
Sunday 11 February 2018

Necromunda: Limited Edition Figures 01

I have been lucky enough to acquire some very rare limited edition figures to use in Necromunda and I want to share them with you here. In this post I am showcasing two gangers for House Goliath and one for House Escher.
At the far left is Kolossus, who I'm going to use as the leader of the Brass Brutes gang I showed you in my last post. This means that Skullshank will now be downgraded to a Champion. I have had this figure for many years now but I never used him in my old Badlands Bastards gang. When I got the new Necromunda game I dug him out and decided he'd fit in much better with my Brass Brutes gang as their leader. I added the Furnace Plate Armour to his chest, which was made from Milliput, so that he fit in with the other figures and also because I didn't want him to be bare-chested. I had forgotten who made him. I originally thought he was a Kevin White sculpt, but I recently discovered he was sculpted by Steve Buddle for Heresy Miniatures before he left to work for Games Workshop. This figure was a limited edition variant of the Barbarian Warlord, who is still available for sale. This version has a different head and his axe has been replaced with a shotgun. For me, the cloak makes him stand out as a leader. I'm looking forward to finally getting to use this superbly sculpted figure.
The next two figures were produced by TT Combat and they are incredibly rare. They were only available during the Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend of November 2017. If you spent £100 you'd get one of them for free (your choice of which one). They were also available to buy separately but only during that short time period. As it happened I had a big order I wanted to place with TT Combat, so I got the Escher for free and I paid for the Goliath. They are both made of resin and are very nicely detailed and sculpted.
The Goliath ganger has been named Cyber Monday for obvious reasons. He is fitted with a cybernetic right eye and a cybernetic right arm with a circular saw attachment. In addition, he carries a Power Hammer and he has a Stubber Pistol in a holster on his left thigh.
The Escher ganger was named Black Friday. Her pink and blue hair colouring was a deliberate nod to my favourite DC Comics supervillain, Harley Quinn, whom she reminded me of. She is armed with a Shotgun and a Power Sword. Note that she has been painted in the alternative colour scheme I'm adopting for my new House Escher gangers. I'm replacing the traditional yellow armour pieces with pink armour. Pink will be the predominant colour for my new Eschers. I'm hoping to get them painted soon.


  1. Nice work Bryan they look really good. I may add you to a group on FB if you don't mind they are making things you may be interested in.

    1. Thanks, Simon, and by all means, please do, although I only rarely visit Facebook.

    2. A guy is making some cool minis which compliment the new Necromunda stuff. But its only being sold through a FB group.

    3. Colour me interested, Simon.

  2. Wonderful models, Bryan, and a nice nod to Harley Quinn as well. I was particularly impressed with your conversion work, which obviously really helps make them stand out as unique pieces.

    1. Many thanks, Simon. I really like these figures a lot and they should prove very useful additions to my Goliath and Escher gangs.

  3. A nice bit of sculpting on the big guy, it's not clear to me but it looks like a head on the armour you have done - man or Lion I can't see properly. Hat's off to you as I would have gone with the standard figure.
    Black Friday - a good name for the Escher lassie, although "pink" quite a bold decision, it will be interesting to see how it pans out. :-)

    1. Much appreciated, John. The head on the chest armour of Kolossus is supposed to be a skull. And, yes, I did sculpt it on!
      I have thought long and hard about colour schemes for the new "Necromunda" figures as I want them to be different to my original gangers. Black Friday was my test piece for the Eschers and I'm happy with how she's come out.

  4. Great paint jobs Bryan. I love how you're able to get the eyes so well defined. Jeez if only my eye sight enabled me to do 1/2 as good a job at that. You could do worse than to write a few tips on painting.

    1. That's very kind of you to say, Tim. I don't always get it right when painting eyes. But I persevere and more often than not, I succeed. There is no magic trick to it - just lots of patience, a steady hand, a good paintbrush and an eye for detail. All I can say is that my painting has improved considerably as I have got older, and that is all down to practice, practice and practice.

  5. That brute leader looks amazing Bryan, good job!

  6. Very smart modelling there, old boy.

  7. Nice set of limited models Bryan, they all look like they fit perfectly in Necromunda

  8. Have to say that I really like how you've painted the faces, Bryan. Definitely they show real character. And I really rate the colour combos for both houses. Another blogger (you may know of?) uses pink for uniform colours regularly, so looking at some of his Dwarves or Elves might give you some thoughts. Mario Morrhaye,
    Looking at Mario's work has made me appreciate pink as a colour more, and I'd have never have thought to use it where he does - successfully.

    Love how you've painted the Escher's hair colours, by the way.

    1. Thank you so much, Roy, and thank you for pointing out Mario's blog. You're right - he does use pink very well!

      The Escher's hair was done because I'm a huge fan of Harley Quinn.

    2. Hi Bryan, not wanting to jump someone else's comment but my computer is acting up & this is the only way I can do it, just wanted to let you know GW are doing a made to order run on the old gangs, the models look great btw : )

    3. No problem, Frank. I have nearly all of the old models and I'm going to start showcasing them in my next post. Still, I appreciate the heads up.

  9. I never got into Necromunda, but I know that a lot of people rate it very highly. Having said that, Goliaths don't appeal to me at all - great big steroid-abusing, muscle-bound lunks! But I do like what you've done with these models.

    1. Thanks, Hugh. Actually, "great big steroid-abusing, muscle-bound lunks!" is a perfect description of the Goliaths! I couldn't have put it better myself. :-)

  10. Really nice work Bryan, these figures really suit your style of painting very well, I too was never a fan of the old Goliath figures, though when we acquired some a couple of years back from a local charity shop I converted them into "Hulk proxies" that I thought came out rather well.

    Not Harley is the star of the show though for me (but then she always is!!).

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you kindly, Roger. Nice to have you back. Harley is ALWAYS the star of any show! She is such a cutie!

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