
Sunday 25 March 2018

Necromunda: Redemption Gangers 01

I'm still sticking with Necromunda for the time being and in this post I want to showcase my original Redemptionist gang who were known as the Triple K Gang. They finished eighth out of twelve when I ran my first campaign. Sadly, I can't put names to any of these figures as the player who ran them kept his gang roster sheet and I didn't get a copy.
At the far left is a Redemptor Priest, the leader of a Redemptionist gang. This particular Priest is armed with a Melta-Gun, an Autopistol and a Sword.
At the far left is another Redemptor Priest. He is armed with a Hand Flamer and a Sword. For the Redemptionists, the whole of creation is riven with vile corruption that can only be cleansed through blood, faith and fire.
In the centre of this group is a special character known only as the Arch Zealot. He is one of the most famous and feared of all Redemptor Priests in the Underhive. He is a mystic and a prophet of the Redemptionist cause, leading a solitary existence in the Underhive. He wanders constantly from place to place, preaching to Redemptionists and whipping them into a state of intolerant fury which almost invariably ends at the very least in a lynching, and more often than not in wholesale slaughter and genocide. His views are considered to be rather - erm - extreme, even by his fellow priests and some would say that he should be banished from the Redemption cause altogether. The Arch Zealot denounces all who voice such opinions as weak-willed traitors, and such is his following amongst the common mass of Redemptionists that those who argue against him either quickly recant or are lynched by an angry mob whipped up into a frenzy of blood lust by one of the Arch Zealot's rabble-rousing speeches. He is armed with a Flamer, a Stub Gun Pistol and a Sword.
The Redemptionist gang does not have any heavies. What they have instead are Zealots and Deacons. At the far left are two Zealots. Zealots are crazed individuals touched by the Emperor's fury. They are so filled with bile and anger that they are in an almost permanent state of rage. The most common Zealot weapon is the Eviscerator, a giant double-handed Chainsaw fitted with an Exterminator flame cartridge to slice and burn the unbelievers into charred lumps (for their own good, of course). The Zealot at the far left is armed with such a weapon.
His colleague is carrying a Massive Axe instead. Both of them are also armed with Stub Gun Pistols.
The Deacons attend to the secular affairs of a Crusade, silencing dissenters, controlling the crowds while the Priest preaches, protecting his person from defilers and so forth. Deacons are confirmed Brethren who are fanatically loyal to the Redemption and completely trustworthy in the Priesthood's eyes. Their faith is rewarded with a position of responsibility and the best weaponry. The Deacon second from the right is armed with a Grenade Launcher and an Autopistol.
The Deacon at the far right is armed with a Flamer and a Stub Gun Pistol.
The standard gangers of the Redemption are known as Brothers and the juves as Novices. Collectively, they are the Brethren, the great mass of supporters from the Underhive who have dedicated themselves to the path of righteousness.
At the far left is a novice armed with a pair of Autopistols and a Sword.
Next to him is a brother armed with a Shotgun modified with an under-slung Exterminator (a one-shot Flamer), a Stub Gun Pistol, Frag Grenades and a Flail.
The brother in the centre of this group is armed with a Hand Flamer and a Knife. This figure was a Cultist I converted from the Citadel Chainsaw Warrior range.
The brother second from the right is also a conversion. He is based on the brother at the far left in the two photos below. I swapped his Autogun Rifle for a Frag Grenade. He is also armed with an Autopistol and a Knife.
At the far left is a novice armed with an Autopistol, a Stub Gun Pistol and a Knife.
At the far left is a brother armed with an Autogun Rifle with Exterminator, and a Knife.
The next two brothers in line are each armed with a Shotgun, a Bolt Gun Pistol and a Knife.
Second from the right, this brother is armed with an Autogun Rifle with under-slung Exterminator, an Autopistol and a Knife.
Finally, at the far right is a brother armed with a Hand Flamer, an autopistol and a Knife.
The Redemptionists are one of the Outlander gangs and as such, are considered as Outlaws. The Redemption is a powerful force amongst the Houses that control Necromunda, with active or covert followers in all of them. House Cawdor has dedicated itself to the Redemptionist cause entirely and is effectively controlled by the Redemption. There the path of righteousness is at its purest with regular public witch hunts and mass burnings of heretics and mutants. The Brethren of Cawdor are so pure that they view even Redemptionists from other Houses as little better than sinners.
The Redemptionists are an interesting gang and I have mixed feelings about them. I like them better than the Cawdors but I dislike all religious fanatics. They are a gang I'd enjoy playing against but they're not a gang I'd want to play myself.


  1. Superb mix of red and yellow on the mantles, great job!

  2. Great looking gang Bryan, and nice work on the flame patterns around the hem line

    1. Thanks, Dave. In "Necromunda" no one likes fire more than the Redemptionists.

  3. they look great. The flame effect looks very eye catching.

    1. Many thanks, Rob. I was most pleased with how they turned out.

  4. They really do look superb. Excellent redemptionists.

  5. Outstanding stuff, Bryan, quite simply outstanding, and by far and away your best-looking "Necromunda" gang, imho. Love the flames, colours and weaponry - what a pity they played so poorly. Marvellous posting :-)

    1. Thanks, Simon. I still think my Eschers look better but that's just my opinion. Although the Redemptionists didn't fare too well in my campaign, they did far better than the Cawdors, so that has to count for something!

  6. I can only reiterate every ones comments on the colour scheme and the flame pattern is eye catching and colourful.
    Well done

    1. Many thanks, John. I'd love to claim that I thought up this colour scheme but the truth is I simply copied the "official" colour scheme. Even so, it does work well and I definitely nailed it.

  7. Lovely Redemptionist's Bryan. I loved these models back in the day. Burn and Purge!

    1. Cheers, Simon. Burn and purge! Death to the heretics and mutants!

  8. Colourful and barking mad. Love them !

    1. Thanks, Phil. That is a very accurate description of them.

  9. Beautiful work Bryan, I had completely forgotten this faction (I don't think anyone at my old club played these. As you say I'm not a fan of religious fanatics (or religion in general TBH) myself, but who doesn't like a flame edged habit?

    Got to go with Simon on this, as I too think they are your best painted gang to date.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Greatly appreciated, Roger. Thank you so much for your kind words.

  10. More fond memories. Your Redemptionists look great. The flames stand out superbly and you have captured these heretic burning mutters to a tee. I think we will be waiting a while to see these in new Necromunda, although they have said they are on the list. Another great post to read.

    1. Many thanks, Undercoat. I suspect it will be a while before they get updated, but it is reassuring that they are on the list.

  11. Terrific paint jobs dude, not my cup of tea as a gang, but great looking minis

    1. Thanks, Andy. They wouldn't be my first choice for a gang either but they are fun to play against.
