knife). In the original rules, a gang could have no more than two heavies at any one time, so Stubber Orman was not used by me. Stubber Orman and Chebs were official Citadel House Goliath heavies but Li'l Butch was a conversion of a Citadel Golden Heroes supervillain.
Moving on, here are my juves for the Badland Bastards, although two of them made it to ganger status.  At the far left is Cheney, who made it to ganger status. He is armed with an Autopistol and Chainsword. I converted him when he made it to being a ganger and I replaced his Knife with a Chainsword. Next up are the two twins, Brokk and Grokk. Brokk is armed with a Slug Pistol and Knife, whilst Grokk is armed with a Las Pistol and Knife. Neither were used in my gang.
Fourth in line is "Deadeye" Dick, who is armed with an Autopistol and a Knife. Second from the right is Spitz, a young juve armed with a Las Pistol, Frag Grenades and a Knife. Finally, is "Two Gun Billy" Small, armed with a pair of Las Pistols and Krak Grenades. He also achieved ganger status and he is a converted version of Spitz. I replaced his Knife with a second Las Pistol and repositioned his right arm.


  1. Wicked. I like my Goliaths as well.. next to the Arbites of course.

    1. Thanks, Phil. I deeply regret not buying a lot more Arbites.

  2. Great looking gang with some excellent conversions Bryan, and quite a collection if they have to be spread over two installments :-)

    1. Thanks, Greg. Yep, I do own a lot of Goliaths. The next post will be a big one!

  3. Enough of these muscle bound freaks! (Jolly well done by the way, but I have to be nasty about certain gangs, while other gangs I can say nice things about! I do not have a single Goliath in my house) and that's the only true way to sanity, bunch of "Meat heads" ( but it is a pleasure (bet they drag thier knuckles along the floor and walk like apes!) to see your figures. ) Hope all that makes sense and I got the brackets in the correct places...

    1. Cheers, Clint. I suspect you're an Orlock fan, and if so, you'll be pleased to know that they are my largest gang. I'll be showing them very soon. By the way, you're not wrong about the Goliaths being "meat heads" or knuckle draggers! ;-)

    2. Yeah Orlocks< Ratskins next then Delaque.... the rest well some are OK, at least as bullet stoppers.

    3. Bryan I don't think Clint has much time for Goliaths, although he's been quite subdued in stating his thoughts on the matter. :-)

    4. I'm surprised Clint doesn't like Goliaths given his avatar picture ;-)

    5. @Clint. Funnily enough I found that the Orlocks made excellent bullet stoppers in my games against them! Chuckle!

      @John. Yes, he should climb off the fence and say what he really means. LOL!

      @Phil. Laughing my ass off! :-)

    6. @ Vagabond. Ok for the Record Goliaths are the "gang" I like least. Personally I would trust a Cawdor more than a Goliath

      @ Phil, My Avatar pic is the person I was named after in real yes he was a giant of a man and now sadly missed.

      @ Bryan. Thank you as ever for hosting a lively debate. But we all have to admit Orlock are the best! I would not give two-pence for all of the rest.

    7. Clint, I love a bit of friendly banter. You'll be pleased to hear that I have just received a boxed set of the brand new plastic Orlock figures... and they are so cool! As soon as I get them made and painted, I'll showcase them on my blog. Mind you, cool as they are, the Escher girls are much cooler! ;-) Sorry, Clint, I just couldn't resist it!

    8. I remember Clint Walker from the Dirty Dozen, he's still alive according to IMDB, 90 years old.

  4. I still have my Goliaths and many of these models, nice to see them again!

  5. Great looking minis Bryan. Its nice to remember the gangs trials and tribulations to.

    1. Thanks, Simon. I agree, and luckily I kept extensive notes of my original "Necromunda" campaign.

  6. Big Fub (Fub stands for Fucking Ugly Bastard!). - Brilliant Bryan

    I never had anything to do with the G.W. world, probably timing so I've no real knowledge of the games although I do have 8 figures in long fawn coats and goggles all bald, you probably know who they are. I got them 2nd hand and repainted them expecting to use them as some sort of bad lands gang, but they've never made it to the table.

    I'm enjoying your reviews even if the figures are a bit "out there" for my tastes. :-)

    1. Thanks as always, John. The figures you describe were almost certainly House Delaque gangers, whom I always viewed as dirty, sneaking back stabbers!

      Not having anything to do with GW is no bad thing and will have saved you a fortune.

  7. Marvellous trip down memory lane, Bryan, with good old-fashioned Goliaths on show for everyone to enjoy. My fave though is the "Citadel" Golden Heroes super-villain; a role-playing game I absolutely adored until "TSR" produced their official "Marvel Super-Heroes" rule-set. As you can probably imagine this posting has definitely ticked a lot of boxes for me as a result :-)

    1. Many thanks, Simon. I'm not at all surprised that you liked my converted "Golden Heroes" supervillain so much. With him being naked from the waist up with bulging muscles and a Mohican haircut, he just had to be a Goliath heavy. Even though he is a lot taller than the other figures he still fits in well. His name, Li'l Butch, is a nod to Little John, who certainly wasn't little at all.

  8. What a great gang. They sound like they were fun to play.

    1. Cheers, Tom. Oh, believe me, they were so much fun to play. Everyone who took part in my campaign can remember Big Fub!

  9. Great stuff Bryan, I never really liked the Goliaths, I was a Delaque man myself as I lied the "Shadowrun" look to them, they were sadly sold on many'a'moon ago though.

    Still each to his own....

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks, Roger. I agree, each to their own. I wonder what the new Delaque gangers will look like?

  10. Big Fub, great story and it brings back memories of some of the campaigns I played back in the day. Lil Butch is a beast of a figure. He certainly is a heavy in every sense of the word.

    1. Thank you, Tim. I have many a tale I could tell about Big Fub. It probably won't surprise you that I had so much fun running and playing in that campaign.

  11. Nice old gang Bryan, nice to see your original version

  12. It was one of the really cool things I liked about Necromunda and it's figure range. The options available to upgrade, convert, and progress the character and miniature as they XP up. It looks like you enjoyed the same, from what you've shown us, Bryan.

    Like the pictured miniatures, the lively banter, above, is priceless :)

    1. Thank you so much, Roy. Yes, watching your gang grow and get better equipped was one of the things I loved about "Necromunda."

      As you can see from the banter, opinion is greatly divided over who are the best gangers! :-)

    2. To be honest, I can't put a name as to which was my favourite gang. I tried various. Wasn't any good with any of them. The 3-figure Spyrer gang made it a little easier for me to remember what I was meant to be doing. In the end I ended up with a Cawdor gang, based purely on the look of the models and background info, but never got around to using them or playing the game from that point onward.

    3. Looking at the gangs in an unbiased manner, they all had their strengths and weaknesses, so in the end, which one is best is purely down to personal choice. For me, the Eschers were always my favourite and the Cawdors my least favourite.

  13. I'm with Clint on this one, I think: I don't much like Goliaths (the concept, not the execution of these particular models) :-) !

    There seems to be quite a bit of size variation between these figures. Is that just me seeing things?

    1. Thanks, Hugh. There is some size difference but not a lot. Most are roughly the same size. Obviously the juves are a lot smaller and Li'l Butch is a lot taller, but he is a non-official Goliath figure.
