
Wednesday 21 March 2018

Necromunda: House Delaque Gangers 01

And so I come to the last of my reviews of the six main gangs who appeared in Games Workshop's sci-fi skirmish game, Necromunda and these are the House Delaque gangers. When I ran my first Necromunda campaign in the mid 1990's, House Delaque was the second most popular choice of gang behind House Van Saar. Three of my players chose Delaque gangs and they were called the Emperor's Sons, who finished third out of twelve, the Black Pebbles, who finished fifth and the Long Riders who finished last. Sadly, my players kept their gang roster sheets, so once again, I can't give names to the figures shown. Two of my players used my painted Delaque gang and one bought and painted his own Delaque gang. In this post, I'll be showing my own figures, who were all produced by Citadel Miniatures.
At the far left is Kellerman, the Emperor's Sons gang's leader. He is the only person from that gang whose name I can remember. Big Fub from House Goliath and Kellerman had quite a rivalry going on as they frequently traded insults and threats. Kellerman is armed with a Boltgun Rifle, a Slug Pistol, Frag Grenades and a Knife.
Next to him is an alternative leader figure, who led the Black Pebbles gang, and he was called Mario Van Pebbles after the actor, Mario Van Peebles. Mario is armed with a Plasma Pistol, an Axe, Frag Grenades and a Knife.
Next up are the three heavies. In the centre of the group of five, this heavy is armed with a Lascannon and a Las Pistol.
Second from the right, this heavy is armed with a Heavy Flamer and a Lasgun Rifle.
The heavy at the far right is armed with an Autocannon and a Shotgun.
Citadel produced eight different figures for the gangers but I have ten. The ganger at the far left is a juve whom I converted when he attained ganger status. He is armed with a Lasgun Rifle, a Las Pistol and a Knife. He is based on the third juve in line in the photo below. I cut off his right arm at the elbow, and remodelled it to hold his Lasgun. I also added his pouch that is slung over his shoulder.
Next to him is one of the Necromunda hired guns, who looked just like a Delaque. All I had to do to convert him, was to paint him in the same colour scheme as the rest of my Delaque gang. He is armed with a pair of Bolt Pistols and a Knife.
In the centre of this group, this ganger is armed with a Lasgun Rifle, a Las Pistol and a Knife.
Second from the right, this running ganger is armed with a Shotgun, an Autopistol and a Knife.
Finally, at the far right, this ganger is armed with a Lasgun Rifle, Las Pistol and a Knife.
Continuing with the gangers, the chap at the far left is armed with a Shotgun, a Las Pistol, Frag and Krak Grenades and a Knife.
Next in line, this ganger is another one armed with a Lasgun Rifle, Las Pistol and Knife.
The ganger in the centre of the group is armed with an Autogun Rifle and a Knife.
The ganger second from the right is firing a Lasgun Rifle, and he also has a Las Pistol and a Knife.
The ganger at the far right is firing an Autogun Rifle, and he also carries an Autopistol, Frag and Krak Grenades and a Knife.
I finish off with the five juve figures. At the far left, this juve is firing an Autopistol and a Slug Pistol.
To his left, this juve is armed with an Autopistol and a Knife.
The juve in the centre is armed with a Slug pistol and a Knife. This is the figure whom I converted into a ganger.
Second from the right, this juve is armed with a pair of Las Pistols.
Lastly, the juve at the far right is armed with an Autopistol and a Knife.
The Delaques are a good gang, in my opinion. They specialised in sneak attacks and proved to be worthy opponents in my campaign. I deliberately painted them with dark brown skin to add some ethnic diversity to my gangs as I didn't want all Caucasian gangs. Yet again, these are all very well sculpted and I really love their long coats. I am very curious to see how the new plastic versions will look.
Although I have now shown my own figures for the six main Houses, this is not the end of my reviews of my old Necromunda figures. Still to come are reviews of the lesser gangs like the Ratskins, the Redemptionists, the Scavvies and the Spyrers. Plus, there are the bounty hunters, hired guns, psykers and beasts to showcase. Add that lot to the new figures being produced by Games Workshop and Forge World and you can see that I have loads of Necromunda material to keep me busy for a long time.


  1. Another nice looking gang Bryan, must admit this is one of the gangs I'm most interested in seeing what GW does this time round

    1. Indeed, Dave. Me too. I'm sure they'll do them proud.

  2. I loved the kind of “agent” feel these guys had, long coats and sneaky skills. They were definitely cool

  3. Wow awesome stuff Bryan, this was the gang I had myself back in the day, though mine were completely different to yours. I went with the more "official" look of plain cream "dusters" never even considered them as "Shaft" look alikes but it works so well! Great stuff sir.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Many thanks, Roger. That sounds like the colour scheme used by my mate who ran his own Delaque gang. I just wanted to try something different from the official colours.

  4. An interesting take on the gang, reminiscent of Blade in the films.

    1. That's a good call, Phil, although these figures came out long before the "Blade" films did.

  5. Hi Bryan a few posts back I mentioned I had some of the figures for one of the gangs second hand. These are the boys, what's really interesting your paint scheme is so different to mine that it's hard to recognise they are the same figure.
    Well done with these, the skin and coat colour work very well together, they look very bad boys indeed.

    1. Hi, John. I do remember you telling me about your second hand figures. For most of my old "Necromunda" figures I simply copied the colour schemes used by the GW painters but for my Delaque gangers I wanted to try something very different - hence the dark skins and black coats.

  6. WE had a lively debate about how to pronounce their house name. Some people say DEL-A-QUEUE (del-a-q)while others say DEL-LACK. (Del-ac). I have given a few different spellings. I will not tell you which version of the name I came down on and supported. As I want to get your version of the pronunciation.

    That aside. Figure wise these were my favourite looking gang. (Well apart from Ratskins). Prefer to play games with Orlocks of course that goes without saying. Looks wise these just did it for me.

    Great job on them they look very strong as a group and I would be more than happy to see more of them. Top notch mate on the sneaky back stabbing wretches!

    1. Many thanks for the kind words, Clint. I always pronounced Delaque as DEL-LACK, for it's worth.

      They certainly do seem to be a popular gang, and I do have a grudging respect for them.

  7. Great looking gang to round off the original Necromunda line-up Bryan :-)

    1. Cheers, Greg. I have really enjoyed showcasing my old "Necromunda" gangs and they have been well received. Happily, there is still more to come.
